November 26, 2021

EPIC Board Meeting Agenda 12-4

EPIC Board Meeting Draft AgendaOriginal_EPIC_Image

December 4, 2021, 10am – 11am

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone:  (612) 354-6802


Board Roster: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Earl Simms, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat

Board Members Present:

Board Members Not Present: Shontal Lajeunesse (E), David Ingold (E)



10:00   Review vision and mission

Welcome guests/intros

Approve agenda,

Approve minutes,


      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, December 9 from 6:30 to 7:30 at East Phillips Park and online (link to join meeting can be found at

o   We were unable to reserve the gym at East Phillips Park, we will be in the community room

o   Overdose Prevention Site group will give quick 5 minute update

o   Presentation on resurfacing work and ADA pedestrian improvement in East Phillips in 2022-2023

      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, January 8 (note one week later than usual due to New Year’s)from 10am to 11am at the EPIC office and online (link to join meeting can be found at

o   Board Meetings are open to the public


      Board voted via email to approve new policies and procedures - view at shortly

      This includes changes to how community gives input on expenditures

      Bylaw Amendment Votes:

      Online votes: 4 in favor, 0 against

      Paper votes: 1 against (disqualified because person is outside of East Phillips)

      Community Meeting votes: 8 approved, 1 abstained

      The EPIC board voted and approved the following two motions via email

      MOTION: The EPIC board approves the use of funds up to $3,000 for a Phase I Environmental Assessment of 2433 Bloomington Avenue.

      No further voting needed

      MOTION: The EPIC Board recommends the purchase of the Bloomington Office for $180,000 plus closing costs of up to $5,000, provided sufficient resources, acceptable Phase I Environmental Assessment, sufficient property appraisal, and approval of pro forma by CPED or NCR.

      The community has been given 21 day notice for the voting period for this motion - voting will occur at the EPIC Community Meeting on 12/9 and be open via an online survey from 12/9-12/21. EPIC will also do outreach to those without access to internet via phone calls

10:05   Report/Update from Executive Coordinator


      Calendar in Operating Policies and Procedures states that the board reviews budgets in December for realism, appropriateness and completeness

      Garden Steering Committee budget - Garden Steering Committee reviewing on Monday, will submit to board via email after that. Draft was emailed to board.

      Board reviewed and approved 2022 Operating budget at October Board meeting

      SHRS use of space discussion

      SHRS would use weekly or once a month

      10 people max, including SHRS staff

      Share a google calendar to schedule use of the space

      MoU: MOU SHRS Use of Space


      Giving out security code - seeKey Use and Security Code Agreement

      Certificate of insurance for liability insurance and worker’s compensation insurance - Sarah added to MoU that SHRS will provide these to EPIC

      COVID protocols - Sarah added to MoU that SHRS will follow EPIC’s COVID protocols

      Building purchase update

      Meeting with Bob Cooper - made it clear that the process to purchase the building will not be done by the end of 2021due to the time it takes for CPED to do the paperwork needed - issue then is using CPP funds.

      Met with Ariah Fine, our Neighborhood Support Specialist to request his approval to use our Equitable Engagement Funds for the purchase of the office building

      Did not get a clear yes or no, he will bring it to his team and get back to us next week

      In the meantime he said that being able to show robust community engagement will be very important

      Recommends joining groups of East Phillips residents who are already gathering for a 15 minute ‘presentation’ - ask questions and get feedback

      Make phone calls - be sure to get a good representation of East Phillips demographics

      IMPORTANT: presenting this in a way that is unbiased and gets feedback from the community

      Committee work or form work group?

      Next steps: pro forma (David worked on); appraisal (Sarah scheduling); purchase agreement with Mark Welna saying we are committed to purchasing (since won’t be able to purchase by end of year and his verbal commitment was through the end of the year); Phase I Environmental Assessment

      Roundabout - we have a volunteer, she is requesting a budget for the project

      What kind of budget do we want to approve for this?

