July 10, 2008

EPIC General Membership Meeting Minutes 07-10-08

EPIC 7/10/2008
GMM Draft Minutes

Board Members Present:
Earl Simms (ES), Jennifer Bjorgo (JB), Mary Gonsior (MG), Carol Pass (CP), Aden Awil (AA), Linda Leonard (LL), Sherzad Kordian (SK),
Board Members Absent:
Rosie Cruz (RC),
Members Present:
Carrie Anne Johnson (CAJ), Indelrcio Leyva (IL), Janessa Bjorgo (JB2), Katie Nissly (KN), Stephanie Allen (SA), Brad Pass (BP),
Guests Present:
Julia Eagles (JE, PCEC), Abby Finis (AF, PCEC), Heidi Quezda (HQ, Gary Schiff’s Staff)

CP chaired and called the Meeting to order at 6:42 pm.

MOTION:    Because of the lack of quorum, the meeting will be a committee of the                                    whole until a quorum is present.
                        (cp/bp) Approved

MOTION:    Recommend that the Agenda be approved with no corrections or additions:
                         (jb/aw) Approved

MOTION:    Recommend that the Minutes from the June 12, 2008 meeting be approved                            with no corrections or additions:
                         (mg/jb) Approved

  1. the Open Arms celebration on the site of the former Commodore Bar and the new Open Arms Facility on Saturday, July 5th was fun and well attended.
  2. The East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden will participate in the 2008 Parade of Gardens which will be on Aug. 16 from 10:00 to 2:00. A map will be published in neighborhood venues and will be available at the garden(s).
  3. CP attended two police round tables held by an outside consultant with no MPD personnel present – she and BP were the only EPIC residents present. The purpose was to gauge citizen perception of police fairness and racial impartiality in carrying out their duty of law enforcement and their ability to evaluate their own performance. Under the current system, the police themselves evaluate cases of  reported impropriety or brutality through their own Internal Review Board. Most people at the meeting were not comfortable with this – it is not good to have the police evaluate their own performance. There is a Civilian Review Board, but the police review board reviews the civilian review board. Only cases that go to court ever are determined by an outside body. CP recommends that more people attend these police round tables. Brad commented that the community expressed uncertainty about which review board to address with their concerns and that he didn’t think that the round table clarified this very much.
    Brad recommends that residents can call 311 and ask how they can report an incident to the internal affairs department. CP wants EPIC to become more aware of these issues.
    1. Q. Can people comment and/or file complaints anonymously? Apparently Yes but the procedure is not well defined. It should be noted that there was no representation at the Phillips meeting by the local African American community the local Somali community, or the local Hispanic community. Someone suggested this was because of fear of retaliation.
    2. Q. Why are some police who have terrible civil rights, or brutality records, including convictions for these offenses, still policing this community?
  4. Julia Eagles from the Phillips Community Energy Co-op (PCEC) announced their seasonal appliance trade-in program and distributed flyers with more information. Bring used air conditioners and dehumidifiers (they do not have to work) to the Re-Use Center (in the back of the Green Institute at 2801 20th Ave. S.) to receive you deeply discounted Energy Star replacement. If you need or want a new refrigerator, contact the same and they will deliver your new one (for a deeply discounted price) and remove your old one free of charge.
    JE also reported on a series of classes on home energy conservation with college level instruction where residents will learn simple ways to save energy and money, and learn about energy use in their homes and in the community. Julia also distributed the latest PCEC newsletter. Julia introduced Abby, who is interning with PEC this summer, and is from the Phillips neighborhood.
  5. The village art fair will be held on Franklin and 12th on Aug. 15-16
  6. Club Youth Line, is taking over management of the Phillips Pool and Gym and will be holding a grand opening on Tuesday. Sherzad Kordian, an EPIC Board member,  will be doing some short term youth programming this summer. Youth Line is part of the Mpls. Park system. They are looking for additional programming.

Housing – Heidi Quesada:
Heidi works in Gary Schiff’s office and is attending to distribute updates on the boarded and vacant properties.

