September 23, 2021

EPIC Board Meeting AGENDA 10-2

EPIC Board Meeting Draft AgendaOriginal_EPIC_Image

October 2, 2021, 10am – 11am

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (608) 513-5107


Board Roster: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Earl Simms, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat

Board Members Present:

Board Members Not Present:



10:00   Review vision and mission

Welcome guests/intros

Approve agenda,

Approve minutes,


      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, October 21 from 6:30 to 7:30 at Cedar Field Park and online (link to join meeting can be found at

o   NOTE: This is one week later than our normally scheduled community meeting

o   Starting at 6pm groups organizing around the charter amendments will be tabling

o   6:30 Casey Carl, the city clerk will present information about the three charter amendments on the ballot

      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, November 6 from 10am to 11am TBD  and online (link to join meeting can be found at

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

      Clean Sweep is October 9!



1)     Nichol Beckstrand, on behalf of scottie hall, has applied for the following variances for construction of a detached accessory dwelling unit at 2827 18th Ave S:

       To increase the maximum combined floor area of all detached accessory structures.

       To reduce the minimum interior side yard requirement.

      The Zoning Board of Adjustment will meet on Thursday, October 7, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. During the declared local public health emergency, Minneapolis has transitioned to an electronic format for its public meetings and hearings, authorized under Minn. Stat. Section 13D.021, to minimize the risk of exposure to or potential spread of COVID-19. The public may view the public hearing using the following options: Watch on Comcast Channel 14 or 799 or live on

      In accordance with the Zoning Code, all property owners within 350 feet of the subject property are notified of this public hearing. For more information on how to attend this meeting, please visit:

      Planning Department staff will issue a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. After hearing from the public, the Zoning Board of Adjustment will make a determination based on required legal findings of fact. Please visit the following website for the agenda with staff reports (page will be updated by the end of the day Monday prior to the meeting date).

      If you have questions about the project, please contact the City staff person listed below. If you would like to submit comments, you may make them verbally at the meeting or submit them in writing to:

      Alex Kohlhaas, City Planner– 505 4th Ave S #320, Minneapolis, MN 55415

      Phone (612) 673-3950 E-mail:

      Any members of the general public are welcome to provide written comments before the hearing or verbal comments during the hearing. Any written comments from the general public should be emailed to Alex Kohlhass directly from the person making the comment, sooner rather than later and absolutely no later than the morning of the hearing.

      Anyone who wants to provide verbal comments during the hearing (including yourself and other members of the project team) will need to register beforehand on the City’s website here: This form is to be used by applicants as well as other members of the public who wish to speak regarding this item so feel free to share this link.

      Idea about dumpster

10:05   Report/Update from Executive Coordinator

      Opportunity to work with CANDO on issues facing our unhoused neighbors - Carmen Means

      Bylaw amendment discussion

      Review of Neighborhood Network Application and Equitable Engagement Application (Equitable Engagement application was reviewed by the board prior to the first draft being submitted to the city). Here is the proposed 2022 budget that is referenced in both applications. Submission is due October 15, 2021.

      Note EEF includes 85% of Sarah’s time going toward Equitable Engagement Plan - i.e. outreach, communications, community partnerships, engagement (NOT administrative or fundraising)

      Use of CPP money

      Group of board members met with City of Lakes Community Land Trust and PRG to discuss the option of purchasing the office building

      David reports

MOTION: The EPIC board approves of the Neighborhood Network Application,

MOTION: The EPIC board approves of the Equitable Engagement Application,

Report from Departments

      Nikolas - report on meeting with Angela Conley


10:45   New business and delegate to proper spaces (work group, department etc.)

      Approve new budget for 2021

MOTION: The EPIC board approves the new 2021 budget.

      Review and approve 990 and Attorney General Annual Report

MOTION: The EPIC board approves the 990 and Attorney General Annual Report

      Does EPIC want to adopt the round about on 25th?

      Would require planting, maintenance, cleaning litter

      More info here:

      Meetings through the winter

      Virtual vs. In person meetings

      MPRB states: Multipurpose rooms and community rooms at recreation centers are available to rent for parties, showers, seminars, meetings, celebrations and other private events. Room rental hours are 3 to 9pm Mondays through Fridays and 12 to 6pm Saturdays; hours for room rentals on Sundays depend on staff availability. Renters must provide a Pandemic Preparedness Plan, adhere to room capacity and follow requirements for face coverings and any other current policies.

