October 10th, 2013, 6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
“The world needs dreamers and the world
needs doers,
but most of all the world needs
dreamers who do.”
Attendees: Board Members,
Carol Pass, Jenny Bjorgo, Aisha Gomez, Rosie Cruz
Members: Pat
Fleetham, Laura Dale, Alfonso Cruz, Brad Pass, Kim Hayden
Guests: Don Greely, Shirley Heyer, Jennie Taylor
NOTE; Meeting proceeded as a Committee of the whole.
6:30 Introductions:
· Greetings and Introduction
· Approval of Agenda Aisha wants to add needed Pollution
Monitoring sites. Shirley added Spirit of the Lakes opening. JB moved Aisha
seconded Passed
· Approval of 9/12/13 General Membership Meeting Minutes: PF
clarified that SA on bottom of 1st Page means Salvation Army. JB
moved, AG Seconded, Motion Passed
6:55 Announcements:
· Clean Sweep- October 12th, Starts Sat. Welna’s Hardware
Parking lot at 9:00 am. All are
invited including polliticians.
· Community
Garden Harvest Party, Saturday, October 19th, 5 pm
· Open
house of Spirit of the Lake Oct. 30th at 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
· Aisha
Gomez reports that ( jenni.lansing@minneapolismn.gov.) Mpls. Air Quality Study using state of
the art EPATO15. Suma Canisters will be placed in the neighborhoods where
people live, work and play. They are looking for sites to place the canisters. The
city was split into 34 zones and there are no volunteers for canister placement
in our zone #21. Kim Hayden volunteered. Everyone thought Steve Struthers’
residence would be an appropriate location. He may have moved, but still owns
the property
· MOTION: CP As a neighborhood with significant pollution would
like more monitoring sites than the two allocated and would like input in their
location. CP Moved, JB seconded, Motion Passed. (motions
must be passed by a board Quorum)
7:00 EPIC
Sports Report: The last game of the
season for the Hispanic Baseball League was two Sundays ago. The local team,
the Cardinals, won. Carol threw out the first pitch. Carol raised $35,000 to
help fund the league start-up and EPIC supports the Hispanic Baseball League.
7:10 Housing: Continuing to ReBuild East Phillips:
Greenway Heights Apartments, appeared before the Community Development Committee
this week and
its funding was approved. We are still short $200,000. What to do…
Crime is a major factor in our decision to proceed with the 10 year Greenway
Heights projects. CP and BP attended the City Council meeting which unanimously
approved major funding for the action. CP addressed the meeting. Lisa Goodman
acknowledged the incredible effort in creating affordable family housing on the
Greenway. The project came up $200,000 short due to a Hennepin County screw-up.
2) New
Construction: Prepare for a plan. Block Clubs and/or individuals locate vacant
lots. (Henn. Cty. Prop. Info.) Discussion: Possible partnership with PRG to fill vacant lots with new
construction homes and/or to rehab. It seems that for an EPIC investment of
$15,000, we may be able to leverage a new, infill house. CP suggested that we
all look at possible empty lots for the first infill house site. Cathy Wetzel
presented a list of City owned available site. The City would like to complete
the “Village in Phillips” project that includes the area between 16th
Ave. S. and 18th Ave. S. and South of 24th St to E. 25th
7:20 EPIC
Home Loans: We need to be more
aggressive in marketing EPIC’s home loans to our neighbors. Income cap was too
low. The income
guidelines are now 100% of the HUD median income
Block Club Leaders and/or individuals outreach to Neighbors…Other
suggestions??? Some training?? Who wants to volunteer??
Factors contributing to ineligibility is
any late mortgage payment within the previous year.
7:40 Public
Safety Issues: Report on East Lake Crime Meeting. Don Greeley, Problem Properties, Geographically
Restricted people.
partnering with Powderhorn and Midtown Phillips on Lake to handle the increase
in crime on Lake.
reviewed the crime maps which show four months of crime. The map symbols
reflect arrests only only for four
crimes which are indicative of crime in the area.
shooting behind Chiffon’s house is the result of a feud between the Bloods and
the Tens gangs. Still no reportable
Franklin for about two weeks, was bad RE stolen phones billfolds etc. DG stood
on the corner and passed out brochures explaining how to protect your-self and
in a very short time the robberies stopped.
reported that her daughter was approached by a John at 6:30 AM while waiting
for the school bus. Rossie was there and intervened.
reported that after our last meeting, the activity by the Salvation Army
building is much better, but moved closer to her house.
16th resident was assaulted after parking his car in the alley.
is moving South of Lake St. as shown on the crime maps. It is suggested that
EPIC and Powderhorn discuss this migration and explore a plan.
8:00 People’s
Well-being: Consider health
challenges of our population, East Phillips’ new Nepali refugee population,
Somali elders, African American folks and others, i.e. organizing Elder walking
groups in the gym in winter, indoor soccer for youth, etc.
MOTION: Help organize elder walking
groups. Aisha G moved, JB seconded, Both motions passed.
Diabetes in the new
Nepali refugee population. We need an interpreter for A-POD (A Partnership of
Diabetics) which we already have funded to get it started up. These people have
serious health challenges but do not speak English. (motions must be passed by
a board Quorum at the next meeting)
MOTION: EPIC will over a stipend
of up to $1,000, roughly $100 a month (5 meetings and more) for Nepali interpreter to translate for 10
months of meetings, then progress to be evaluated and a report filed for EPIC before any additional funds granted. (motions
must be passed by a board Quorum at the next meeting)
8:15 Clean this Place
We will consider getting more people out for Saturday’s ‘CLEAN SWEEP’ clean up
of Phillips. Get your neighbors
8:30 Adjournment