April 27, 2013

EPIC Annual Meeting Minutes 04-27

April 27th, 2013, 6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers,
but most of all the world needs dreamers who do.”

Board Members Present: Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms, Linda Leonard, Jenny Bjorgo, Sherdl Kordian, Rosie Cruz.
(NOTE) Prior to this meeting, Board members Jose Luis Villasenor and Chiffon Williams resigned for personal reasons)

 EPIC Members Present: Shoui Tsai, Guadalupe Martinez, Rose Gbadamassi, Mohamed Nur, Ali Macali, Margarita Aguilar, Aisha Gomez, Indalacio Muroz, Alfonso Cruz, Sharif Ali, Jose Luis Villasenor, Fred Jack, Michael Green, Clara Emma, Tim Springer, Alondra Cano, Hannah Lieder, Kevin Lieder, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Audrey Jackson, Lee Sanaban, Karen Clark, Pat Welna, Virgil Welna, Kristy Jacobsen, Ernestina Ganga, Hamsa Mohamed, Troy Benjegerdes, Ganga Ram, Govinda, Cindy Wright, Alondra Cano, Lavern Turner, Mary Juanita Leonard, Pat Fleetham, Sherzad Kordian, Gloria Kordian, Aden Awil, Mary-Grace Alton, John Mortenson, Max Mortenson, Jeremy Gray, Sky Sellars, Paula Weikle, Maria Riana, Annie Young, Kim Hayden, Shey Castaway, Megan Kraft Steppes, Seth Kuhl-Stenes, Carol Hill, Joseph Sperenzella, Francisca Pass, Carol June Leonard, LeRoy Jeffers, Jorge Granados, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Cedric Wash, Sherdl Kordian, Elizabeth Johnson, Alfred Johnson, Fred Jack, Gabriel Pass, Amy Pass, Aurora Pass, Jenny Bjorgo, Bryce & Kristy Jacobsen, Carol Thomas, Brad Pass, Margaret Castaway, Cynthia Aguirre, Brennen BuBray, Vickey Felder, Abdi Hakim, Don Olson,
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Doug Wise, Donna Smith, Kathy Mastel, Dean Dovolis, Dean’s son & Daughter.
(77 attendees signed in. There are estimates that an additional 9 attendees did not sign in and many children are not listed)

            The doors opened for breakfast and conversation.
            The Menu included Mexican style scrambled eggs (Huevos Rancheros), turkey and pork sausage,  chicken & vegetarian tamales, Sambusa, Fish Tortes, fruit platter, doughnuts, bagels, fruit juice,  milk & coffee including all the accoutrements. Three EPIC Spanish birthday cake and cupcakes finished it off.

9:45            WELCOME
Brad Pass emceed and welcomed everyone, explained the timing of the agenda, the Door Prizes and encouraged everyone to continue eating and to have a great time.

·      In preparation for the Board election, Brad explained the board eligibility requirements and that the board consists of 9 members who were expected to attend two monthly meetings and be available for additional meetings should the need arise.
·      He explained that 6 board positions were open to be filled today and indicated the EPIC Slate of 6 candidates.
·      Brad explained that there would be an opportunity for nominations from the floor and those nominated would have an opportunity to introduce themselves.
·      Brad explained the election process – who is eligible to vote, that each voter has 6 votes and can vote for each candidate no more than one time.
·      All current board members and those running on the EPIC Slate were asked to come to the front and he introduced EPIC Board President, Carol Pass to applause.
·      Carol introduced each of the candidates on the EPIC Slate (listed below) and they each gave a brief statement on how they felt able and qualified to serve on the EPIC Board.
o   Mary Gonsior           
o   Linda Leonard
o   Earl Simms
o   Sherdl Kordian
o   Ali Macalin
o   Aisha Gomez
·      Brad then opened Board Nominations from the floor.
o   Cedric Wash was nominated but refused the nomination.
o   Troy Benjegerdes was nominated and accepted the nomination.
o   Michael Greene was nominated but refused the nomination.
o   Nominations were closed.
·      Troy Benjegerdes introduce himself.
·      Brad called for the vote. BALLOTS which were distributed to qualified voters at the sign-in table were filled out and turned in. Annie Young and her appointed helper counted the ballots.