      Note November community meeting we will have the developer that is re-developing the property at 26th and Bloomington


11:00   Adjourn




September 15, 2021

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes 9-9


EPIC Community Meeting Draft Minutes

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2021, 6:30 – 7:30

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (612) 354-6802


Board Roster: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Earl Simms, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat

Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Steve Sandberg, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat, Mary Gonsior

Board Members Not Present: Shontal Lajeunesse, Earl Simms

Members: Emrys, Brad Pass, Yaya Flores, Weston Martin, Marc Beckelman, Devika Ghai, Jake and Nico Hustedt, Dave Moore and Linnea Hadaway, Jenna Brune, Ron Yo, Carrie Hatcher

Guests: Elizabeth Day, Crystal Myslajek, Mike Samuelson, Joel McReynolds

6:40     Welcome

      Vision and Mission


      Group Agreements

      Respect each other; aim for kindness

      Respect each other's time; aim for brevity

      Respect the agenda; aim for unity

      Own your words, actions, and reactions; aim for peace

      How to become a member

      For those joining in person: simply mark that you want to be a member on the sign in sheet

      For those joining virtually: chat Sarah or email with your email address and physical address (to verify you live in East Phillips)

      All members are allowed to vote on EPIC decisions and motions

      Agenda Approval, NWS, DI, Approved

Minutes Approval, NWS, LD, Approved


o   Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, October 2 from10am-11am TBD and online (link to join is at

        Board Meetings are open to the public

o   Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, October 21 from 6:30-7:30 at Cedar Field Park and online (link to join is at

        Note this is one week after we typically meet!

        We will have Casey Carl - City Clerk present about the charter amendments

        We will also invite the organizations and groups working on the charter amendments to table the event so community members can ask questions

o   Pickle Off and Ward 9 Candidate Event

        Both on Tuesday, September 21

        Pickle off is 12-3

        Ward 9 Candidate Event starts at 3

        Both events are at Ogema Pl and EM Stately Street

o   DJR Architecture has proposed a 3 story, 6 unit apartment building for 2425 16th Ave S

        There will be a meeting with DJR Architecture and MPHA to discuss this proposal on Wednesday, September 22nd at 6:30pm at the EPIC garden on 17th Avenue that is open to the public

o   Clean Sweep will be Saturday October 9

o   EPIC has a housing program! 0% interest! Fix up your home or buy a new home in East Phillips – Check your email for the brochure or go to: Programs for East Phillips Residents | Center for Energy and Environment (

o   If you smell a foul odor around Smith foundry or Bituminous Roadways call 311 to report

        Write down your incident number

o   Join your neighbors in cleaning up trash on your block for 20 minutes every Saturday at noon!

o   The City is amending Title 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances related to the Zoning Code, as follows:

        Chapter 525 Administration and Enforcement

        Add inclusionary zoning administration and monitoring fees.

        The City Planning Commission will meet on Monday, September 20, 2021, at 4:30 p.m.

        The public may submit comments or participate by phone in the meeting by using the following website:

        If you have questions about the project, please contact the City staff person listed below.  If you would like to submit comments, you may submit them via the link above or by emailing:

      Joe Bernard, Planning Project Manager – 505 4th Ave S #320, Minneapolis, MN 55415

      Phone (612) 673-2422 E-mail:

o   Received formal notification of a variance request being made in part of a potential project on scottie hall’s property as a general use application requirement of a variance request being made in part of a potential project on Scottie’s property. 

1.     Description of the project-  The project is the addition of a 16 by 24 Accessory dwelling unit to be place in the back south side of Scottie’s property where a current existing garage sits.  This is one level ADU with a peaked roof and siding which will match the current aesthetic of the home.

2.     We are currently aware that this application requires a land use application and a building permit.  We are also aware that there is a request for 2 variances that accompany the land use application.

3.     Property address for which zoning approval is being sought- is 2827 18th Avenue South Mpls MN

4.     Applicant’s Name:  Scottie Hall, address: 2827 18th Avenue South Mpls, phone number: 1 (415) 640-2116, email address:

      Roof Depot Update - last POGO meeting - stopped the city project so they will need to find another place for their expansion. EPNI did not get exclusive development rights.

