November 10th, 2016, 6:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.
East Phillips Park Cultural
& Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web
Office: 2536
18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418
Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass. Margarita Ortega, Kristin Hanks, Jenny
Bjorgo, Mary Gonsior
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass. Margarita Ortega, Mary
Board Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo (E), Kristin Hanks (A)
Members: Brad Pass, Troy
Benjerde, Kim Hayden, Margaret Kirkpatrick
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Adam Arvidson, Carrie Aspinwal
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Adam Arvidson, Carrie Aspinwal
6:30 Social Time/ Greetings and Introductions
6:55 Approval of Proposed November 10th
Agenda (CP, RC, approved)
Approval of October
13th General Membership Draft Minutes (MG, BP, approved with
correction to the Clean Sweep report; gave away 400 T-shirts, not 100.
7:00 Announcements:
- Taste of Minneapolis – visit Minneapolis Parks website.
- Waite House is doing it’s “Thanks” dinner next week.
- Public Hearing for Cedar Avenue Bridge-Tuesday, November 29, 2016, at 4:30 pm in Room 317 City Hall, 350 South 5th St. The Heritage Preservation Commission will make a determination after the hearing based on legal findings of fact. If you have questions about the project, please contact Hilary Dvorak at 612.673.2639 or email
· Next EPIC Board Meeting
will be December 3rd, Saturday at the Park 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.
- Next EPIC Community meeting will be December 8th, Thursday at the Park 6:30 to 8:45 pm.
In the interest of
Public Safety, please consider the following:
- Alert: Are any of your street lights out? Feel Safer and call the following numbers.
- If the poles are wooden call Excel Energy at 1-800-960-6235 or
- If the poles are metal, call City of Minneapolis 311
7:10 Nominations for
the Board: Members of East Phillips seeking election to the Board of
Directors, whether nominated by themselves or another, should pick up the
eligibility papers, sign them and turn them in to an EPIC Board member in the
next few weeks. (See applications on the EPIC website at Click on
"about EPIC" to find nomination materials.) Assuming we have an
eligible candidate or more, we can proceed to the election process at the next
board meeting and at the next community meeting, otherwise we can wait to the
following set of meetings.
Questions and Answers.
Bylaws Update
Bylaws have been posted on
the website. There is a “red-line” version on the website. The board was not
able to present a process for reviewing and approving changes, and will meet on
Thursday, Nov. 17th to discuss the bylaws and will finalize the
community process at their next board meeting on Dec. 3rd.
7:25 Proposed
Renovation to Cedar Field - Adam
Arvidson from MPRB, Community Engagement Plan
The Park is working on a
community-supported “master plan”. With the help of Cano’s office and Little
- Phase I engagement. General visioning for design process.
- Draw up some options for discussion; further refine the vision to create a preferred option.
- Prepare a preferred option.
EPIC was asked to provide comments
and feedback on boards; add general comments on list.
Process going forward
- Two meetings with the MUID committee at Little Earth.
- Event on National Night Out was held at Little Earth.
- A big open house on Monday, Nov. 14th, 5-6:30 pm, at Little Earth Residents Association (building that faces the park.) The neighborhood is invited.
- Community Safety Champions will flyer all around (Little Earth and neighbors).
- Boards will remain available for two weeks for additional comments.
- December – open house sort of event – present the “options”
- January – open house sort of event – present the preferred option.
- Goal to have an adopted master plan by springtime.
New funding types from the
city ($250,000) available; to some degree these funds will be directed to crime
and safety issues related to the community, and the park, although the funds
are not limited to crime and safety.
Questions and Answers.
- What is the role of programming for this type of park?
- If this is important, we need to discuss it.
Youth Sports Grant Program – application for Longfellow Park. The signer is out
of town and the deadline is Monday. Park Board asked us to sign it.
MOTION: EPIC will assist
Longfellow Neighborhood Association in receiving a grant from Hennepin County
for Youth Sport Program by signing the application for the Hennepin County
Youth Sports Grant Program grant. This does not impact any future effort to request
similar funding on the part East Phillips. Part official promised to help push
oour future project requests. CP, LD, approved (board members only voted.)
7:55 Community Engagement Process for the
City’s reconstruction of the Roof Depot site.
from Alondra Cano. NCR and David Rubedor are putting together a community
engagement plan for the reconstruction of the Roof Depot site. Plan is to be
approved by Nov. 29th. EPIC has been invited to participate in
creating that plan. Original plan was to have the design firm put together the
“engagement plan”. Instead, NCR wants to pull out a set aside for community
engagement to ensure that Facilities Management and Public Works have not made
clear whether any of the building will be left, or how much. This affects the
design process.
included Q&A, and comments:
- Can we ask the City to consider that EPIC has been doing the engagement on this site; can the City support EPIC in continuing to carry forward the engagement?
- Does the City have its own timeline? Is it considering the needs of the community in achieving real “engagement”?
- EPIC is the “community engagement organization”…why is NCR “leading” this process? (The city needs to create this work, and has been tasked with creating a plan.)
- All of EPIC”s past communication have been ignored.
- Will the city take it seriously if there is a budget assigned to EPIC to lead a community process and report on the urban farm plan?
- Design firm is RSP Architects.
- The community tried, Alondra tried on our behalf, to have the city put something in the budget/plan to ensure there would be inclusion of EPIC and neighborhood residents; this is why the city council asked David to get these answers.
- EPIC would prefer to hire DJR to help engage and lead the design process.
- EPIC should write a proposal for the engagement process.
MOTION: EPIC will create a proposal to apply for funds from the City to conduct community
engagement for the design of the roof depot site. CP, RC, Approved.
MOTION: EPIC will offer up to $15,000 to DJR Architect to advise and consult
with EPIC on responding to EPIC’s interests and representing the needs and
interests of EPIC with regard to the roof depot design project. CP, LD, Approve:
5 in favor, 1 opposed, 3 abstained. (Motion requires a 2nd approval
at a general membership meeting.)
8:59 Adjournment