  • 2829 16th ave s – recommend demo
  • 2440 16th ave s – would like to be informed about hearings
  • 2423 17th ave s – water is shut off – check on occupancy
  • 1919 EM Stately st. – requested immediate fence and no trespassing notices
  • Gary’s office is sending out a letter regarding a home owners strategy meeting for EM Stately Street.

Brad asked for an update on issues coming up at the city council affecting EPIC. CP reported that EPIC would like to get the EPIC housing committee going again and would welcome a chair for this committee. Interested residents should contact CP.

Quorum achieved:
MOTION:    EPIC approves the actions of the Committee of Whole, namely to approve                             the 7/10/08 agenda and the 6/12/08 minutes.
                       (bp/jb) Approved

Election of New Board Member
There being a Board vacancy, Sherzad Kordian’s name was entered as a nominee at the 6/12/08 meeting. In the interest of an open election, nominations were held open for the last month until this meeting, at which there were no further nominations.
  • Sherzad Kordian
MOTION:    EPIC accepts Sherzad Kordian as our new board member by consensus.
                        (bp/mg) Approved

CP gave a message about commitment, loyalty and the importance of being a board member. When the neighborhood has a critical issue, it is important that we have full participation and committed board members.

East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center (EPPCCC)
The EPIC board recommends that the members adopt the EPPCC partnership agreement and model “in concept.” The agreement does not form a 501c3 organization or any other legal organization, but does pull together the various groups in the neighborhood who wish to work together to raise money and provide resources and programming for the EPPCCC. The agreement is not refined yet to a final state, however the Design Team did adopt a revised mission statement which was recommended by the EPIC board.

BP read from the first paragraph of the partnership agreement, pointing out that the agreement itself is not something that is written in stone and will instead change as partners come into the agreement and are approved.

Any organization that is willing to commit their resources, whether monetary, or in-kind, to the park will be considered for membership in the partnership.

It is important to create this document to build a plan that is marketable and fundable.

EPIC is working to make sure that the partner organizations are indigenous or have the interests of the community as a priority.

MOTION:    EPIC will accept and adopt the EPPCCC partnership agreement and                                    model dated 10 July, 2008 - IN CONCEPT.  EPIC recognizes that this is a                work in progress and it is not, in any way, a legally binding agreement.
                         (mg/cj) Approved

MOTION:    EPIC agrees that it will serve as the asking organization for both capital                              and operating funds for the East Phillips Park Cultural and Community                                    Center and that any and all funds raised will be transferred to and held by              the appropriate fund at the Minneapolis Foundation.
                        (ll/jb) Approved

MOTION:    EPIC approves The Minneapolis Foundation as the holder of two funds for              the East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center: the Special                              Purpose Capital Fund and the Special Purpose Program Fund. It is                                    understood that the payout of these funds is to be directed by the East                              Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center Partnership Agreement and             Model.
                        (ll/jb) Approved

 MOTION:    EPIC is strongly in favor of a building a commercial kitchen in the                                       EPPCCC facility for the purpose of financial sustainability and                                         community needs.
                         (ll/jb) Approved

Progress: Fund Raising Advisory Committee
Experts in development from organizations including the Guthrie Theater, Jewish Community Action, Allina, Abbott Northwestern, General Mills, and AIOIC joined the EPPCCC advisory committee and were very enthusiastic about our current financial position. In addition, they bring with them many contacts and ideas for future fundraising.

Housing Development
CPED finally agreed to authorize moving funds of $50,000 NRP to be contracted to PRG to pay DDK LLC $48,000 for the purchase of 2845 Bloomington extending over to 16th avenue. The remaining $2,000 was paid as a fee to CPED. We have been working on this since 2001 – this is a real victory- HOWEVER-  Because we have moved the closing from June to August, the owners are threatening to sue EPIC. CP wrote a letter and requested patience with our small organization.

Breaking ground at 2931 Bloomington Ave
The project is stopped because the buyers haven’t finalized the purchase agreements. We need to find new buyers.

2603 Bloomington
B. Sabri is the developer of this property. There are serious permit and code violations at the site. Fines have been levied and there is, apparently, no compliance.

National Night Out Deadlines
All the information for NNO is available online.

