December 8, 2016

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes 12 - 08

December 8th, 2016, 6:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass. Margarita Ortega, Mary Gonsior
Board Members Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior
Board Members Not Present: Margarita Ortega
Members: Brad Pass, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Michael Green, Steve Sabdberg
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Dana Murdoch, Michelle Chavez, Christina Kendrick,  Noah Keller

6:30     Social Time/ Greetings and Introductions

6:55     Approval of Proposed December 8th, 2016 Agenda, by consensus.
            Approval of November 10th General Membership Draft Minutes, by consensus. 

7:00     Announcements      
  •   Next EPIC Board Meeting will be January 7th, 2017, Saturday at the Park 10:00 am to 12:00 no
  • Next EPIC Community meeting will be January 12th, 2017, Thursday at the Park 6:30 to 8:45 pm.
  • Nominations for the Board: Members of East Phillips seeking election to the Board of Directors, whether nominated by themselves or another, should pick up the eligibility papers, sign them and turn them in to an EPIC Board member in the next few weeks.
  • Cedar Field Redesign - Help create Cedar Avenue Field Park Master Plan during three-day open house at EPPCCC at 3-9pm on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 15 and 16, and at 9am-4pm on Saturday, Dec. 17. Announcements will be made on local Somali radio, and the flyer will be translated as well.
  • A New York City investment group is planning to buy property connected with the Sears building/Midtown Exchange from Ryan Companies.
7:15     Roof Depot – Community Voice
  • Roof Depot: Christina Kendrick (Neighborhood and Community Relations) reported that once the city makes definite decisions regarding utilization of the property, she will lead community engagement to explain what will happen and what role the community will have. It is not clear at this time exactly what that entails. Christina has a team of engagement specialists with various languages, communities. Christina will do all she can with all her tools to ensure that she hears from the community and how the city’s message is being received, and how these decisions impact constituents.
    • All scheduled engagement meetings will be public.
  • Decision-makers:
    • Property Services is in charge of thinking through how the city needs to use its facilities.
    • Public Works is designated as the department to use this site.
    • Meeting on Dec. 23rd – can EPIC be there?
  • Can Christina work with Traffic & Parking, and Traffic Control? This is a big concern in the neighborhood.
EPIC made motions at our last meeting to (1) seek funding from the city to conduct our own community engagement process, and (2) set aside dollars to hire an architect to assist in providing a community-friendly proposal for the site. EPIC has already done much to engage the community to plan a beneficial amenity for this site, and may be able to impact city decisions.

7:30     Housing – Habitat for Humanity- New Home build at 2921 18th Av. S.
Noah Keller; Habitat is proposing a single home; construction July 2017. Presented schematics; 4 bedroom home; a true-infill lot. Comments included crime/safety requests to make sure all builds include railings, even if there are only 2 steps, and also to build garages with the large doors perpendicular to the alley (not facing the alley).

MOTION: EPIC supports the purchase of 2921 18th Av. S. by Habitat for Humanity and we fully support the 4 bedroom home they will build, and recommend that they build the garage with the large garage doors perpendicular to the alley (not facing the alley). CP, JB, Approved.

7:45      Report on the Phillips Aquatics Center- Dana Murdoch, MPRB, graphics and design layouts, Q and A.

The project has gone out for bid. Morecon had the lowest bid, yet was beyond the existing budget. The bid was crafted with multiple options so that the contract could go ahead, and the funds will not be lost. The contract will include “base projects” (existing pool, spectator area, check in desk, new pool with family flexible locker rooms, community room, public restrooms and staff support spaces), but will not include Alternatives 2 (update existing locker rooms – cost is $162,000 for paint and some new finishes plus reconfigure entry to modern standards) and 3 (relocate fitness & teen centers – cost is $116,000 to switch the rooms). The MPRB has “dug deep” to find the funds for the “base projects”. The big work will start in April or May.

