April 14, 2016

General Membership Meeting Minutes 04 - 14

April 14th, 2016, 6:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612)  280-8418

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Shawna Dillon, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass.
Board Members Present: Mary Gonsior, Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega,
Carol Pass.
Board Members Not Present: Shawna Dillon, Jean Howard
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Michael Green, Jadin Bjorgo, Margaret Kirkpatrick
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Alondra Cano, Tammy Williams, Julie Graves

6:45   Introductions:
·       Greetings and Introductions:
·       Approval of Agenda:
·       Approval of Minutes from March 10th, 2016, Carol remarked that she had changed a mistaken name. Tammy Williams was mistaken for Julie Graves. She thought this would cause confusion if not changed right away. Approved by consensus

6:50     Announcements:

·       Tax Return is done and sent
  • EPIC Annual Meeting volunteers are needed. Contact a board member.
  • EPIC SummerFest performers needed. Contact Brad Pass.
  • EPIC Annual Meeting: Saturday, April 30th, 2016 
  • EPIC SummerFest, Sunday, June 12th, 2016

7:05     New 2016 Policies and Procedures Handbook
  •  Review and clarification Board Attendance described what an excused and unexcused absence is. Board  voted to budget up to $2400 per year for child-care at board and general membership meetings. We would need to form the following:
**Policies, procedures and job description. Contract services.
MG will contact Ikram Mohamed for childcare.
·       Reviewed changes to the financial policies and procedures (page 7).
·       The Handbook is on the Web. There is one missing page, the Neighborhood Priority Plan procedure. The new Handbook has numbered pages and formatting changes.
·       Board Application materials are on pages 11, 12 and 13.
·       New letter policy is in page 10.
·       New change: page 13; remove “Pointers for Participation from Board Contract (page 13).

7:20  Jean Whitehill and Tammy Williams, Youth Coordinator – A Spring Pilot Program to create a volunteer incentive program for youth that frequent the East Phillips Park during summer. Build and encourage life skills for future jobs. See Handout. Partnering with East Phillips parents and EPIC’s Programming Partnering Committee.
Program request total: $995.

MOTION: EPIC will provide funding for new EP Park Youth Pilot Program of $995 from NRP Phase II Youth Programming.  Passed by Consensus

7:30  Julie Graves presented Plans for a Youth Sports Program (Track and Field)- a Partnership of EPIC and  Waite House.  

This proposal was brought first to the EP Park Program Partnership committee of  EPIC for a summer program involving East Phillips youth. They are seeking funds from EPIC, Midtown and other organizations. See handout. This is for including kids from grades 6-8 in a full summer program of six weeks, 5 days a week and 6 hours a day. They will also provide two meals a day and academic help will also be part of this.

Thirty youth are to be from East Phillips (Addresses provided). Waite House provides staff and transportation. EPIC members will provide recruitment

Board Recommended MOTION: EPIC will subsidize Waite House Summer Youth Program to support 30 low-income EPIC students’ summer learning and development at a rate of $3,000. EPIC will provide Outreach. Passed by consensus

7:45    Final Vote on a Plan Modification:   This action was approved by the Board and for review at the March 10th Community Meeting. It involves repurposing $7500 of NRP Phase II $10,000 once allocated for building out the EP Park Community Center kitchen and now no longer needed…..

MOTION: Approve $7,500 of NRP Phase II $10,000 former Park Kitchen allocation to be used for the speed bumps on the 2400 Block of 18th Ave South by the School and on the 2900 block of 16th Ave S. to slow the large number of speeding cars. LL, JB Passed

8:00   The Board voted to consider the $2,000 of the remaining $2500 go as equal matching dollars from Little Earth to support the Native Americans Survey for the Bryne Grant.

The NCR staff said that we did not have enough information regarding this request and needed more to determine what to do. We could vote to do this if it works out.

