September 19, 2019

EPIC Community Meeting 9-12

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes
September 12th, 2019, 6:30 – 8:50pm
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Shontal Lajeunesse, Cassie Holmes, Rosie Cruz, Abah Mohamed, Sarah Santiago
Board Members Not Present: Mary Gonsior (E),
Members: Brad Pass, Devika Ghai, Lex Horan, Peggy Clark
Guests: Kali Pliego (crime prevention specialist for 3rd precinct), Chad Berdahl, Jack Loftus, Shirley Heyer, Clay Dutra, Chad Hebert

6:30     Social Time

6:45     Greetings and Introductions
Meeting of the whole:
6:50     Approve tonight’s agenda, LD, CP, Approved
Approve minutes from August community meeting, LD, SS, Approved

6:55     Announcements

·      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, October 5th at 10am at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
o   Board Meetings are open to the public
·      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, October 10th at 6:30pm here at East Phillips Park
·      EPIC Garden Meeting this Saturday, September 14th from 9am to 10:30am
o   To plan fall harvest party
·      Phillips Community Clean Sweep – October 12th
o   Entire Phillips and Little Earth get together to clean up the neighborhood
·      Garden Fall Harvest Party Saturday, October 19th at 4:30
o   Community garden celebration
7:00     Quorum Achieved. Agenda and minutes approved.
7:00     Crime Discussion and Kali Pliego from 3rd Precinct and officer Chad Berdahl from Park Police
·      There have been high levels of crime in certain areas of the neighborhood
·      Bloomington, 16th and 17th Avenue
o   This is not the only problem area, lots of areas seeing really high rates of crime
·      Police being called and saying they know that it’s going on, but don’t do anything
·      Resident thinks this is the worst it has ever been
·      It’s going to be getting cold soon and these people need a place to live
·      Kali Pliego’s job is to channel what she hears from the community to the proper teams at the police department i.e. investigators, community response team etc.
o   Community based help – pastor of church offered to help organize walking patrol during bus drops
o   Problem is that people bothering the neighborhood are criminals (dealing drugs etc) however, they are
§  Standing on public land, not loitering
·      So it is hard to enforce and arrest them
·      Little Earth responded to crime by having a better relationship with the 3rd precinct and the park police by having pop ups and showing up in numbers in the community with park police and Mpls police
·      The words you use when you call 911 i.e. not breathing vs. overdosing is prioritized differently
·      There is a committee at the city looking at the response rate of 911 calls
o   Look at it creatively – how can the city best handle the high rates of 911 calls
o   Lex will send Sarah the information
·      Jack from Southside harm reduction
o   It’s important where we put our energy
o   Safe injection sites are very effective
o   Harm reduction housing is also effective
§  This is where people are allowed to live if they are using drugs
o   Southside harm reduction provides syringe exchanges, provides resources, syringe clean up and teaches others how to clean up syringes
o   Fill out form on if you find an area that needs syringe clean up
·      It is hard to take public transit without a bad incident every time
·      Phillips community center is seeing a great deal of
·      These issues have deep root causes i.e. poverty, racism, inter-generational trauma
o   We need to address long term, avoid getting stuck in day to day issues
o   What are we trying to clean up?
o   Instead of pushing people out of the neighbor, need to work together and find solutions to these big problems
·      Questions regarding another navigation site
o   We can come up with some ideas with this
o   There are people working to create another navigation site
·      City is very interested in harm reduction and addressing opioid problem
o   Have plan coming out from city about this
7:45     Insurance Update
·       We have a certificate saying we have insurance!
·       We can get the money for the Violence Prevention Grant but there is more to do regarding properly safeguarding EPIC, Devika, the mentors and mentees
·       We will have to pay for background checks
·       EPIC needs to decide how we want to conform to this issue of insurance for Devika and how to set up a payroll plan
8:06     39 unit development at 17th and Lake
·      Continue discussion from August
·      Update from Steve on communication from planner
o   City Planner is Lindsey Silas
o   A petition with signatures can be sent to her office and will be considered along with emails and written comments. It doesn’t have any formal requirements or doesn’t trigger any particular action.
o   The developer withdrew his application, and will need to reapply, but hasn’t as of 9/13/19. When he does, EPIC and the CM’s office will be notified.  (9th Ward Aide Graham Faulkner has been the contact on this. 612-673-2209). The holdup for the developer is the design for the alley closure. This needs approval by Public Works. They will look at issues of drainage, access, increase use capacity, clearances, snow removal, etc. Steve will try to find out who is point person at Public Works for this.
o   The 350 foot mailing list is not readily accessible, so Steve suggests that a separate meeting from EPIC is set up and the two affected blocks are doorknocked. Once Steve finds out who from Public Works to include, Steve will let people know.
·      Clay Dutra – the developer
o   The developer has not reapplied again
o   If Clay does not get this land, a different developer will and they will probably not be as responsive to community concerns
o   Dealing with alley closure issues with the city including
o   Working with sewer and storm water for best way to drain water
o   Clay is wondering about petition
§  The petition is asking for 3 things:
·      Majority of units be affordable based on neighborhood income
·      No closure of alley
·      Additional parking spots sufficient in number to reasonably accommodate the dozens of new residents and commercial tenants the development expects to attract
o   Clay understands affordability concern
§  Would like to have as many affordable units as possible
o   Parking is a shared concern with Clay as well
·      Lot is so small, trying to use alley to maximize space
·      Would love to add a floor underneath but they can’t because there is not enough space for a ramp
o   Clay does not agree with alley closure
·      Might be because Clay does not live on this block, he doesn’t know how it would effect neighbors
·      But Clay sees that there are problems with drugs in this immediate area, so why not close the alley
o   Alley closure concern is primarily a 16th avenue resident concern
o   Issues because we don’t have housing or employment, not because there is an alley there – this is an interpretation of why this is on the petition
o   How will traffic be affected with an alley closure?
·      Steve suggests that property owners (including those that created the petition) in this immediate area get together with the developer and discuss the alley closure issue and how to best move forward
8:45     Update on Roof Depot
·      How did the city council meeting on August 12th go?
o   Not well, they did not let us speak
o   Cano did not ask for environmental assessment worksheet
·      We are hoping that the Clark-Berglin law will apply. The city says it doesn’t because a pollution assessment is not necessary – this depends on being a super fund site
·      EAW can be sent in by the community, rather than depending on the city to do it
·      EIS (environmental impact statement) is next level – will hold them up even longer
·      There is other pressure being put on MN Pollution Control Agency
·      MN Pollution Control Agency setting up preliminary odor monitoring of the site
8:50     Arsenic Triangle Super Fund Site
·      Thanks to all who wrote a letter or e-mailed Randolf Cano at the EPA.
·      This is vital to the roof depot fight
·      Any response?
o   Yes, Brad spoke with someone at the EPA
·      The EPA received 34 letters, which they said is a lot
o   They are making a decision on whether to delete the status of the super fund site based on these letters
8:52     Adjourn