      We have $2,766 left in our NRP Positive Street Identity Strategy

      Volunteer - very rough estimate $400

      Greater Phillips collaboration

      Reps from all 4 Phillips neighborhoods have been meeting once a month

      Thinking about doing a project together, some ideas so far:

      Phillips garden tour incorporating a workshop

      24th Street - shared boundary between all the neighborhoods

      Lighting project along the street

      Open Street event

      Traffic calming initiative

      Green Zone - all share

      Equitable development scorecard - build power behind it so as developers approach us with proposals we have a scorecard stating our priorities i.e. 30% AMI

      Traffic calming

      Shared approach to traffic improvements

      Look at common corridor issues

      Form committees or subgroups around any of these ^^

      Rank these ideas - Zoom quiz

      Other ideas? Chat or email Sarah!

            Report from Departments

      Executive Committee: Strategic Funding and personnel discussions


MOTION: The EPIC Board approves ______ to facilitate EPIC’s strategic planning process for $_____.


10:35   New business

      TOPA - Tenant Opportunity to Purchase

      We are invited to join the fight for a strong TOPA policy

      Led by Housing Justice League

      More information here

      Many tenants forced to move out when building is sold to new owner because rent goes up

      Repairs rarely happen

      TOPA gives the opportunity for tenants to collectively purchase their buildings when they go up for sale

      The group believes that tenants are the biggest investors in their own property

      HJL wants TOPA for all rental properties with no exemptions

      HJL wants the option for tenants to assign or sell their right to purchase the building if they aren’t interested in owning it, including to a nonprofit organization

      The city has talked about this for many years and are currently having info sessions about their proposed policy (more information on the city policy here)

      Housing Justice League wants stronger policy than what city is proposing

      City wants to exempt most small buildings - exempts individual landlords of 1-4 units with 5 or fewer buildings

      City plan does not include right to sell

      EPIC sign on?

      Spectrum of involvement from

      Encouraging neighbors to take city’s survey

      To hosting events in our ward to joining weekly Friday meetings and dedicating staff and volunteer time

      Restorative Justice program?

      a new program that Sarah suggests that EPIC applies for. Through Minneapolis Office of Violence Prevention, a partnership of Restorative Justice Community Action, Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute (Peacebuilding), and community leader Manu Lewis have collaborated in bringing a multi-dimensional process for communities to develop skills and create a public safety model that fits the needs and desires of local neighborhoods.

      EPIC would need to:

      Identify and recruit a core team of 5-10 community members committed to full training and mentoring throughout the project which includes:

      Strategies for Trauma, Resilience, and Awareness (STAR)—MN Peacebuilding Leadership Institute:

      5-day Virtual training: January 18-19 and 24-26, 2022

      Restorative Circle Training—Koinonia Leadership Academy: 4 day In-person training—March 1-4, 2022

      Public Safety Workshop: Saturday March 19, 2022

      Monthly mentorship gathering

      Trainings are free for participating core group and staff of Neighborhood organization

      Core group community members receive $100 stipend each month of participation January-June 2022

      1 year membership with the National Association for Community Mediation

      Application due December 10



11:00   Adjourn




November 17, 2021

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes 11-11


EPIC Community Meeting Draft MinutesOriginal_EPIC_Image

November 11, 2021, 6:30 – 7:30

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (612) 354-6802

Board Roster: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Earl Simms, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat

Board Members Present: Steve Sandberg, Nikolas Winter-Simat, David Ingold, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior

Board Members Not Present: Karen Townsend (E), Cassandra Holmes (E), Earl Simms, Shontal Lajeunesse

Members: Devika Ghai, Yaya Flores, Gloria I, Carol Pass and Brad Pass, Lindsey Fenner, Paul Dale, Neti, Bev, Bob, Joani Essenburg, Khadra Yussef,

Guests: Oscar, Diego, Todd Smith, Muhammed, Kartoon, Susan Gust

6:30     Welcome

      Vision and Mission


      Group Agreements

      Respect each other; aim for kindness

      Respect each other's time; aim for brevity

      Respect the agenda; aim for unity

      Own your words, actions, and reactions; aim for peace

      How to become a member

      Chat Sarah or email with your email address and physical address (to verify you live in East Phillips)

      All members are allowed to vote on EPIC decisions and motions

      Agenda Approval, NWS, JE, Approved

Minutes Approval, Approved


o   Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, December 4 from10am-11am online (link to join is at