MOTION: Move the $2,000 of the remaining $2500 go as equal matching dollars from Little Earth to support the Native Americans Survey for the Bryne Grant if motion is appropriate. BP JB

The remaining $500 dollars to be decided. We may get an ok for speed bumps  near Cedar Field on the 2500 Block and this money could be used to help with that.

8:15   Report: Pollution Issue and EPIC at the Legislature for the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm
CP attended the Capitol at the House Committee on Agriculture with Karen Clark to lobby for the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm. Learned that other people are also applying for funding for similar projects. We are applying for $3M for the Governor’s Racial Equity Fund to combine with 9.8M from investors gathered by Dean Dovolis from DJR Inc. Our request is based on Neighborhood Revitalization through urban Ag. And the idea is job creation for jobs that don’t require college degrees. There is an additional Fund of $20M for Urban Agriculture available. We have not applied for that.
Permit is up for renewal for Smith Foundry.
Change of Zoning from I 3 to I 2

8:25  Speed Bumps (Margarita)
Holy Rosary, will try to contribute $1,000
Little Earth, requested a budget
Southside Family Nurturing Center, TBD
Baby’s Space, $500
Speed Bumps (Rosie/Rob) DurDur Bakery  $3250 or whatever is not collected from the block.
or whatever is not collected from the block.

8:30   Annual Meeting – Plans to help with the Set-Up. 
            Annual Meeting, April 30, 2016
1.     Pancake breakfast/Volunteers:
a.     MO will ask the PAR team to help (Byrne Grant Study) with set-up
b.     MG will “woman” the sign-in table
c.     Brad will take care of the food
d.     Paper goods and meeting supplies – purchase
e.     Still need:
                                               i.     Volunteers to cook and serve
                                             ii.     Volunteers to clean up/tear down

8:40   Help Plan the EPIC SummerFest – Mid-June, Talent Show, Music, Food, etc.

8:55     Adjourn

April 2, 2016

Board Meeting Minutes 04 - 02

April 2, 2016, 6:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612)  280-8418

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Shawna Dillon, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass.
Board Members Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass. Mary Gonsior
Board Members Not Present: Shawna Dillon, Jean Howard
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Michael Green

10:00   Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions.
·       Approval of Agenda:
·       Approval of Minutes from March 5th, 2016

Announcements: Next EPIC Membership Meeting, April 14th, East Phillips Park, Thursday 6:30 pm,
  • Annual Meeting, April 30th, Saturday, East Phillips Park, 9:30 am
  • Next EPIC Board meeting, May 7th, East Phillips Park, Saturday, 10:00 am
Grievance-Michael Green submitted a note regarding what he perceived as improprieties in our last proposed agenda for the community meeting on April 14th. These were duly noted and changes will be made accordingly   .  
10:20   EPIC Board Policies and Procedures Manual-

New 2016 Policies and Procedures Manual was distributed. Reviewed the new board attendance policy (page 6).
  • A review and clarification Board Attendance described what an excused and unexcused absence is. Board voted to budget up to $2400 per year for child-care at board and general membership meetings. We would need
to form the following:
**Policies, procedures and job description. Contract services.
MG will contact Ikram Mohamed for childcare.
·       Reviewed changes to the financial policies and procedures (page 7).
·       The Handbook is on the Web. There is one missing page, the Neighborhood Priority Plan procedure. The new Handbook has numbered pages and formatting changes.
·       Board Application materials are on pages 11, 12 and 13.
·       New letter policy is in page 10.
·       New change: page 13; remove “Pointers for Participation from Board Contract (page 13).

10:50   Track, Field & Dance Spring Program – Julie Graves, Director of Youth Activities/ Pillsbury United

Julie pointed out that for the last couple of years, youth programs have had a decline in funding and the challenge is to continue providing effective programming for youth with fewer resources. Seeing a growing trend of families struggling to provide summer enrichment activities for their children, especially in East Phillips and Midtown. We want to ensure that families that need and want summer programming the most have access.  EPIC has $30,000 in NRP Phase II Youth Programmiing to use for purposes like this.

Programs focus on academics, arts, culture and wellness.
Julie insured us that East Phillips kids will be major participants. She is documenting their addresses.

