August 11th, 2016, 6:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community
Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S.,
Minneapolis, MN 55404
(612) -280-8418
Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Shawna Dillon, Mary Gonsior, Kristin Hanks, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol
Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass.
Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo (E), Shawna Dillon, Kristin
Hanks, Margarita Ortega.
Members: Craig Seifert,
Brad Pass, Michael Green
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Alondra Cano
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Alondra Cano
Meet as a committee of the whole. Approved.
6:49 Introductions:
Greetings and Introductions:
Quorum achieved: 6:51 pm.
Approval of Agenda: CS, BP Passed.
Approval of Minutes from July 7th, 2016. LL, MG
6:45 Announcements:
· Next EPIC Board Meeting will be Sept. 10th, Saturday at the Park 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.
- Next EPIC Community meeting will be Sept. 15th, Thursday at the Park 6:30 to 8:45 pm.
- Neighborhood Network invitation to participate. Next Door is a private social network for you and your community. Talk to your neighbors online.
- Banyon’s open house – everyone is invited to their open house and ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday at 4 pm…26th Street and 13th Avenue.
- MOTION: EPIC will send a gift and card ($50 max.) LL, MG, Approved.
- House for sale. Harvey Winge called to say his house is for sale. Location 2621 Bloomington Ave S. 6-bedroom, single family home. Contact Jeff Piper, REMAX.
- Annual report approved – will be posted on website and Facebook posts.
7:10 Red Lake Band Development- MOTION of Support
Concerns: New development in Seward may create traffic congestion, impact on the park, affordability.
Send a welcome letter and invite conversation to talk about the neighborhood, and partnering to provide mutual benefits. Also invite the county to work on improving the Franklin/Cedar intersection. (Consensus.)
7:30 Traffic Changes on Franklin/Cedar/ Minnehaha Aves
for changes to the Cedar Franklin Minnehaha intersections were discussed and a
satellite map was distributed showing the proposed changes. Concerns: semis and
large trucks congesting roads, too many stoplights on Cedar (5 between Franklin
and 24th St. There was a serious lack of consultation of EPIC’s
needs for these roads by both the County and Seward Redesign, prior to decision
making. We are apprehensive that this will make the traffic situation much
worse, rather than an improvement.
and Ventura Village were invited to public hearings on this change, but East
Phillips was not included even though the EPPCCC park is located in the
notification area. This plan was driven by bicyclists; all businesses were
opposed to the plan, even though the Seward part of the affected area is
“industrial”. Trucks being re-routed are
being routed through residential areas.
will invite Robert Byers and Peter McLaughlin to present this plan to the
community at the next GMM, if possible. Invite residents and businesses from
Seward and Ventura Village to attend also. Also invite city staff to be present
for comments.
Minneapolis lack up-to-date software to run traffic flows. (Reference MPR story
7:55 MNDOT
Meeting Report
Karen Clark and Alondra Cano presented our concerns, motions and diagram for
Hwy 55, Hiawatha, traffic pattern, and access to Roof Depot Site to MNDOT. We
had an opportunity to express the negative impact of the Public Works being
located here, and the disaster that would result if traffic issues were not
addressed at the outset, resulting in additional negative impacts on EPIC
residents. Our presentation was well received, and MNDOT appeared interested in
EPIC’s concerns. It seemed that MNDOT was really listening.
will continue looking for acceptable options and bringing attention to this
8:11 Procedure for preparing minutes.
Mary G read the new, formalized procedure for EPIC’s process
for preparing minutes.
Michael G. expressed concern regarding the “google” site
that appears to contain a copy of the minutes, and that sometimes it seems the
minutes are changed. Michael G. also would like to see edits to the minutes
recorded at the meeting and that are edited by the board members prior to being
published as draft minutes. Mary G. expressed that was a layer of detail that
wasn’t needed; CP expressed that there should be no changes in the minutes from
what is approved, and asked for examples. Stated that the minutes are posted to
the website, which is accessible from
the address. Mary G and MO asked Michael G. to
send the “google” links to minutes that he is aware of.
8:20 Alondra Cano report
Distributed Ninth Ward Update (crime/police
accountability; transportation).
Having a celebration of the 3rd Precinct
to thank them for all their hard work and commitment to good policing in the
neighborhood. Neighborhoods have agreed to co-host, inviting people to attend,
etc. Will be held at Plaza Centenario (12th Ave & Lake
Funding for the Orange Line is connected to the funding for
the Lake Street Station…located at Lake St. and 35W. This Orange Line is
important to Minneapolis in providing access to 200,000 jobs for people in our
communities. Press conference on Monday at 11 am (bottom of the stairs at the
Lake Street Station.)
Actions you can take:
Email decision makers; Attend the CTIB meeting Wednesday, August
17, 8:30 am; Ramsey County Plato Boulevard Building; use #SaveOrangeLine.
MO and CP received a demonstration of high definition camera specifications and estimated cost of $7,000 to $10,000 per camera.
MOTION: EPIC will look for additional moneys in our uncontracted funding and will commit to the first two cameras, and consider a third camera at a cost of $7-10,000 per camera. CP, LD. Approved with one abstention (Michael G).
8:40 Progress on Speed Bumps
All the money for all the speed bumps has been raised; the contract is being written. Funds came from a combination of East Phillips and individual donors. We have all the required signatures.
The 2500 block of 18th Avenue has now qualified for speed bumps. LL will print the petition and start gathering signatures.
Note: two board members own property on this block:
· Linda Leonard owns
property on this block.
daughters own property on this block.
· Carol Pass owns property
on this block.
son owns property on this block.
MO will talk to the Park Board about the Cedar Field park on the 2500 block and see if EPIC can get a contribution toward speed bumps on this block. There has to be a way to fund this in addition to EPIC funds.
8:55 Update on Radio Station: Mohamed Cali
not present.
8:55 Adjourn