October 13, 2011

General Membership Meeting Minutes 10-13

October 13, 2011
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center 
2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Board Members: Earl Simms, Jennie Bjorgo, Chiffon Williams, Carol Pass, Linda Leonard, Steve Struthers, Mary Gonsior, Rosie Cruz

Members: David Deloria, Fowsiya Ikur, Jose Alvarez, Susana Luque, Steve Newman, Jim Gonsior,
Sara McLone, Alman Nakhler, Carlyle Bowker, Hannah Lieder, Desirae Bowker, Brad Pass, Kim Hayden, Harold Brown, Amy Pass, Miko Johnson, Fowsiya Ikur, Aden Awil, Lisa Skipintheday, Cecilia Skipintheday, Carrie Anne Johnson, Gabriel Pass, Hindoto Pokawa, Alfonso Cruz, Margaret Kirkpatrick
Guests: Timothy DenHerder-Thomas, Ruby Levine, Jana Metge, Shirley Heyer

6:30    Introductions: (Mary Gonsior chaired)
           Approval of Agenda (approved with amendment) JB, ES
           Minutes from EPIC 9/8/11 general membership meeting approved with corrections and      
           additions: JB, ES

Correction-Announcements: Cepro Site: change “park” to “transit center”
Addition: add EPIC web address to all minutes and agendas
Addition: add “draft” minutes to the web site
Note: later addition during discussion of NRP Phase II: add mailing address to all agendas and       minutes.

6:40 Announcements
  1. EPIC 17th Ave Garden Harvest Party 6 PM this Saturday, October 15th
    1. See the garden, enjoy a bonfire; 2400 block of 17th Avenue, Hang out with  your neighbors.
  2. Reopening of the Running Wolf Fitness Center in the restored Philips Community Ctr; 2323 11th Ave S. This month!
    1. Health oriented activities on Mondays. Free for 6 months for those who register before the official opening date. See Native American Community Clinic at the Franklin Ctr.
7:00 Plan Modifications - NRP Phase I

Housing consultant proposal from Doug Wise in response to RFP.
Last month a motion was passed with thirty day review & notice to accept a proposal from Doug Wise in response to our RFP to consult on EPIC’s Phase II NRP Housing Rehab program. Since then, we learned that we received a windfall sum from our Phase I plan.  Some of this is already in the Admin. category. The Board recommends moving the following motion:

MOTION: move to use this “leftover” Admin. money ($7,657.22) to pay Doug Wise’ consultant fee for administering our Phase II Revolving Loan fund as well as other admin. needs.
JB, ES; PASSED unanimously.

East Phillips Park Cultural Community Center Baseball/Soccer fields
See following list of categories & receiving category from agenda. Take the rest of the Phase I funds from existing categories and move them to Playgrounds. Final vote at the next EPIC meeting.

MOTION: EPIC membership moves to transfer $52,280.54 from the following listed categories, consolidating them in the goal named Environment/Transportation/Parks, strategy Playgrounds, to facilitate completion of the East Phillips Park soccer and baseball fields. The categories to be consolidated are:
1. Housing Resource Center                                                                                          $35.09                     
2. Home Ownership Assistance, 1.2.1                                                                         $30,228.31
3. Housing, Vacant Housing, 1.5.1                                                                                  $257.17
4. Crime and Safety, 1.1.1                                                                                              $474.25
5. Lifespan, Early Learning Center 2.1.1                                                                        $7,078.30          
6. Lifespan, 24-Hour Youth Center                                                                                 $1,000.00 
7. Environ/Transport/Parks,‘Green Economy' 3.4.1                                                           $92.30
8. Environ/Transport/Parks, Transportation 4.1.1                                                            $1,495.17
9. Environ/Transport/Parks, Midtown Greenway 4.2.1                                                     $10,017.61
10. Environ/Transport/Parks, Bike Paths 4.2.4                                                                  $17.61
11. Environ/Transport/Parks, Stewart Park, Safety 5.3.1                                                  $1,495.17
12. Environ/Transport/Parks, Forest Management 5.6.1                                                     $71.94
13. Include Environ/Transport/Parks, Playgrounds 5.7.1                                                    $17.61
JB, LL; PASSED unanimously.