MOTION:    Adjourn
                        (bp/mg) Approved

Respectfully submitted by Mary Gonsior, Treasurer
Edited by BP 7-13-08

June 7, 2008

EPIC Board Meetiing Minutes 06-07-08

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes
June 7, 2008

Jenny called the meeting to order at 10:25.

Aden, Carol, Jenny, Mary, Linda and guest Tom Hill

·      Add to agenda: Somali Mall at Hi-Lake

Police Review and civil rights and national night out;

Jenny and cp moved to accept the agenda; approved as amended.

Jenny and cp moved to accept the minutes; they were approved.

Biomass Plant has withdrawn . Celebration at the New Acadia on Cedar and Riverside. Date to be announced.  Pawlenty did sign the legislation requiring MPCA to do study for cumulative health impact. We need to rezone the neighborhood because the 1924 zoning allows heavy industrial activity here. Linda asked about the city’s hot asphalt and whether they have to get a permit and if there has to be a study before that.  Jinny announced a new Somali Mall  at HiLake. Aden questioned the business practices of many of these malls. The accounting is very untraditional without inventory and accounts in and out, etc. The earliest malls maybe made some money. Many are extended families and tribal groups that trust one another. He thinks the new mall will bring people and is a good thing. We should find out who owns the space. Maybe Welch development has it. We have to talk with Gary Schiff about these developments. Mary expressed concern about business practices and the immigrants have trouble later about fines/taxes. Who owns/manages the businesses.  There is a seat open on the Civil Rights Commission. Linda will call Jeff Sprinkle.

MOTION: Election of Officers. Juliet isn’t here, but said she doesn’t want to be an officer. Paul Wichman is gone too much. Proposed slate: Carol Pass president; Jenny B. for Mary G for treasurer; Linda L for secretary. Aden wishes we had money for hired staff. We discussed  the possibility of interns.  Mary was very positive at her interns at work.

The motion carries.

Linda is willing to continue the responsibility as EPIC garden liaison with the Community Garden and the Green Institute.

EPIC Finance: We need  $48,000 by June 30 for the purchase of 2845 Bloomington over to 16th for the townhouses with the PRG developer. Robert Thompson with NRP told us we had $150,000 that we had to contract before we could get Phase 2 money. We committed funds to Prg for the land acquisition and they got a grant to go with it. We set aside money to hire a consultant to help with the Park project. $49,000.  The $150,000 was an accounting mistake and nrp told us only two months ago.  We need our phase 2 money to cover the ‘debts’ and nrp should advance it for us because it was their mistake.  NRP is not being helpful. Bob Miller with NRP said it’s hard to get from phase 2 because the city is holding it.  PRG and GMIC are in this too…..Carol has to find someone to help us get this money asap. Carol mentions 8-10,000 dollars of CDBG funds.  Mary brings up local cooperative. What are action steps?  We will agree to spend our remaining admin money—Mary brings up that there may be a 30 day waiting period.  Carol passed out projected budget of expenses. Carol highlighted that we have 1,000 dollars that we didn’t spend our money on a lawyer for the burner. 

Mary makes a motion “ to move the money from admin to the land acquisition of 2845 Bloomington”.  Mary brought up that because this is a set amount over 1000 dollars we need to have this motion it appear on the general agenda for the meeting.  

MOTION: We are allowed to take up to 9000 dollars from our bank account and loan that money to the project at 2845 Bloomington Ave So, to be replaced by our phase II money for NRP.  MOTION passed;

 Mary then went through our “ Projected Budget of Expenses” , going through each item and noting when an item had been paid, when it needed to be paid, and if it was necessary to be paid.  Carol brought up Midtown and Shirley Heyer, the Midtown Phillips neighborhood will discuss it this Tuesday.  Other options to ask for a loan, Franklin Bank,

Get Mary’s notes

BioMass plant: defeated, but moved to other neighborhoods. Carol alerted those neighborhoods.

Take the issue of helping the neighborhoods to the general membership.
Park Building: We have the building plan and time line to raise money approved by the Park . People can attend/observe the Design Team meeting Monday at Holy Rosary at 6 pm.