   Door prize donated by Welna Hardware at 2438 Bloomington Ave. S.

                        Carol Pass Brought attention to the many accomplishments of EPIC as detailed in the Tri-Fold Brochure and this year’s EPIC Annual Report for 2012.
Construction on the soccer fields and baseball diamond was completed last fall. Soccer has already started. Baseball must wait for the natural turf field to mature.
    All loans are 0% interest with no monthly payments. Loans are not due until      the sale or transfer of ownership of the property.
    The only affordable housing on the greenway – under way since 2006.
·      FUTURE GOALS.NRP PHASE II PLAN See EPIC Annual Report for 2012
10:40    GREENWAY HEIGHTS APARTMENTS - Kathy Wetzel, Progress Report, slide show, boards for viewing.                       
                       Kathy Wetzel reported that the project will be starting soon. There will be a public hearing in June with cinstruction starting soon after. Greenway Heights will include 42 two-, three, and four bedroom units affordable to households earning less than 50% AMI. Because of the loss of affordable rental units to the foreclosure crisis, this  project is needed to fill that gap and it will also address the housing needs created  by the growth of larger families within the neighborhood.               
            The project provides a secure outdoor play areas for both younger and older children. Tables    will be provided to allow parents a place to watch their children and also to serve as a picnic area. A grill will provide for outdoor barbeques.
           The project includes five raised-bed gardens which can produce nearly 1,000 pounds of food each season for its residents.
            The Greenway Heights/EPIC project will prevent the probability of a much larger, less desirable project on this valuable site.
             Balconies are desirable eyes on the Greenway amenities that are important crime prevention features as well as providing added outdoor space for the apartments. They are beyond the budget of this project but will be guaranteed if EPIC will help subsidize them with a $35,000 contribution. Note this will be reallocating Phase II home Buyer funds to be replaced later by CPP funding.

            MOTION: EPIC agrees to help with funding for the Balconies for our final new construction housing Project of  $35,000, using current Phase II Home Buyer Funds to be replaced later and contingent on approval of  a community supported design with balconies. Motion made by Hannah Leider, seconded by John Mortenson. Passed with one negative vote.

            Door prizes were donated by Welna Hardware at 2438 Bloomington Ave. S.

11:00            THE SWIMMING POOL PROJECT – Hannah Leider, MplsSwims
Carol Pass explained that she, with help from many East Phillips residents spent 1 year at the State Legislature raising money for this East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center. It was a grueling experience. Hannah spent one year doing the same for the pool project but was turned down at the last minute. She had to go through two years at the legislature, and she was successful after a two year struggle. She deserves accolades for this effort.                       
Hannah Leider explained the lack of indoor swimming facilities in Minneapolis. The only city with a worse record is Chicago.
The drowning rate of minority youth, especially blacks is horrific and totally reversible with swimming lessons.

Door prizes were donated by Welna Hardware at 2438 Bloomington Ave. S.

11:20 – 11:40  BYLAW CHANGE-
            MOTION: That 30 day notification for review of items requiring that timing be changed to read “required notification and review time is to be to the next monthly membership meeting, but not in any case less than 21 days, and to include amendments to the Bylaws”. (Sometimes the meetings do not fall on an exact 30-day gap, causing problems in timely review and response.)
Motion passed unanimously

11:40       RESULTS OF VOTING- The EPIC slate of Directors won the election.

Door prizes were donated by Welna Hardware at 2438 Bloomington Ave.

11:45                  ADJOURN

April 11, 2013

General Membership Meeting Minutes 04-11-2013

April 11th, 2013, 6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers,
but most of all the world needs dreamers who do.”

Board Members Present: Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms, Linda Leonard, Jenny Bjorgo, Chiffon Williams, Sherdl Kordian.
Board Members Not Present: JoseLuis Villasenor, Rosie Cruz.

EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Fred Jack, Michael Green, Clara Emma, Kevin Lieder, Tim Springer (candidate for city council, ward 9), Rose Gbadamassi, Alondra Cano (candidate for city council, ward 9), Hannah Lieder, Margaret Kirkpatrick.
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Jana Metge, Adam Arling.

6:45            Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions.
·       Approval of Agenda (JB, MG) Approved with move of Annual Meeting discussion to 7 PM.
·       Approval of Minutes from EPIC 3/14/2013 General Membership Meeting (JB, MG) approved with a.) correction to spelling of Tulasi and Tela Chattagai;

Tim Springer reported that the top issue is safety, sustainability is second, and equality (disparities) is third.

6:55            Announcements:
·       Opening of the Garden this Saturday, 10:00 am, Plots still available, get your plot that day.
·       NUSA Conference (Neighborhoods USA) Register before April 26th for Conference on May 22nd to 25th.
·       Major Meeting for all the Phillips Neighborhoods re: the Pool on April 24th for all neighborhoods. There may be a vote taken.
·       EPIC Annual Meeting will be on April 27th, 9:30 am, East Phillips Cultural and Community Center
·       Arbor Day at East Phillips Park, Saturday May 18, 2013 at East Phillips Park, 9:00 am ‘til noon, Plant TREES!! All ages welcome!

No motions to ratify from the Committee of the Whole of the Saturday EPIC Board Meeting

7:10            Annual Meeting coming on April 27th, Saturday, 9:30: Meeting Planning

·       When is the eligible voter list fixed? On the morning of the meeting.
·       How do you validate their eligibility to vote at the meeting?
·       Will we being independently audited (?) for the election? Individuals outside the neighborhood count the votes. In the past, we have had motions from the floor to elect the nominees as a slate, and when this has been passed unanimously, there have been no ballots. 

1.     Volunteers for Set up: Friday night set up tables between 7:30 and 9 pm. (Pat Fleetham had said he would help.)
2.     Saturday morning: 8 am and 9 am (bring in the food). (Michael Green, Carla Emma will help.)
3.     Jenny Bjorgo will drive Shirley to pick up food: Jenny's car is ...

CP will send out an email regarding nominations and open positions on the board; she will upload the two forms that must be read and signed to run up to the EPIC website, and will provide links to these forms in the email.

There are open positions on the EPIC Board. You need to have attended one EPIC meeting to qualify. There were two meetings before the Annual meeting, this one is the last one. You also must be either a resident or work in East Phillips. You must be willing to attend two meetings a month, the one on the 2nd Thursday and the board meeting on the 1st Saturday of each month. Call either Carol Pass at 612-280-8418 or Mary Gonsior at 612-724-7623 for questions.

Nominations from the floor will be accepted provided that individuals have signed the board nomination form, and have attended at least one EPIC general membership meeting during the past year. A sign and nomination forms will be available at the sign in table during the annual meeting.

Motion for Second recommended motion for Bylaw Change not cancelled, but will be moved until a later meeting pending legal analysis. First motion will go forward. (Bylaws currently require a 30 day notification for change. This was done (via email) on March 12th, so this vote can occur at the next Membership meeting.)

1)    that 30 day notice for review of items requiring that timing be changed to read “required review time is to the next monthly membership meeting (but not less than 21 days) to include amendments to the Bylaws”. (Sometimes the meetings       do not fall on an exact 30-day gap, causing problems in timely review and response.)
2        2)  changing “shall be dropped” to “may be dropped” from the Board if s/he has three consecutive nexcused     absences or four nonconsecutive unexcused absences from monthly membership meetings or meetings of the Board of Directors in a year.

Still don’t have entertainment.

7:30            EPIC Business: D and O insurance with Monitor Liability Managers, and Carolina Casualty Insurance Company a neighborhood will hold it. All Neighborhoods with 501(c)(3) are covered. Received Binder today.

7:35            2nd Meeting of the New East Phillips Sports Council
Brad Pass reporting; flyer distributed. Wednesday May 8, 2013 at 6:30 pm.

