June 14, 2010

General Membership Meeting Minutes 06 - 14

June 14th, Monday – 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.,
Holy Rosary Church Board Room, 24th and 17th Ave S
Board Members: Rosie Cruz, Jenny Bjorgo, Tim Chancey, Mahamed Cali, Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Hannah Lieder
Members: Cedric Wash, Paula Weikle, Jen Bjorgo, Shirley Heyer,  Joseph Spangler, Chad Wilkins, Doug VanderVeen, Casey Wostalewicz, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Jeffrey Strand, Ader Kahin, Amran A, Mohemed,
Andrew Fahlstrom, Gail Bjorgo, Zak Hagstrom, Christa Owens, Brianna Besch, Timothy DenHerder-Thomas, Becky Mommens, Fred Jack, Ryan Brueske, Michelle Louviere, Amy Pass, Gabriel Pass, Kris Brogan, Earl Simms,
Linda Leonard, Gary Schiff, Bob Bono, Eric Refsell, Hannah Friedrich, Abah Mohamed, Brad Pass,  Kevin Lieder, Alfonso Cruz

6:30    Introduction:
·       Greetings and Introductions
·       Approval of Agenda
·       Minutes from EPIC Meeting, May 10th

6:40    Announcements
·       Garden Work Day and Potluck, Saturday, June 19th Come and Work!!
·       June 29th , All-Nations Church, 6:00 pm, MPCA is holding a Public Hearing to receive input from the community concerning how to implement the CUMULATIVE IMPACT STUDY required for any new project that may add any new pollution.
·       Next EPIC Meeting, Monday, July 12th
·       July 24th, Hennepin County Hazardous Waste Pick-up Event, SEE FLYERS!

7:00   Murder on the next Block and Crime Issues- Don Greeley, CCPsafe, Council Member Gary Schiff
·       What do we know? Can we help the families somehow?          
·       Call safe officer 612-673-3482
·       Call Carol Pass 612-280-8418
·       Call 911 and call neighbors
·       These kids need jobs who are on probation because of background checks!!
MOTION:  We encourage the city and county not to do background checks or to provide alternative summer employment opportunities to youth on probation and/or with troubled backgrounds.
·       LL, MK, motion passed
MTION:  City of Minneapolis and MPRB find funding to keep parks in troubled neighborhoods open for extended hours and staff them to provide programming for the summer.
·       BP, JB, motion passed
MOTION:  Ask the 3rd precinct to enforce curfew hours in our neighborhood.
·       LL, MG, motion passed
·       Gary Schiff could be at every EPIC meeting if we moved it from Monday night.
·       He shared crime numbers.  Increased violent crimes that are in specific areas.  Aggravated assault, larceny, burglary, car theft, in East Phillips.  Community meeting on gangs, drugs, next week, Monday or Tuesday.  Boarded and vacant properties in East Phillips.  Drug activity talk to Gary or call 311 or call Carol.  Monthly shot spotter reports. 
·       Vigil?
·       Motions to address the problem?
·       What to do about problem properties.

7:35     2600-2606 17th Ave. PROPOSAL FOR APARTMENT of 20 UINTS of HOMELESS HOUSING by Alliance Housing. (See attachment.)

·      The Green Space appears inadequate for housing of this type.  Front or side yards are too small for people to hang out. They will tend to be on the sidewalks or yards of others. There is no setback.
·      Parking inadequate for this number of people, not to mention any guests they may have.
·      Zoning of this and all surrounding area is R2B. This is filled with new single family home ownership.  Home owners are entitled to count on the zoning to protect the residential character of the neighborhood when they buy or build.
·      Alliance’s management track record in the neighborhood is not positive. Residents who are in a position to know see known dealers frequenting the cur rent Alliance housing there.
·      Supportive housing of this sort right near our children’s bus stops and centered in a very residential part of the neighborhood is not appropriate.
·      Two buildings dedicated to Elderly, potentially homeless are being built already on 24th St. and Bloomington Ave. These will contain 34 Units on the east side of the intersection and 12 units on the west side of the intersection. This is 46 units of new housing for the elderly  only two blocks away. East Phillips is doing its part already.
·      17th will be BIKE CORRIDOR with added bike traffic. This street was chosen for its residential character.
·      we doorknocked and inquired. The area residents are very upset and do not want this building. They asked,  “if we don't want this, do we have any say? No, because we are mostly immigrants?” 

Long term homelessness 50+, 20 units - 19 studios, 1 caretaker, studio apartments, access to services as needed.  Hiawatha Commons, homelessness, working middle class, 17th will be BIKE CORRIDOR, no setback, zone 4 or 5, haven't meet with planning commission, 8 parking spots, 2011 Pillsbury - 27 units, Timeline -- 3 months from now at earliest, concerns? talk to Allaince, If anyone is interested let Carol know if you would like to take a tour

      MOTION:  To Support this project as presented. RB, Motion failed.
MOTION: EPIC members oppose a zoning change, oppose a high density homeless facility in this location, and support relocateion of elderly homeless project to a corridor zoned for that use and duplexes for family housing at this site.
            GP, JB  3 abstention, no opposed, rest support, Motion passes

7:50    The NCEC, replacement for NRP (the previous funding and assistance organization for the Neighborhoods
·       What kind of funding do we need for East Phillips
·       What do we think about decision-making?
·       Would we like to research this whole issue more?
·       Funding starting as of 2011, 90% listening, 10% talking, meetings before decisions are made, Neighborhood Community Relations, CRF, NRF, we need more money, we need representation on panel

8:20   East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center Situation: Brad Pass
·       What happened with the Asbestos , Two Grants
·       What we are doing about it and are we going to be successful

8:30    Phillips Community Center:  Issues: Retaining the building for the four Phillips Neighborhoods. Brad Pass
MOTION: Support the Board Motion to accept in principle the Proposal for the Phillips Comm. Center on June 5th contingent on further review. Passed GP, LL
·       How to pay the Bills
·       The role of the Park Board
·       How to save the Pool
MOTION:  Money to Phillips Defense Fund, move to pay $2,000 to pay Paula Macabbee.
            CP, MG, no abstentions, no opposed, motion passed

8:40   Adjournment