February 6, 9:30 a.m.
– 10:30 a.m.,
Welna Hardware Board
9:30 Introduction:
· Approval of Agenda
· Minutes from December
9:40 Announcements
General Membership Meeting,
Monday, Feb. 8th, 6:30, NRP Review
· Xcel
High Voltage Transmission Lines, PUBLIC HEARING, FEBRUARY 10TH, Wednesday, 6:00
pm Plaza Verde (corner of Lake and Bloomington)
We need everyone to come.
· EPIC Annual Meeting, Saturday, April 17th
NRP Review
· NPI Grant - $10,000 for Soccer/Homework
· Rezoning issue success. Cancelled all the R3 zoning and left zoning as it is today.
Blueprint for Action: Youth Violence,
Wednesday, February 10 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. at the Baha’i Center in South
Minneapolis (3644 Chicago Avenue South).
Please let me know your designees’ availability
9:50 East Phillips Park Cultural &
Community Center plus Phillips Community Park Initiative: Update
Note on
Phillips Pool & Gym
10:00 East/Midtown Phillips
Youth Soccer/Homework Help Program:
Grant - Budget
with Bethel for interning tutors
Xcel Energy's HIgh
Voltage Transmission LIne Routes & Substations
Distributed talking points for the upcoming public hearing
on Wed. Feb. 10th. Distributed copies of "Intervener" application by
Carol Pass on behalf of EPIC. Discussed the possibility of providing some funds
to Greenway Coalition. Since Tim Springer has spent a considerable amount of
time working ont he Xcel issue, and has provided the fruit of his work to
neighborhood organizations, Tim has requested that the neighborhoods provide
some funding to the Greenway org. Greenway org has provided $20,000 payment to
an attorney to represent the Greenway in the Xcel issue, and EPIC is not able
to provide direct funding to this attorney due to conflict of interest issues.
Discussion of Property Value Loss to businesses and Home Owners. Discussion of
EMF and health issues.
Action: CP will
research whether it is possible for EPIC to use any funds in hand to make a
contribution to Greenway org to help offset these expenses, probably in the
range of $500-1,000.
Action: Motion: Add to previous motions: EPIC is not prepared as a neighborhood organization
to jeopardize the positive impact of our immense past work and enormous
investment nor are we willing to risk the future completion of these and other
new projects to accommodate overhead high voltage transmission lines through
any route in any part of our neighborhood.
Bike path through
Report same as agenda - no discussion.
NRP Review and Phase
2 planning
Distributed copies of neighborhood NRP Phase 1 review
documents which ranged from elaborate full-color reports, to a 3 page document
that was successfully submitted. Set up a "calendar" for completing
EPIC's Carol spoke with Bob Miller about running Phase One Review and Phase Two
planning close together. This avoids re-educating the neighborhood a second
time and is more efficient.
Phase 1 review, and submitting a proposal for Phase 2 to the
neighborhood for consideration, comments and final approval (see calendar
Consensus Decisions Re: NRP progress
Action: EPIC will
schedule announcements in the Alley to publicize this calendar and process, in
accordance with NRP notification requirements.
Action: CP will
prepare participation agreement and Begin Phase One Review Study
Action: CP will
call PRG and find out what is happening with the Greenway site.
* CP to research
and present a Participation Agreement as required by NRP
* Advertise public
meetings related to NRP Phase 1 and 2
* Advertise
completion of Phase I review and provide online link to document
* Present
completed Phase 1 review at the Annual Meeting for public comment, Dot-mocracy
and comments,
* Present very
general proposal for Phase 2 plan at the Annual Meeitng
April (Annual Meeting) April 17
* Advertise public
meetings related to NRP Phase 1 and 2
* Advertise
completion of Phase 1 review
* * Provide a
means of giving feedback/comments online
* Use Dot-mocracy
for Phase 1 review and comment pages at Annual Meeting
* * Distribute
feedback forms for final Phase 1 review
* Distribute
general categories and proposal for Phase 2 plan and comment pages
* Conduct elections
* Added by Mary while writing calendar.
* Final vote on
Phase 1 review
* Focus groups,
comment sheets
* Present final
Phase 2 plan for vote next month
* Final vote on
Phase 2 plan
Mary Gonsior