7:40            The Swimming Pool Alley two page Article, Report from Hannah, the Swimming Pool, Next Steps. Hannah presented a powerpoint slideshow. Those present were very excited and positive. Alondra Cano offered to help with approaching the School Board.

Ideas: Vikings, Target, Mpls. Public Schools (Integration dollars), social media volunteer, City of Minneapolis (intergovernmental relations committee could put this on their agenda), (Alan) Page Scholars (invite to sponsor a fundraiser), local unions,

7:50             NUSA (Neighborhoods USA) Conference. Registration: Before April 26th ($200);
Conference: May 22-25, 2013, Wed.-Sat., Cost: $200.00. Sponsorships, Issues.

Minneapolis was awarded the 2013 conference, which will run from Wed. – Sat., May 22-25, 2013. Registration is $200 by April 26. After this date, registration will be $300.

Jana Metge announced that Midtown will be doing its associated Minneapolis Aquatennial event on Saturday, July 20, 2013. Think about whether EPIC would like to be a part of the event, to promote or advertise EPIC, sponsor games, etc.

Midtown has been struggling for two years with an audit, and they finished the interviews this week, and the audit will be published in about a week. Soon Midtown will be able to begin spending its money again.

Even though the city reversed its plans to have this conference planned and executed by neighborhoods, and after hundreds of hours of planning completed by neighborhood volunteers, the city will hold this conference in May. The present conference was planned by non-neighborhood groups, however, EPIC members should probably still attend. EPIC can send two delegates to this event. After April 26 the registration cost is $300.

8:15            EPIC Housing Program – Home Buyer Assistance, Rehab Assistance, help with Emergencies and Foreclosure Avoidance Assistance. Brochures Available.
Our work is done formulating this program, translating it into Spanish and working with our loan managers to process loans. Now we are marketing this, Jenny agreed to doorknock and help fill out Loan Apps. She as already put in 10 hrs and agreed to continue up to at least 30 or whatever it takes
MOTION:  Jenny to be paid $300 for door-knocking and translating housing brochures into Spanish and also flyer for the Annual Meeting at the same time.into Spanish at least 30 hrs, but throughout the next month.(LL/CW) passed. Jenny abstained.

CP noted: Remember at Annual Meeting we will be voting on the $35,000 for the Greenway Heights Apartments balconies. This will remove Phase II money for Home Buyer Assistance until we put funds back in with new money. The sense was that no one is buying now and we have time…Review for this was completed at March 14th meeting.

8:25            The Opening of the Community Garden: Report by Brad Pass.

There have been two steering committee meetings, and we are having our first general membership meeting this Saturday, April 13th, 2013.. Come if you want to garden this summer. The plot fee will remain at $30 this year.
Plots will be assigned, gardeners will sign the agreement, and there will be a little bit of garden history presented. EPIC will help pay for excess garden needs instead of property taxes.

8:45            Adjournment


  EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Fred Jack, Michael Green, Clara Emma, Kevin Lieder, Tim Springer (candidate for city council, ward 9), Rose Gbadamassi, Alondra Cano (candidate for city council, ward 9), Hannah Lieder, Margaret Kirkpatrick












April 6, 2013

Board Meeting Minutes 04-06

April 6th, 2013, Saturday, 10:00 am

East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center
EPIC web address: http://www.eastphillips-epic.com/index.html
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers,
but most of all the world needs dreamers who do.”

Present board members:  Carol Pass, Jenny Bjorgo, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms
Not present board members: Linda Leonard, Chiffon Williams, Rosie Cruz, JoseLuis Villasenor, Sherdl Kordian
Members: Brad Pass
Guests: Shirley Heyer

MOTION: Meeting as a committee of the whole. MG, CP Passed.

10:00             Introduction:
·     Approval of Agenda – JB, MG approved with amendments.
·     Approval of Minutes from 3/4/2013 EPIC Board Meeting. JB, MG approved.

10:10    Announcements: 
·      EPIC Membership Meeting: Thursday, April 11th, day, 6:30 pm, the East Phillips Park Center
·      Annual Meeting, April 27th
·      Website expansion, completed. We are the only neighborhood that has a website that translates into 85 languages.
·      NUSA Conference (Neighborhoods USA) Register before April 26th for Conference on May 22nd to 25th.

