October 11, 2010

General Membership Meeting Minutes 10-11

October 11, Monday – 6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.,
Holy Rosary Church Board Room, 24th and 17th Ave S

Board Members: Mary Gonsior , Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Linda Leonard, Mohamed Cali,  Carol Pass,
Absent Board Members: Earl Simms, Chiffon Williams
Members: Brad Pass, Margaret Kirkpatrick,

6:30    Introduction:
         BP Motion to convene as a 'Committee of the Whole' since we lack a quorum.
            JB Seconded   
·      Greetings and Introductions
·      Approval of Agenda
·      Approval of Minutes from EPIC General Membership Meeting, September 13th
·      JB motion to approve agenda and minutes - approved

6:40    Announcements  &  Reports:
·         Next EPIC Meeting, Monday, November 8th
·         Stop 'n Shop on Lake and 18th Ave: Results of our motion
·      Clean Sweep - GREEN Sweep, Saturday:  Report
·               a great success, will report on details next month
·      Garden Harvest Party – Saturday, October 16th
·               garden cleanup at 2 pm, with party from 5-7 pm.
·      Waiting to hear from Ms. Warmka about meetings for 22th St. & Franklin Ave  Street Design

7:00      Xcel Energy HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION LINES:  Admin Law Judge's Decision, Updates and             next steps for us

Admin law judge sided with the neighborhoods saying that the transmission lines must go underground. Now the big question is, who pays the cost? News coverage stated that the neighborhoods "didn't like the look of" overhead lines. EPIC needs to work on educating the public regarding the risks involved with overhead power lines. The public utilities commission does not have to agree with the law judge; Phillips must continue the fight to oppose overhead power lines. The benefit area for the new power lines goes all the way west to the lakes. Phillips bears all of the burdens of even underground power lines. Next steps include writing letters to city and local newspapers.

7:20      2600-2606 17th Ave. Proposal for Apartment of 20 Units by Alliance of the Streets.  2600-2606 17th               Ave. PROPOSAL FOR APARTMENT of 20 Units of high density housing by Alliance of the Streets. This             does not reflect area zoning. Community Action Plan to carry out EPIC motions. Kris Brogan’s letter.

KB sent EPIC an angry letter claiming that EPIC was not willing to work with Alliance and opposing their proposal for 20-unit apartment housing. In actuality, Alliance went forward with negotiations for exclusive development rights, planned the building and design, all without any invitation to EPIC for input or partnership. CP will respond to the letter and explain that EPIC is asserting its right to have input on development in our neighborhood.

7:35             East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center: Update. What's happening now?? EPCCD            report on future scheduling.

Moving forward with inside of building, some problems are being addressed related to lighting/wiring, and a missing boiler. Possible asbestos in parking lot and rain garden areas is being reviewed; samples were drawn last week. We have grants to clean up asbestos in these areas. Goal is to complete the parking lot before the asphalt plants shut down for the winter. A delay would result in postponing the opening until spring.

7:45    Phillips Community Center: Updates, and Actions, the Pool: a report on the feasibility study to determine                 cost to restore the pool for $1500.00.

Nothing has changed since last month. We are proceeding with the results of the study. Three neighborhoods and Mpls Swims has each contributed $1,500 to fund the study ($6,000 total.)

8:00    Future Funding for Neighborhoods: Allocations and Process for NCEC,  MOTION  re: competitive            grants?? How will we fare??

CP is on the NRP policy board and EPIC needs to select an elector for this last year of NRP. NRP ends in 2011. EPIC must complete the review of Phase I, participation agreement, and Phase II Plan and allocation - this must be completed in the next two months so it can be submitted before NRP "sunsets."

Our funding under NCEC has gone from $1M to $50,000.
8:15    Crime Concerns:   Write down problem Addresses and what is going on. We will submit list to the police.             Bloomington Patrol is up and running again.

2441 16th Ave.; There was a dumpster and people were removing siding on Sat. 10/9/10.
2520 17th Ave.; Juveniles out all night; Juv. & young adults stealing cars, bikes; graffiti, vandalism; going on all summer; parents seem to leave for several days at a time, leaving juveniles home alone.

8:30    Adjournment