2535 16th some people somewhere in the neighborhood don’t want to accept the GMHC proposal. We can invite Doug VanderVeen to the EPIC meeting to present their points of view.

2931 B loomington is happening
 Table to general membership meeting

Deleted chiffon’s situation; postponed national night out;

Adjourned 12:06

January 10, 2008

General Membership Meeting 01 - 10

 EPIC General Membership Meeting
Minutes 1/10/2008

The next EPIC meeting is:
Thursday, February 14th, 2008 @ 6:30 PM
Holy Rosary Church
2424 18th Ave. S.
Enter door on 18th Ave. side under the “OFFICE” sign.

EPIC Board Members Present:
Rosie Cruz (RC), Carol Pass (CP),  Linda Leonard (LL), Aden Awil (AA), Juliet Thompson (JT), Mary Gonsior (MG), Sherzad Kordian (SK), Earl Simms (ES), Paul Wichmann (PW)
EPIC Members Present:
Brad Pass (BP), Jennifer Bjorgo (JB), Shirley Heyer (SH), Bruce Singer (BS), Ron Moey (RM), Margaret Kirkpatrick (MK), Kendra Allen (KA), Amy Pass (AP), Chiffon Williams (CW)
Guests Present:
Scott Vreeland (SV), Leah Seelhoff (LS), Mark redicker (MR), Marcus Moore (MM), Harvey Winje (HW), Gary Schiff (GS), Doug Vanderveen (DV).

CP  chaired and called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM -  Introductions.

MOTION:    EPIC moves to accept the agenda.  Motion Passed

MOTION:    EPIC moves to accept the November 8th 2007 General Membership meeting                                 minutes.         Motion Passed.

Announcements and Reports:
·      Public Hearing (Community Action Committee) meeting on the East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center-All Welcome!! Come see the Building Plans Jan. 24th at 7:00 PM at Holy Rosary Basement.
·      Link to the see the Park Center Plans: East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center on the LHB Web site: http://www.lhbcorp.com/government/pf1.html 
·      Community/Law Enforcement Action Network(Clean Sheets): http://www.walterleegutzmer.com/
·      Forum on Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan – how the city relates to neighborhoods - at Lake Hiawatha Community Center, 2701 44th St. Changed from 10 am to 2 pm, this Saturday. Give your input on how the city intends to relate to the Neighborhoods
·      Last call for letters pro/con for the Midtown Eco Energy Biomass Plant , Monday, January 14th.
                 Contact: Paula Connell, 651-282-2605, email: paula.connell@pca.state.mn.us

Revisiting The Biomass Plant:
CP  After initial presentations from Kandiyohi Development on their proposed Biomass Co-Generating plant to be located at the old City incinerator site behind Dalsin Roofing and behind Pioneer Cemetery, EPIC initially supported the project. A local biomass power plant and district heating plant which would help reduce the carbon footprint of the area and help provide oil independence sounded like a good idea. EPIC wrote a letter of support for the project and signed a “Good Neighbor Agreement” with Kandiyohi Development Partners (KDP).

However, as residents became more aware of the particulates and pollution the plant would deposit on the neighborhood, many people started having second thoughts, State Rep. Karen Clark was among them. EPIC decided to do independent research and make a determination based on available facts as to whether or not the Biomass Plant would be a good idea for the community.
People were alarmed by the following findings:
ü  According to the MPCA’s proposed environmental permit, the facility could release up to one million pounds of particulate matter into the air above this community every year.
ü  These particulates would include lead, mercury, sulfur dioxide, arsenic, PAHs and others, many carcinogenic.
ü  According to the MPCA findings, “The Midtown district energy facility will be a major source of hazardous air pollutants” for the neighborhood.
ü  There are reports that the available clean waste wood fuel supply may not be adequate which according to State Law could permit the facility to burn up to 30% Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF – garbage) without additional permits. They claim they won’t do that. We would have no way to know. GNA doesn’t require reporting.
ü  The community already has many sources of pollution – Dalsin Roofing with their hot tar storage, Bituminous Roadways with their asphalt plant and asphalt hot storage, Smith Foundry, the Arsenic Triangle Super Fund site and the high levels of lead in local homes and yards as a result of past leaded gasoline and lead based paint.
This along with the fact that there are no studies of the cumulative affect all these sources of pollution on our health, led the EPIC Board to vote to recommend rescinding support for the Plant and question the Good Neighbor Agreement with Kandiyohi Developers and to recommend that the EPIC membership do the same.
            It should be noted that the Green Institute’s “Comments on Midtown Eco-Energy Biomass Facility Permit Application” became available to the EPIC Board after the   above recommendation was made. As such it played no part in our decision.

