11-09-2017, 6:30 – 8:50
Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S.,
Minneapolis, MN 55404
(612) -280-8418
Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass,
Linda Vermillion.
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol
Pass, Linda Vermillion.
Board Members Not Present: Tom Harris.
Members: Brad Pass, Bill
Jones, Jolene Jones, Carol Hill Kennedy, George Kennedy, Mohamed Cali, Mark Trius,
Guests: Shirley Heyer
6:30 Social Time/ Greetings and Introductions
6:50 Approval of Proposed Agenda: CH, LV, approved by consensus
Approval of October
12th General Membership Draft Minutes: LV, LD, approved by consensus.
7:00 Announcements:
o Next EPIC Board Meeting, Saturday, December 2nd, 10:00 am-noon, EPIC’s office at 2433 Bloomington Ave. S.
o Next EPIC Community Meeting, Thursday, December 14th, 6:30 - 8:45, East Phillips Park
o Southside Green Zone Meeting 2 (28th
& Cedar). Nov. 28th at Stewart Park. 5-8 PM.
o Police Inspector for our precinct has quit. One of
the sergeants in charge of our special police officers is also leaving at the
end of the year.
o Construction: 35W from 62 to Downtown will be shut
down for 3 years beginning after the Super Bowl. Additional transit lines will
be available.
o Roads running over the Greenway are expected to be
open in December.
o Ned Brooks (lawsuit over Volkswagon) is working on
setting up a meeting with East Phillips and Little Earth residents. CH and BP
will work out dates and timelines.
o Board
Vacancy – A board member has not
met the attendance requirements and thus, the board will seek a new member to
fill the vacancy. The vacancy will be posted online and will be announced at
the GMM on Thursday. EPIC will also send out a broadcast email.
o Banyon
Dinner-We registered too late and it wasn’t possible to
accommodate us for the dinner.
o Urgent
Community Meeting to support the Community Plan for the Depot Site, Nov. 30th,
6:30 pm at the Park.
o This is
IMPORTANT – PLEASE ATTEND. Invite your neighbors!
o Contact radio stations; interviews with EPNI leaders on radio; translate
Alley article.
o Will be on the business page of StarTribune.
o Invite all the city council members to attend.
7:05 Little Earth
funding request for proposed playground and need for Youth Program Dollars
Plan Modification of old NRP Funds to playground and Youth
The board received a proposal from
Little Earth Residents Association to bring forth a motion to provide funding
for a proposed playground over two months ago. EPIC agreed to this request but it
was tabled because of uncertainty about the amount.
Jolene reported on the status of the playground
project. The original request was $15,000 but the request was reduced when it
was thought that other funding was going to come through for the project.
Unfortunately, the other funding did not come through and the project still
needs $15,000. While EPIC has already passed a motion to approve $4,500, Little
Earth would like to ask EPIC to increase their support to the full $15,000.
Ground has already been broken on the project, and this is the last funding
that is needed.
MOTION: EPIC will transfer $15,000 from NRP Phase I (numerous small categories)
into the NRP Phase I Playground Category. LV, LL, Approved. This motion
requires a 2nd vote in December.
MOTION: 2ND Vote on October motion to provide $4,500 to fund the
Little Earth Youth and Elder Memorial Playground. This funding will come from
Playgrounds in our NRP Phase I funding. MG, LL, Approved.
MOTION: EPIC will provide another $10,500 to fund the Little Earth Youth and
Elder Memorial Playground. LL, CHK, approved. This motion requires a 2nd
vote in December.
By consensus, the following agenda item
was approved.
7:45 NRP
Phase I categories
There are funds sitting in the NRP Phase
I plan which are in categories that are not being used. Since there is a need
to spend funds toward Youth Programming, the board would like to offer a motion
to make unspent funds available to be used in accordance with EPIC’s
partnership agreement program. If approved, proposals for spending these funds
will be presented to the General Membership for approval.
MOTION: EPIC will move up to $52,000 + from multiple NRP
Phase I categories into NRP Phase II Youth Programming as a Plan Modification
to be available for new and continuing Programs. LL, LV, Approved. This motion
requires a 2nd vote in December.
7:50 Grant and
status of the Project and Budgets.
of the Project
shared State Grant Budget and our EPIC CPP Budget
Board Motion: EPIC approves the EPIC Proposal for State of Minnesota $319,000 Grant
Motion: EPIC will accept EPIC’s portion of the shared EPNI
Budget to be included in our next CPP Submission.
MOTION: Epic approves both the two board motions. BP, CHK, Approved.
8:12 What happened at the Park Soccer Fields?
Someone poured gasoline and lit a large fire on one of the soccer fields
and caused a lot of damage. The Park Director said that there is other damage
to the soccer fields also. Please be aware that this and other activities are
happening at various parks. If you see someone vandalizing the park, please do
call the police (9-1-1).
8:22 Crime Concerns: How to Stay Safe
Our crime prevention specialist has not
responded to requests to visit EPIC meetings. CP distributed flyers describing information
that should be reported when reporting crimes to police, including drug houses,
vehicles and suspects.
8:27 What does the election mean
for EPIC?? Thoughts?
Alondra was re-elected.
8:30 Adjourned.