        Board Meetings are open to the public

o   Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, December 9 from 6:30-7:30 online (link to join is at and TBD

        Larry Matsumoto from the City will be presenting about resurfacing work and ADA pedestrian ramp improvements in East Phillips in 2022-2023

        We will be trying a hybrid model - in person and online. Location is to be determined

o   EPIC has a housing program! 0% interest! Fix up your home or buy a new home in East Phillips – Check your email for the brochure or go to: Programs for East Phillips Residents | Center for Energy and Environment (

o   If you smell a foul odor around Smith foundry or Bituminous Roadways call 311 to report

        Write down your incident number

o   Join your neighbors in cleaning up trash every Saturday at noon or Mondays at 12:30 - meet at 27th and Cedar!

o   Community Workshop at Cedar Field Park Thursday, November 18 from 2:30-4:30 for refreshments and community conversation around the bonfire to learn about the 18th Ave and Little Earth Transportation Study

o   Sign up for swimming at Phillips Aquatics Center at 2323 11th Ave

        Youth swim lessons are only $5 for East Phillips families

        Junior swim club is only $5 for East Phillips families

        and/or get culturally sensitive swimwear

        Call 612-370-4859 to sign up and be sure to state you are an East Phillips resident

o   There will be a public hearing for the MPHA proposed multi-family dwelling at 2425 16th Ave S at the Planning Commission on Monday, November 15, 430PM. Watch the city website (Planning Commission - City of Minneapolis ( for the agenda and watch on Comcast Channel 14 or 799, or live on City Council TV

o   EPIC is calling for proposals for a facilitator to lead EPIC in developing a strategic plan - we would like: a strategic plan proposal (detailing what the process would look like); a resume or list of other organizations you have worked with on building long term plans; references; as well as how much you would charge for this process and terms of payment.

o   The roundabout at 25th and 17th is open for adoption - if someone has the skills and capacity to do the planting, maintenance, cleaning litter

        More info here:

        Volunteer design work: Phillips Garden

        Gloria: volunteered

        People on 17th

o   The Quarterly Financial Report is available here, or view at the EPIC website

6:40     Updates//Report from Action Committee

            Outreach consultant Report

      Key take aways:

      Neighbors advocating for housing

      Some blocks are organized, others are not

      How can we connect neighbors

      Community safety plan

      Neighbors hesitant to share personal information for

      Many neighbors don’t have access to internet and many don’t have email addresses

      EPIC had relied heavily on emails previously

      Doing more phone calls and flyering (see below)

      Zoom calls - trying to offer in person meeting options as much as possible for those who don’t have access to reliable internet

      Safety, drug use and concerns for our unhoused neighbors was a key take away - many neighbors shared a desire to provide resources to unhoused neighbors

      A group of neighbors are meeting to create a community resource hub for housed and unhoused neighbors and eventually an Overdose Prevention Site once that is federally legal

      Join them - they meet the first and third Tuesday of the month from 4:30 to 5:30 over Zoom for the winter - grab a flyer or check out for the link to join

      The next meeting is November 16 from 4:30-5:30

      Plan to use outreach data as we create a strategic plan

      Plan to use information from outreach as we continue to talk with neighbors

      Target outreach - phone calls and doorkocking to let people know when an upcoming community meeting will be discussing a topic they expressed interest in; have deeper conversations about the topics they shared were important to them; schedule one to ones with neighbors; help to form committees or workgroups

      Know who is left to talk to - 392 neighbors is by no means the entirety of our neighborhood, we have approximately 4,600 people in East Phillips


6:58     Feature Presentation//Community Discussion topic: Todd Smith from Master Properties - 10 minutes

            Redevelopment on 26th and Bloomington

      Goal is to make large family friendly apartments

      2040 plan: goals and policies - trying to address in project

      Eliminate disparities

      More residents and jobs

      37 jobs at $18.50

      Most of those are local people

      Nobody will lose their job

      Affordable housing

      City has requirement: 20% - trying to do 23 of 89 units - 60% AMI

      High quality physical environment

      Climate change resiliency

      Market affordable housing

      Trying to create project that makes sense for community that’s here

      The way the building is planned with various sizes for the different floors - it makes it fit better with the building