LL  All previous public meetings on the biomass plant were scheduled on the second Thursday of the month – the same time the EPIC meetings have always been scheduled. This prevented the EPIC members from attending either one or the other meeting. That is why the EPIC Board voted to cancel the December EPIC General Membership meeting. This enabled many EPIC members to participate in the last biomass public meeting.

AA  If this plant will produce so much pollution, why is the City of Minneapolis not against it?

GS  The City was told one thing by the developers. The City relies on the Pollution Control Agency (PCA) to set limits.
The developers must have three things in order for the City to sell them the land:
1)    A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
2)    A Good Neighbor Agreement with EPIC, and
3)    PCA approval.
At this time, the developer does not have a PPA.

PW  The agreement to sell the land states that the Good Neighbor Agreement may not be necessary if the neighborhood is found to be acting capriciously.

GS  The neighborhood is not being capricious – I think it is being responsible.

MOTION:    JT       EPIC rescinds any and all former endorsements of the Midtown EcoEnergy Biomass Plant project,
                                    Furthermore, EPIC will actively participate in opposition to the establishment of the Biomass plant,
                                    Furthermore, Given that there has not been a level of disclosure protective of the East Phillips Community, we do not believe there is sufficient confidence for the EPIC organization to continue as a signatory on the Good Neighbor Agreement with Kandiyohi. For this reason EPIC withdraws its signature from this agreement.  JT Moved.  MG Seconded.     No one opposed.  BP Abstained.

Super America:
CP  Minneapolis Licensing held a meeting today with Members of the community, CCP SAFE, the Third Precinct and SA management. The goal was to convince SA that they must improve their performance as a neighborhood convenience store or face license revocation.
In the end, SA agreed to work with the Community and the Council Member to address a long list of “Suggestions” which was compiled with community input.
SA reported that they have police presence Fri. Sat. and Sun. nights and have a roving cop driving from SA location to SA location in addition.
In the past, SA verbally asked the Police to be more “aggressive” in their approach to controlling illegal activity on their premises. They learned that the police they hire are not being proactive enough and will seek a written agreement with the police outlining mutual expectations.
LS  Gas Pump and parking lot congestion is awful. Try to figure out how to make traffic flow better and safer.
CP  Are you committed to leaving in Five years?
SA  There are size problems and that prevents this store from meeting the core strategy of SA. At present, we will probably leave within that time frame.
DV  As a close neighbor, I am not interested in seeing this store cycle between barely acceptable and horrific. I am adamant that the store close.
GS  A boarded building is also a problem.
DV  A vacant lot cannot be as bad as SA.
MG  SA has an obligation to provide security three nights a week – that’s nice but it doesn’t make it safe the rest of the time. SA is not doing enough.
JT  You need to do something about the litter and keep the store clean.
PW  As long as you are planning to leave in five years, why not leave now?

East  Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center:
BP  The $3.25 million funding that CLIC had recommended over two years for the project evaporated to $319,000. If asked, the Mayor would say that the funding is there in the budget – but the city “gave” the park board their own Tax Levi dollars, - dollars the PB relies on for maintenance and repair of all eighty some city parks and said, ‘here, use this for East Phillips’. East Phillips values the city park system and would not recommend stopping roof repair and water heater replacement on other parks for our project. Apparently the Mayor would.
To counter this loss, the Design Team in cooperation with the MPRB is creating a partnership of community corporations, foundations, nonprofits and individuals which will raise money for the bricks and mortar of the buildings as well as the ongoing operating costs of the community center. Everyone is invited to contribute, contact CP at EPIC for details (612-280-8418).