MOTION: Stop other pre-existing NRP Contracts
As a precaution, notify NRP that we want to cancel/stop all pre-existing Phase I contracts to avoid any glitches in carrying out the preceding motions.

AP, MG; PASSED unanimously.

7:40   EPIC/NRP Draft Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan
Carol made a presentation of the history of all the work that was done by EPIC in developing our Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan, noting the challenges and how these were addressed. The Phase II NRP Neighborhood Action Plan MUST spend 70% of the funds on housing; the remaining 30% of the fund may be spent on other non-housing activities. EPIC has more than met the requirements for communication and participation. Our survey responses came from 12 different language-speaking groups. EPIC worked hard to really listen and to put forward a plan that includes the expressed needs of our community.

A nine-page summary of the plan was distributed at this meeting, and a number of full plan copies were also available. A presentation was given, briefly describing the many projects that will be funded in Phase II.

After a short period of discussion, a motion was presented.

MOTION: MG, JB; Approve the EPIC/NRP Draft Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan;
            Passed unanimously. Members applauded. Carol was presented with flowers.
Rosie Cruz came in with a huge cake. On the top was written ‘Congratulations, EPIC!’ in Spanish. She and Alfonzo handed out cake and ice cream. We partied!!!!

Pursue full funding for Phase II
Everyone is encouraged to write Gary Schiff and say that you voted for this motion. The City Council does want to fully fund 6 of the North side neighborhoods.

MOTION: EPIC’s policy that Phase II should be fully funded. HB, ES; Passed.

7:55 Cooperative Energy Futures (CEF) (Ruby)
CEF conducted 30 workshops in residents’ homes. About 25 residents didn’t know a lot about energy efficiency, and CEF was able to share helpful and money saving information and skills with many. Workshops are in English and Spanish.

8:00 Winter heating help – (Timothy)
There are ongoing workshops available through Our Power and Community Action for neighbors across the south side of Minneapolis. A handout with more information was distributed. Center for Energy is making appliance replacement available for low income residents. Our Power is door-knocking in the neighborhoods now.

8:02 Crime concerns and other livability issues/problem properties
The goal of this agenda item is to create a list of problem properties, receive reports on community crime meetings, and track hot spots, problems and police assistance.

1. Intake information about problem spots/properties; not a “venting” time, but a reporting space of time.
2. Consider utilizing SH’s experience in Midtown; training workshops for dedicated, resident volunteers, provide training materials
            a. Organize crews to clean up trash, overgrown bushes, etc.; reporting to 311.
            b. Citizen patrol, quiet maneuvering, working with local law enforcement.
3. Put Crime concerns at the beginning of the monthly agenda; consider setting a time limit
4. Make motions to address housing and landlord issues; crime issues, etc.
5. Talk about strategies to prevent crime; find activities for youth; getting chronic criminals out of the neighborhood; addressing parents and schools; addressing family violence; addressing school bus and playground violence; dealing with Law Enforcement “hub” houses.
6. Consider what resources could be brought to bear on the lives of people who are “on the edge.”
7. Have a list so people can “log” problem addresses. Have a “box” and forms so people can report anonymously. Collect license plates.
8. Submit problem housing that is bank owned to PRG for rehab and sale.

2927 16th Avenue S (drugs, prostitution, noise at night)
2931 16th Avenue S(criminals come at night)
2930 16th Avenue S (landlord problems)
New house next to 2926 16th Avenue S (dogs in basement; too many occupants)

Jana reported that a lot of traffic is moving from Midtown (specific address) and moving over to 16th Avenue.

8:45 Meeting adjourned.