  • The canopy was requested by community to protect disabled and youth being dropped off in busloads.  Cost is $135,000.
  • Midtown voted to ask MPRB save the 6 maple trees – they can be moved.
  • Are there handicap-accessible toilets in the locker rooms?
  • Does the structure support Solar?
8:00     Report on Grievance Resolutions

Process update: Typically members hear back when a grievance is resolved. Since there are some long-term outstanding grievances that the board wants to report,  the Executive Committee asked that the following resolution to the most recent grievance be read aloud to the members and placed in the minutes.

"The EPIC Executive Committee proposes the following resolution:
1.       We want you to  refer to the record about Board and member motions and actions regarding office space and staffing.
2.       We want you to  respect the decisions of the Board and membership in the manner in which the Board sets priorities, agendas, and work plans.
3.       You can present proposals to the Board about work plans, potential staffing, office sites, criteria, and funding options as he chooses.  Your current proposed remedy would incur costs and time beyond the scope of the Board’s current plans to pursue office space and staffing.
4.       The Board will be considering future funding and budgets and those proposals will come to the membership for discussion and approval. You can express your views at that time as may all the other members present.
5. It would be preferable for you to ask your questions at the time business is reported rather than wait months to do so.
6. In the future we will offer more details about further inquiries about potential office space and costs. No  decisions or proposals about the property on Bloomington  Avenue have been under discussion and there was nothing further to report about that property option when the grievance was filed." (Read by Linda Leonard)

We were told that the grievance process will be concluded in December.

8:15     EPIC Bylaw Revisions

The board wishes to make additional revisions. Once the board approved revisions have been incorporated into a new red-line version, it would go to NCR for review. Once the review is complete, the board would publish a FINAL version of the new Bylaws. EPIC would present an overview to the community (hit the significant changes), and then there is a vote (yay or nay.)

8:30      Financial Report

Finance reports through Nov. 15, 2016 were distributed.

8:50      Adjournment

In the interest of Public Safety, please consider the following:

  • Alert: Are any of your street lights out? Feel Safer and call the following numbers.

December 3, 2016

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 12 - 03

December 3, 2016, 10:00 am -12:00
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass.
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass
Board Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Margarita Ortega
EPIC Members:
Guests: Shirley Heyer

10:00   Introductions:
·       Greetings and Introductions.
·       Approval of Agenda: MG, LD approved.
·       Minutes from November – Approved: (LL, MG)
o   Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior,  Carol Pass
o   Approved the minutes and adjourned to an environmental Safety meeting.

10:10   Announcements:
  • Fill in from Dec. agenda
10:15     Cedar Field Redesign

LL reported on her discussions with Adam Arvidson regarding community engagement and inaccuracies on the Park Board website. The new sessions have been planned for engaging the community. Adam asked for a list of “community connectors”. Adam asked specifically to provide feedback regarding safety, traffic and parking issues.

Banyon (Naomi)
Waite House (Julie)
Mohamed Cali
Rosie Cruz, Jenny Bjorgo
Block clubs
Safety Center
Greenway apartments
Greenway organization

10:21     Cedar bridge report

CP went to an official hearing at the Minneapolis Historic Designation Committee to talk about the need of the neighborhood to have exit routes, and how all the bridges are needed. The city thinks of us as a bicycling community, when in fact the majority of our population is really families of color, they travel by car. If historic designation is needed to save the bridges, the city must support it. The city seemed sympathetic and said they will bring forward our concerns.

MOTION: EPIC will write a letter to Minneapolis Historic Designation Committee reiterating EPIC’s concerns with copies to the Mayor, City Planning and City Council. LD, LL, Approved.

10:27     Report grievance MG Office and staff

Executive committee met to propose resolution to Michael Green’s grievance of October 1, 2016. A copy of the response was distributed to board members. EPIC will forward the response to Mr. Green.

10:27     Report grievance appeals to NCEC

EPIC distributed a report from LL on the progress of the grievance appeals submitted by Michael Green to NCEC and discussions with NCEC members in a meeting and in hallway conversations with David Rubedor on November 22, 2016. A copy of CP’s email to NCEC grievance committee was also distributed. It is EPIC’s impression that NCEC has no clue at all how to proceed and there are no policies, procedures or guidelines in place for managing the grievance process. EPIC will send a letter to the NCEC board members outlining the recommendations discussed with the members of NCEC on November 22, 2016.