Crime Issues:
GS  Vacant and Boarded  Foreclosures are increasing alarmingly. They are bad here but much worse in North Mpls.
2846 17th Ave. S. shooting. JT  called police three times about serious trouble at this address BEFORE the shooting. What does it take to make a difference?
GS  The right people didn’t get the information. Call Gary Schiff at 612-673-2209 or Don Greely at 612-673-3482. The neighbors all knew but were unable to get 911 or 311 to respond. This is very frustrating. GS “I want to find out what and who screwed up.”
CP  2625 Bloomington is the same.

Greenway Town Homes 2931 Bloomington:
            CP  This townhome development on the North side of the Midtown Greenway East of Bloomington Ave is about to break ground – but – it needs people who might be interested in a very affordable town Home similar to those on 24th St between Bloomington and 17th Ave. S., to indicate their interest. This will not commit youin any way to anything. It only tells the builder and the lender that there is interest in this project. If there are enough interested people in this project it can become reality. If not, the land might be sold to someone else who might build 80 efficiency transient apartments in a six story building without adequate parking – as was planned before.
            If you are interested and can afford the payments,  please call Carol Pass @ 612-916-8478 and complete at non-binding  form which will help to secure the property and prevent the consequences.

Updates on other developments:
            CP  2603 Bloomington Ave project has been minimalized to the point that zoning variances are not required. Therefore the project will proceed as the property owners wish.
            Open Arms at 25th and Bloomington is still raising money for this wonderful project. If you wish to donate, contact EPIC at 612-280-8418.
            Franklin Station Condos:  are a very affordable housing option for those who value inner-city living in a reviving community. Ground –breaking is imminent and if you have an interest, in this buyers market, Contact Carol Pass 612-280-8478.

Future Neighborhood Funding:
            CDBG cut funding to neighborhoods NRP funding. They propose that neighborhoods ‘compete’ for very limited funds - they propose only $2 million for 80 (eighty) neighborhoods.
            At the same time, the city wasted $10 million on convention scheduling software which they farmed out to a Singapore company which took the City of Minneapolis for a $10 million ride.

Adjourned at 8:45 PM                                                       Submitted by Brad Pass on 2/3/2008
Reviewed by Linda Leonard on 2/3/2008
Approved by EPIC GMMM on

January 5, 2008

Board Meeting 01 - 05

January 5, 2008
Welna Ace Hardware

Mary Gonsior (MG), Carol Pass (CP), Sherzad Kordian (SK), Juliet Thompson, (JT), Rosie Cruz (RC)

Directors not Present
Paul Wichmann (PW), Earl Simms (ES), Aden Awil (AA), Linda Leonard (LL)

Meeting was called to order at 9:35 by CP. Agenda was distributed. MG was designated as recording secretary.


The agenda was approved with the addition of a Crime Announcement.

The minutes from the last board meeting were not available.

CP distributed draft minutes from the EPIC General Membership Meeting (EGMM) on 11/8/07. The next EGMM is Thursday, January 10, 2008 @ 6:30 PM at Holy Rosary Church.

Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan
CP announced that the open house at Lake Hiawatha Community Center, 2701 E. 44th St., has been changed from 10 am-Noon, to 2 pm – 4 pm. EPIC’s concern regarding the Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan focuses on how the city plans to “relate” to the neighborhoods. Will the city relate to the neighborhoods? What is the role of the neighborhoods in decision making?

ACTION: Directors should try to attend this meeting.

There was a shooting in the vicinity of 28th Street and 17th Avenue on Thrusday, December 27th. The community contacted Gary Schiff and learned that the building in question was an illegal boarding house with about 15 rooms in the house. Gary has pledged to the community to close any illegal boarding houses.

ACTION: JT will contact Gary and find out what is the definition of an illegal boarding house so that the community can assist in addressing this issue neighborhood wide.

