March 26, 2009

General Membership Meeting Minutes 03-26

March 26, 2009 – 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.,
Holy Rosary Church Basement, 24th and 17th Ave S

6:30      Social Time

6:40      Meeting Called to Order – Introductions
  • Approval of Agenda
  • Approval Meeting Minutes from February 19thth, 2008
·      Announcements: Minnesota Public Utilities Commission will convene an informational planning meeting on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 9:30 AM for the purpose of receiving information from representatives of Xcel Energy on Xcel's SmartGrid City project in Boulder, Colorado.
·      Phillips Park Patrol: New mobile radios and vests, Starting soon, Check with Jenny Bjorgo

6:50      PARK CENTER : Discussion of next steps.  EPIC endorses the following MOTION: that DJR be subcontracted       by LHB and that DJR have full responsibility  for design and construction of the EPPCC Center and that LHB take responsibility for environmental and LEED factors, that contractual responsibilities are defined  and separate and that EPIC engage DJR to assist EPIC and the Design Team  in fundraising and community process.

7:30      Funding for EPIC Programs: MOTION: East/Midtown Phillips Youth Sports:
 $5,000 for the Soccer/Tutoring Program, and $5000 for the  Liga Hispana de Beisbol field rental. Review for vote. This money for these two amounts must be moved from EPIC’s NRP Action Plan Admin. line item to a changed Lifespan Goal 2, Strategy 2, which needs to reads: Explore the feasibility and create a neighborhood community center for youth and families that may operate 24 hours a day and that  will provide multiple programs and services to neighborhood youth, individuals and families both in the future Center and elsewhere. (The bold words were added to this Goal in November, 2006,  when we voted to spend the money for the Park Center. The new part now is in red)
Our motion will be in regard to both approving these funds and moving them from Admin. to the newly-worded Lifespan Goal 2, Strategy 2. This action will provide for the Plan Modification needed in this case.

7:40     XCEL Substations and Power Lines: Information, Carrie Ann Johnson’ss Face book  

7:45   Rep. Clark’s bill HF 1993:  to deal with the toxic Penta/dioxin pressure treated utility poles that Xcel and other utilities are using in Minneapolis and elsewhere. Motion: Support Bill

7:50     ANNUAL Meeting – April, Saturday 25th
8:15     Adjournment

March 12, 2009

General Membership Meeting Minuts 03-12

March 12, 2009 
Holy Rosary  Conference Room

Jennie Bjorgo (JB), Brad Pass (BP), Carol Pass (CP), Chiffon Williams (SW), Tom Malloy (TM), Linda Leonard (LL), Sherzad Kordian (SK), Rosie Cruz (RC), Aden Awil (AA), Earl Simms(ES)

JB Chaired and called the meeting to order 6:48

MOTION:   Approve the agenda. CP Moved, BP Seconded Motion Passed

BP Point of order: Since there is not a quorum shall we proceed as a committee of the whole?
MOTION: To proceed as Committee of the whole, passes

MOTION:   Approve the Minutes. CP pointed out that under “Funding for Programs” on page 2, the three organizations are not identified. East Midtown EMPY
Motion passed with addition of the 3 organizations.

Earl Simms arrival creates a quorum
MOTION: Proceed as a normal meeting, approve agenda and Feb. Gen. Membership minutes

Xcel meeting on Smart Grid tomorrow at 9:30 AM
Community of Phillips Patrol (COPP) patrol is cranking up with compatible walkee- Talkees with Little Earth Patrol.

Park Center:
Reviewed PowerPoint and figured Money.

Funding for EPIC Programs:
$5,000 for EMPY,  $5,000 for Liga Hispana de Beisbol,  Discussion: Linda: will the CURA Grant take us far enough to continue program, since this NRP money takes so long?  Brad: We might have to carry it for a month and be reimbursed. Hope not.
MOTION:   Moved to support the proposed funding and Plan modification with language change forward to the Annual Meeting. Passed

Don Greeley provided ID cards for COPP

Xcel Substations:
See Carrie Ann’s Web site for info

Rep. Karen Clark’s Bill HF 1993:
MOTION:   Support Bill Motion Passed

Annual Meeting Saturday, April, 25th:
Terms are up for Mary G, Linda, Earl & Rosie – may run again. Returning are Carol, Aden, Jennie and Sherzad.   Prospective New Board Members Chiffon, Cedric,

Agenda:                       Carol
Food:                           Rosie, Jennie, Continental Breakfast, tomallies
MC:                             Brad
Set-up                          Brad,
Door Prizes:                Jennie, Brad
Entertainment:             Holy Rosary Kids Guitar Band
Flowers:                      Annie???
Adjourned at 8:56      

March 7, 2009

Board Meeting Minutes 03-07

March 7th, 2009

Directors Present: Jenny, Carol, Linda, Earl by phone


We accepted the agenda and minutes as committee of the whole.
Reports as per the agenda:

Waiting for 10K for soccer
NRP has other bills in the works. One is for statewide applications.
We suggested Chiffon as a board person to take the place of Juliet who resigned.
We discussed meeting at Holy Rosary on Mondays, not Thursdays.
Jenny took the list that Carol made for the annual meeting and Jenny will start to get people to help.

We might use a Quit Claim deed and transfer the title of the garden.

Common Bond dropped out of the Village Project. Sherman might help build the project for us with PRG. Carol will meet with them next Friday. We want to recommend Sherman.

Annual Meeting: we should have an annual meeting planning meeting for April 25th.

Xcel: Karen Clark is working on a bill regarding density and power lines.

EPIC board censors the park board for freezing the Design Team out of the redesign process and expects the final design to meet the approval of the Design Team.