      September 22nd POGO meeting - attend if able


7:03     Mike Samuelson’s presentation on the traffic safety project for 24th, 26th and 28th Street

      Highest crash area in the city

      Priority is improving street safety

      If there are particular streets or intersections that you want them to focus on, contact Mike Samuelson

      Currently collecting information on where focus should be

      So far have heard: narrowing crossing for pedestrians; considering concrete curb; heard a lot about light timing - if you speed you hit the lights

      Lake, Cedar, Franklin are county roads

      28th Street - needs better signage


6:50     Feature Presentation//Community Discussion topic:

      Elizabeth Day and Crystal Myslajek present about 29th Street Garden and gathering space

      Goal to expand food access and improve food diet of indigenous neighbors in the area for Indigenous food sovereignty

      Support farmer to consumer relationship

      Address health disparities

      Address food sovereignty

      Oversee volunteers and staff to care for land in the three parcels of land along 29th Street

      Welcome all neighbors who would like to participate

      Hiring agricultural consultant and farmer

      Create planting map

      Create programmatic plans

      Land Trust created 42 ADA accessible garden beds, laid crushed limestone for pathway

      County involvement

      Place making activities

      More sense of belonging

      Greenway being preserved for future transit

      Parcels of Four Sisters Farm are not a part of the transit system

      Community kick off event was in October

      Want this to be in partnership with community


7:00     Questions for presenters

      Suggestion of tiny homes for the area

      Not enough capacity - ordinance difficulties

      Question of what community participation will look like

      Led by what the community wants and asks

      We’re not going to put a farm if it’s not wanted

      Will develop an advisory group

      Start with surveys of where to start

      Question about whether this is volunteer based or opportunity for employment

      One full time dedicated

      One part time farmer’s market manager

      Elizabeth’s time at NACDI

      Will need volunteers too

      Idea that neighbors use plots to grow and sell at farmer’s market

      A lot of opportunities for public art

      Neighbor doesn’t want another gathering space

      Concerned about issues i.e. drug use

      Will put up fence with lock so only access to space during certain hours


Update on options for using CPP funds - TABLED

      Current office building at 2433 Bloomington Ave

1)     Partner with City of Lakes Community Land Trust OR

2)     Purchase building

      Do not want to displace current tenants


      Outdoor community gathering spaces and increase urban agriculture in East Phillips

1)     All of the following:

      27th and Cedar space for community gathering AND

      $40,000-$50,000 for pergola and solar power for outlets

      Partner with NACDI and 4 Sisters on 29th Street project AND

      Indigenous Food Sovereignty

      Contribute $40,0000 for things like seating, shed, etc.

      Pay rent ahead for 1 year


      Community questions or comments

      Neighbor doesn’t want another gathering space

      Concerned about safety

7:42     Community Decisions

            First of two community meeting votes for:

1)     Funding for a Midtown Greenway light emitting sculpture

      Located at top of entrance to Midtown Greenway on 18th Ave

      Goals of sculpture/project:

                                              i)          Area has been a dark area for real and perceived safety improvements and decrease crashes between

                                            ii)          Beautiful artwork

                                           iii)          Wayfinding - finding access to Greenway

      Hoping to raise $10,000 to launch an artist competition

                                              i)          Majority of money will go to winning artist (chosen through advisory team screening and community voting)

(1)   $8,000 to be paid to an artist to create a detailed design for the sculpture

(2)   $1,000 would go to the Midtown Greenway Coalition for project management

(3)   $1,000 contingency for other project direct costs

                                             ii)          Project Advisory Team will pre-select three artist sketches from those that are submitted to make sure they are feasible and meet project objectives and the artist has the capacity to deliver the project. Then community members will vote for their favorite from among those three.

MOTION: The EPIC board and membership approve of using $3,000 of our NRP Positive Street Identity strategy for the artist competition portion of the light emitting sculpture project, pending successful fundraising for the remaining of the funds, NWS, LD, Approved

      Discussion, amended, added “pending successful fundraising for the remaining of the funds”



7:49     Adjourn