The neighborhoods are asking for an environmental assessment worksheet regarding the proposed biomass plant on Hiawatha Avenue. This is a more comprehensive study of pollutants. We were not told about the pollution levels and what they were in earlier presentations by the developers. Documentation: Tech Support Doc. discussed. Other neighborhoods leaving it up to us. The EPIC Board has rescinded our initial motion of support for the Biomass Plant and is now on the offensive for a more thoughtful approach. We will discuss and vote on the Board’s December 1st, ’07 motion this next Thursday at our general membership meeting. This decision is in accordance with EPIC’s role as a member of the Good Neighbor committee regarding the plant, which pertains to plant operation.  Need to consider that this may be treated as a go-ahead for the project. The project is also moving ahead very quickly. The Board doesn’t see any real benefit to our neighbors and serious environmental justice issues. We were not told the whole story. Articles and information has gone out to the neighborhood. Residents are calling and asking questions.

ACTION: Directors will recommend the December Board motion to rescind support for the Biomass Plant to the GMM

On Jan. 10th Mpls City Licensing will be meeting with Super America owners/managers about licensing issues related to the SA on 25th and Bloomington   The License Settlement conference is the first hearing held to see if the city can get the licensee to agree to change their practices. Licensing present's evidence and SA can reply to the city's concerns.  The conference will be limited to discussion about licensing violations, not larger issues about the future of the store. 

Licensing has requested that any community member, who wishes to, provide a written community impact statement about issues, concerns that you have observed in the store or on the property. These statements will become part of the record and could have an impact on the stores future. You can email impact statements to Don Greeley - donald.greeley@ci.minneapolis.mn.us or to Julie Casey - julie.casey@ci.minneapolis.mn.us)

ACTION: CP, JT will attend the meeting (City Hall, room to be determined.)


On 11/8/2007 the GMM passed a motion to authorize up to $15,000 of NRP money to buy another portable camera for the MPD to be used in the East Phillips Neighborhood. JT opposed the motion and has concerns about whether the MPD has enough officers to monitor the camera. 

ACTION: Ryan Bruske will be asked to give an update on his research regarding cameras for the GMM. EPIC wants to know if the camera can be used as evidence to convict.


January 24th, Holy Rosary Basement, 7 pm, Community Advisory Committee, Public Meeting.
February 6th, Park Board Publick Hearing on Design, 5 pm at the Park Board building.

The community needs to attend the two meetings scheduled. The Park Board is saying that we need to spend the money that we have now. We want to slow things down so we can raise more money.

2601-2603 Bloomington – this project has shrunk to the extent that they no longer need a parking lot.

2931 Bloomington – this project has a permit to build; nothing is happening.

Boarded and Vacant properties are growing and 70% of these are rental properties. Landlords have been heavily fined and have let the properties go back to the banks. Forclosures are pending.

ACTION: It would be good to get a list of these properties.

Greenway Town Homes – the $48,000 NRP funds are still being stalled. CP distributed copies of a Preferred Buyer Agreement. This agreement reserves the units of the project, however, a Preferred Buyer may decline to exercise their option once the specific unit does become available. If enough people complete these applications, the town homes project will move forward.

CP submitted reports on EPIC’s CDBG funding and 2007 expenses, as follows:
  • EPIC's year end financial report
  • A final reimbursement request for 2007
  • An inventory list for purchases over $500.00
  • A letter regarding EPIC's 2008 allocation and lack of contract

EPIC is getting less money in 2008 ($7,500 instead of $9,425.) In addition CDBG is not providing a contract for our signature. The significance to EPIC is that without a contract, EPIC or any neighborhood’s  recognition of its official designation as the citizen participation organization for its community appears up for grabs. Even the meaning of that is up for grabs. This is viewed as a stepping stone to eliminating citizen participation by neighborhoods on the part of the city of Minneapolis. This contributes to eroding the city’s commitment to support neighborhood organizations, including NRP funding.

ACTION: CP will follow up on her request for a contract for the CDBG funds.

We received $56,000 in program funds from NRP (houses that were sold, money to be returned to the neighborhood upon sale.) If these funds are from the housing category, the board will propose a motion to the GMM to allocate these additional funds to the Greenway Town Home project to help move it along.

ACTION: CP will determine what category these funds came from in the original NRP plan.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 am.

Respectfully submitted by Mary Gonsior.