10:15             Greenway Heights Apartments: Motion for funding to help with the Balconies. $35,000. Discussion of funding with Robert Thompson. Using the NRP Phase II Plan as our Priority Plan plus additional meeting endorsements and Annual Meeting is acceptable.

CP has not heard whether we have been granted funds from the County for this project. We did receive money from the City. Goal is to build this spring. Robert Thompson said that our process, as an extension of our priorities as part of the Phase II plan, and our decision about at four meeting over the past three months, is sufficient to move $35,000 from new NRP funds to leverage the funding from the County. It is not necessary to have create a new motion, because we have already approved this two times in community meetings, and board meetings. Just need confirmation from the Annual Meeting.

10: 30            NUSA Conference (Neighborhoods USA): Registration: Before April 26th; Conference: May 22-25, 2013, Wed.-Sat., Cost: $200.00. Sponsorships, Issues.
Even though the city reversed its plans to have this conference planned and executed by neighborhoods, and after hundreds of hours of planning completed by neighborhood volunteers, the city will hold this conference in May. The present conference was planned by non-neighborhood groups, however, EPIC members should probably still attend. EPIC can send two delegates to this event. After April 26 the registration cost is $300.

10:40            Housing Programs: Progress, Some Door-Knocking and distribution, Some filling out Apps. Jenny said she would be willing to do door-knocking and translating to Latino residents.
            Brochure and Instructions in Spanish.
EPIC has distributed some of the CEE packets as people have requested them. There have only been about 2 or 3 requests so far.

10:55             Annual Meeting:  on April 27th, Saturday at 9:30, meeting starts at 10:00 am.

·      Food: Shirley Heyer contracted for $250 meeting starts at 10:00 am
·      Entertainment: still no live entertainment.
·      Election of new Board Members:

Board Members elected last year Jenny, Carol, Rosie and JoseLuis. We would like to have five more elected this year. On the ballot are: Mary, Linda, Earl and Sherdl.

Nominations from the floor will be accepted provided that individuals have signed the board nomination form, and have attended at least one EPIC general membership meeting during the past year. A sign and nomination forms will be available at the sign in table during the annual meeting.

We have invited others to consider serving.
·      Norm (Jenny B.)
·      Cam and Tila, come and bring some relatives.
·      Naomi (Banyan)

11: 10 Report on NCR Funding Requirements:
Robert Thompson agreed that we can use the priorities stated in the NRP phase 2 plan (if it is recent), and along with community meetings, we can extend this plan forward to request new plan dollars. There are questions as to whether we will have any TIF or other future money after 2014. We used to have NRP dollars guaranteed for 10 years. Now we can only count on a 3 year plan, if the city does not withdraw their assent to this. The city has until June 30 to decide if they will change this. We have our NRP dollars no matter what.

11:15   Pool Progress: Alley two page Article EPIC paid $250, Other Neighborhoods to kick in $250 apiece. Check this out to inform yourselves.

April 10th presentation at Ventura Village. April 24th (Wednesday) meeting for all the neighborhoods starts at 6:30 pm at Phillips Community Center. Phillips Community Parks Initiative is working on a community wide outreach to update residents of the four neighborhoods and present a united neighborhood support group for the pool. The Park Board on March 6, did pass an endorsement of support for raising the funds needed for operations and construction needed for the pool.

11:35             The Opening of the Community Garden: Report by Brad Pass.

First garden meeting is next Saturday, April 13th, 2013 (steering committee and anyone else who wants to come.) Plot fees will be decided, and other concerns discussed. Come learn about receiving a plot. The first gardener’s meeting will be April 13, when plots will be assigned.

The following motion needs to be cancelled and substituted at the next general membership meeting. Board recommended motion to support EPIC’s assuming payment of annual property tax payment (up to $1,000 per year). EPIC owns the property.
It needs to read that EPIC moves this money to the “other” category.

11:50            Adjournment