      Lots of parking

      About 99 parking spots - 86 units

      Bike parking

      Coffee shop, Adult daycare etc. - will all stay

      1 BR: 10; 2 BR: 16; 3 BR: 42; 4 BR: 13; Studio: 5

      Concerns about large building:

      Want family friendly units

      Huge shortage of family friendly units


6:55     Questions for presenter - 15 minutes

Questions for Todd:

      Bloomington Avenue already congested

      Afraid that traffic will be rerouted down residential streets

      Working with city to make traffic the least impactful as possible

      More people than currently live here

      Neighbor concerned about density and less parking

      Wants more parking

      Neighbor happy to see 3 and 4 units

      How many units affordable and for how long?

      22 units dedicated at 60% AMI

      No subsidy for this

      Neighbor would like to see residents from East Phillips prioritized

      And allow for people who are previously incarcerated

      Businesses that are here now will stay with their employees plus more

      99% of employees live in East Phillips

      Neighbor would like to see onsite HUD housing - Section 8

      Trying to use HUD

      Would like less stories - too tall and too dense - a number of neighbors echoed this

      Because opens up for more tall buildings

      Would like partly indoor play area

      Concerned about the alley

      Appreciates the parking

      Worried about the one house between this building and the mosque

      Idea to turn into outdoor playground

      Square footage of 1 BR unit and cost of 2 BR


7:10     Community Decisions

MOTION: The EPIC membership and board approves the use of funding from the CPP and NRP contracts of up to $170,000 towards the purchase of the Bloomington Office with the appropriate funds moved to the Community Gathering Space strategy, DI, NWS, Approved, one community member abstained.


 The EPIC board and membership give the second of two approvals to update Section IV. I. 8 of the EPIC Bylaws as follows:

(underlining for additions, strike through for deletions):


The following decisions in all cases require approval of the voting membership:

      Election of Directors; and

      Ratification / rejection of amendments to Bylaws.

      An issue regarding money of over $1,000, the expenditure must be recommended by the board and have at least one general membership meeting's required notification and vote for review, in any case not less than twenty-one (21) days, allowing for at minimum a full 21-day neighborhood review process. The reviewed motion shall then be voted on at an EPIC membership meeting following the review. This review process is to include amendments to the Bylaws.


So that if updated it would read:

The following decisions in all cases require approval of the voting membership:

      Election of Directors; and

      Ratification / rejection of amendments to Bylaws.


Approve: 8

Abstain: 1

Oppose: 0

 Updated 11/26:

Online votes: 4 in favor

Paper votes: 1 against (disqualified because person is outside of East Phillips)

For discussion before voting: EPIC Bylaw Amendment


DRAFT OF POLICY AND PROCEDURE - Input is most welcome!!

602 Fiscal Accountability

       The Board of Directors, in alignment with its Duty of Care, shall do all due diligence in communicating, gathering input, and notifying the neighborhood of important financial actions.

       See 602.6 for Payment Procedures

       See 602.13 for Purchasing Procedures.

       All non-administrative expenditures (including contract allocations) above $1,000 shall require a majority of Board approval after demonstrating alignment with the community’s values and, as applicable, satisfy the requirements of the granting organization. Demonstrations of community alignment/support should be maintained in Board meeting minutes (and should be added to the following meeting’s minutes when approval is given outside of a called Board meeting). Contracts or other expenditures that include multiple payments/disbursements should be approved according to their total contract amount.  

       In addition to the above requirements, expenditures over $5,000 shall require an 80% supermajority of Board approval.

       In addition to the above requirements, expenditures over $15,000 shall require significant community support as demonstrated by the following measures:

       Community notifications for feedback via the mailing list shall occur at least 14 days before voting by the Board.

       At least 20 affirmative votes from the community are recorded, with engagement from various demographics/parties including, but not limited to, those present at a Community Meeting.

       A majority of recorded community input is supportive of the expenditure, and strong dissension within the community is to be noted and addressed.



      Afraid that one person one vote is being taken away

      David commits to adding community meeting vote back in bylaw

7:30     Adjourn