May 12th, 2016, 6:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community
Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web
Office: 2536
18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612)
"Those who are too
smart to engage in politics
are punished by being
governed by those who are dumber" -
Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Shawna Dillon, Mary Gonsior, Kristin Hanks, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol
Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda
Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass.
Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo (E), Rosie Cruz (E), Shawna
Dillon (E), Kristin Hanks.
Members: Brad Pass, Craig Seifert, Margaret
Kirkpatrick, Karen Clark
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Clyde Turner (PACE)
6:45 Introductions:
Greetings and Introductions:
Approval of Agenda: by consensus
Approval of Minutes
from April 14th, 2016, by consensus.
6:50 Announcements:
- Art-A-Whirl – Northeast Artists Studios open for viewing. May 20th,21st and 22nd from Friday 5 pm to 10 pm, Sat noon ‘til 8 pm, Sun noon ‘til 5 pm.
- Next EPIC Board Meeting will be June 4th.
- Next Community Meeting will be June 9th.
- EPIC SummerFest performers needed. Contact Brad Pass.
- EPIC SummerFest, Sunday, June 12th, 2016.
- Developer for 2701 Bloomington (empty lot now) has provided plans for community input. Proposal for 1-2 businesses in this project.
7:05 Introducing the new Board Members and Executive Committee and Report on the Annual Meeting.
2 year term: Shawna Dillon, Kristin Hanks, Laura Dale, Carol Pass, Rosie Cruz
1 year term: Jenny Bjorgo (volunteered to serve 1 year term)
Executive Committee
President: Carol Pass, Vice President: Margarita Ortega
Secretary: Linda Leonard, Treasurer: Mary Gonsior
Apparently, some of the election paperwork was thrown out in the trash. We don’t know by whom or why.
7:10 Byrne Grant Motion
In April, EPIC voted to repurpose $2,000 of the
remaining $2,500 former NRP Phase II Park Kitchen allocation once allocated for
building out the EP Park Community Center Kitchen and now no longer needed…to
go as equal matching dollars from Little Earth to support the Native Americans
Survey for the Byrne Grant. This is the 2nd vote to repurpose these
funds, as required by EPIC Bylaws.
(2ND Vote): Move the $2,000 of the remaining $2,500 go as equal
matching dollars from Little Earth to support the Native Americans Survey for
the Byrne Grant if motion is appropriate. Approved.
This leaves $500 in the NRP Phase II Park
Kitchen allocation, once allocated for building out the EP Park Community
Center Kitchen and now no longer needed. How to spend the remaining $500 to be
7:20 Update on the Pollution struggle with the Asphalt Plant, Foundry and the Water Yard Trucks. The progress on the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm.
The $20M originally thought to be available for
Urban Farming was reduced to $3M and so there will not be much chance to obtain
funding in this particular legislative session. The new strategy of the
coalition is to seek funding through the Governor under the category “Racial
7:50 Consider a New Sports and Mentoring Proposal from PACE (Past Athletes Concerned About Education) Clyde Turner will present. This will be a beginning vote for review with a final vote next EPIC meeting. This will involve partial funding by EPIC, partnering with funds from the Shakopee Sioux Community.
does the budget look like? Are there stipends for the youth?
No, although there are some youth who are promoted
to leadership positions.
for follow-up after the basketball camp.
to have a Basketball Academy…continue for the next three Saturdays (an
additional 9 hours).PACE is also operating in Sanford Middle School, Henry in
N. Minneapolis, and many schools in Saint Paul; there is an afternoon program
in Burnsville.
Can EPIC receive “anonymous” data on youth who end
up participating in school-based PACE programs?
that would be helpful information for both EPIC and PACE. PACE is very
interested in collaborations that benefit the program and the sponsors.
the program be run indoors or outdoors?
Yes, either.
EPPCCC have capacity to host this program, even if for only one week and a few
following Saturdays.
Little Earth also has basketball courts and there is
definitely a lot of interest in basketball (heavily used).
for collaboration/source of funds:
1. Participate in EPIC’s
2. List EPIC and MPBoard on
the T-shirt.
3. NRP Phase II, Youth
Program Funds ($30,000 uncontracted)
EPIC will
partner with PACE to sponsor a one week or longer youth basketball &
character building camp, and will provide $4,500 toward the budget, and will
receive recognition as a sponsor, along with EPPCCC and MPRB, based on the
proposal provided on May 6, 2016 and presented to GMM on May 12, 2016. MG, LL, Approved.
8:40 Urban Agriculture
Last year, a bill was passed that said the
commissioner of agriculture had to go out and ask what was important to future
urban agriculture. This year, there is a pilot program that would fund grantees
that apply. Cities, individuals, nonprofits and cooperatives can apply. There
are 21 criteria that requests would be rated by, and economic need would be a
component (creating jobs to grow food in communities with need). Passed in the
House and Senate committees. The House brought it to the finance committee, but
the Senate never did.
The Senate decided to put forward a plan to spend all
of the surplus funds (cash) on funding into roads and bridges (fixing crumbling
infrastructure) and lowering taxes for some. The result was that there was no
money provided for many projects, including urban farming. The Senate spent
$93M on this disparity budget.
Hundreds of people have worked on this issue all
over the state, so the coalition is asking the governor and agriculture
commissioner to exercise their power to provide funding. Never give up. We are
seeking $3M.
House and Senate plans are so far apart, there might
require a special session.
Call your senator and ask them to put Urban Farming
in the big funding bill. It creates economic development, it’s a food justice
8:54 The Garden is being planted by many families and friends.
If you want a space, get on the waiting list.
Planting season is upon us. Contact Brad Pass. 612-916-8478 or
8:55 Clean Sweep T-Shirt Design Contest. A Serious Prize ($50 cash prize). Deadline June 15th.
Contact Brad Pass. 612-916-8478 or
8:56 Planning for EPIC SummerFest – June 12th, Talent Show, Music, Food, etc.
Contact Brad Pass. 612-916-8478 or