10:44     EPIC Bylaws regarding Grievance/Board Work

The executive committee met to review all of the changes that the board has approved to be put forward to the community for approval. If these changes are approved by the community, the board wishes to make further changes to the Bylaws concerning Article IX, Section 1 concerning grievances.

A proposal for the board’s consideration was distributed, showing “new changes” in blue. Further discussion resulted in clarifying Pages 9 & 10.

MOTION: EPIC adopt a Policy on Grievances and include it in the Policies and Procedures Handbook as written by the Board of Directors on December 3, 2016. LD, RC, Approved (unanimously).


Legitimate grievances can only be filed against the EPIC Board of Directors as an entity. The EPIC board of Directors will determine whether a grievance is legitimate, and reserves the right to reject a grievance if it fails to meets the criteria outlined below:

1. A grievance cannot be filed about the properly voted on or otherwise democratically determined decisions or outcomes by EPIC members or the board of directors. The outcomes, procedures, policies, or bylaws themselves, and actions of the board to carry out the decisions of EPIC consistent with them are not grievable.

2. A grievance may be filed about a failure of the board of directors to follow the process, policy, procedures or bylaws used by EPIC.

3. A grievance may be filed about a failure of the board of directors to properly manage the use of funds consistent with the standards, policies, procedures and bylaws of EPIC.

4. A grievance about transparency must refer to documented past actions of EPIC and the board of directors.

5. A grievance may not attempt to impose future direction, priorities, plans, budgets, or the responsibilities which are properly addressed democratically by EPIC members and the board of directors.

6. A grievance may not be filed about an individual board member.

MOTION: EPIC Board proposes changes to EPIC Bylaws concerning Article IX, Other Business of the Corporation, as written by the Board of Directors on December 3, 2016. LD, MG, Approved unanimously.

Page 11, item 2: ADD:
A grievance shall be made in writing on a designated grievance form, one grievance per form, and submitted to the President or the Board of Directors at a regularly scheduled Board meeting. The grievance must be completely described and a specific remedy proposed. The grievance must be accompanied by documentation verifying its credibility and must not be directed toward a specific Board Member. Grievances may be filed in sequence, not in tandem. Grievances can be filed sequentially, only after one is resolved.

Page 11, item 3: CHANGES
Upon receipt of the grievance, the EPIC Executive Committee shall consider the grievance in closed session and shall undertake an immediate fair investigation of the complaint, which may include private interviews of all parties related to the grievance, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, and each not lasting more than two hours, and shall prepare a report to the full Board of its findings. A formal response shall be issued within not more than 45 days of its initial receipt. This response will include the findings of the investigation and a proposed resolution to the grievance, all of which shall remain confidential. 

Page 11, item 4: CHANGES
If the person filing the grievance or the affected neighborhood group is unsatisfied with the Board’s findings or resolution, a clear reason as to why the Executive Committee has failed to satisfy the grievant must be stated in writing, and be submitted to the Board before the Board shall attempts to resolve the situation though negotiation. If negotiations are unsuccessful, the Board shall vote on a ruling and respond in writing to the grieving party stating the actions taken to resolve the grievance and shall report its actions on the grievance to the next EPIC monthly membership meeting. This concludes EPIC’s grievance process.

Page 11, item 5: DELETED
Any interested party may appeal the Board’s decision to a mutually agreed-upon arbitrator for binding arbitration.

12:25     Other Business
·       EPIC financial report: Distributed.
·       Letter to Roof Depot regarding public engagement: distributed.
·       Self-evaluation, board loyalty: Need to distribute self-evaluation forms again. Ask board members to review their commitment to the board contract.
·       Board vacancy reminder; please make recommendations to the board.
·       Special meeting to work on Community Participation Programs:
·       Process appeals to NCR

12:31   Adjourn