MOTION: EPIC will partner with Waite House Summer Youth Program to support 30 low-income EPIC students’ summer learning and development at a rate of $3,000 to come from NRP Phase II  Youth Programming.. MO, JB, Approved.

11:25   BYRNE Grant
Margarita introduced Roberta Gibbons, professor at Metropolitan University. Along with 2 professors from Hamline put together a proposal ($150,000) to fund a planning study of Little Earth addressing many areas including crime and safety and surveys of any area the LE community chooses. This is research WITH the community, instead of research ON the community. The grant funds a “participatory study team”. The goal is figuring out the persistence of crime in the community and ideas the community has for solving the problem. Will identify strengths of the community, and support a larger grant proposal to fund implementation of solutions.

MOTION: EPIC will explore the possibility of funding $2,000 to be matched by Little Earth for the purpose of providing an incentive for survey participants for the Byrne Grant study on crime and safety at Little Earth. LL, RC, Approved.

11:50   EPIC 990 and Charitable Organization Annual Report Form

MOTION: Approve the 2015 Form 990. LD, RC Approved.
MOTION: Approve the charitable organization annual report. JB, LD, Approved.

11:55   Grievances review:

Called Ellen McVeigh to ask her to work with EPIC on our Grievance Procedures. Waiting to hear back. We budgeted $1,000 for this.

Mary reported actions taken regarding grievance received at March 5, 2016 board meeting. We have until April 18 to respond.

12:10   Funding for Crime and Safety

Motions for the April membership meeting:
1.     Move $7,500 from NRP Phase 2 Community Kitchen to Crime and Safety fund.
2.     Approve spending $7,500 on the speed bump (split between 18th and 16th Avenues).
3.     Board recommended Motion: Move remaining $2,500 from NRP Phase 2 Community Kitchen for spending $2,000 for matching funding from Little Earth for survey participants in the LE Byrne Grant Study with remaining $500 to Crime and Safety for Speed Bumps on 18th Ave by Cedar Field.

12:15   Reports (take from agenda)

Office, next steps
1. get plans/approval from the city
2. raise money

EPIC at the Capitol (Carol)
CP attended the Capitol, to the House Committee on Agriculture with Karen Clark to lobby for the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm. Learned that other people are also applying for funding for similar projects. We are applying for $3M for the Governor’s Racial Equity Fund to combine with 9.8M from investors gathered by Dean Dovolis from DJR Inc. Our request is based on Neighborhood Revitalization through urban Ag. And the idea is job creation for jobs that don’t require college degrees. There is an additional Fund of $20M for Urban Agriculture available. We have not applied for that.

EPIC paid Dean Dovolis $10,000 for services rendered for over the past year and a half. His invoice will be distributed to board members. EPIC voted to provide these funds at our November meeting in 2014, and confirmed the motion in February 2015.

EPIC will post our $10M proposal for East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm online.

Speed Bumps (Margarita)
Holy Rosary, will try to contribute $1,000
Little Earth, requested a budget
Southside Family Nurturing Center, TBD
Baby’s Space, $500

12:30    Annual Meeting, April 30, 2016
1.     Pancake breakfast/Volunteers:
a.     MO will ask the PAR team to help (Byrne Grant Study) with set-up
b.     MG will “woman” the sign in table
c.     Brad will take care of the food
d.     Paper goods and meeting supplies – purchase
e.     Still need:
                                               i.     Volunteers to cook and serve
                                             ii.     Volunteers to clean up/tear down
2.     MG will send a email to absent directors, regarding attendance.
3.     MG will send an email to those directors whose term is ending, do they wish to run again.

MPRB Youth Fund Program Funding
1. Will this serve youth from East Phillips?
2. Provide a copy of our partnership programming requirements and ask MPRB to address these points.

Agenda for April Membership Meeting
Waite House Youth Programming proposal
MPRB Youth Programming proposal
Tax Return report
Annual Meeting

1:10     Adjourn