February 5, 2011, 10:00 am
Welna Hardware Board Room
Jenny Bjorgo, Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms, Linda Leonard, Rosie Cruz,
Brad Pass, Chiffon Williams,
Approval of Agenda - Approved
from EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 12/4/10
- approved with correction to motion with NCEC request: Add Housing Loan
Consultant Doug Wise $5-10,000.
10:10 Announcements
EPIC General Membership
Meeting, Monday, Feb. 14 at Holy Rosary
Check out the slide show of the
Grand Opening of the East Phillips Park Community Center on our website, the
web address is eastphillips-epic.com
NCEC Grant turned in. Copies
were emailed to board members and distributed at meeting. Appreciation was
expressed to CP for writing the grant which was approved.
If you didn't get a chance to
go to the Grand Opening - go over and check out the new Park Center.
Youth employment. People should
look at City of Minneapolis web site, youth employment, street works, or step
up, teen teamworks, families need to get their teens out, submit resume's and
(LL, CP) Passed: Request to Phillips youth
organizers to write and carry out a communication plan for the youth of the
Phillips neighborhoods to address opportunities for youth employment,
recreation and education with particular strategies for limited-English
speakers and those without access to computers. Steve Zimmer is their advisor.
Note: send suggested strategies along
with the motion.
Note: consider youth employment for
March agenda; invite city and Waite House youth employment specialists to speak
to us.
Update on the Phillips Pool
Drafted a bill. Presented it to Dayton
(rejected), then presented to a Republican Rep. Howes who like it and will
support it. Still trying to get it attached to the bonding bill. Draft letter
to Dayton was distributed to board for "talking points."
CURA McKnight Grant App
CP submitted a letter of inquiry for a
grant to help Somali American Community partner with EPIC on projects. Our
inquiry was ranked 3rd among 40+ letters. This is a focused grant to build
neighborhood partnerships.
Temporary injunction
(JB, ES ) Passed: WHEREAS the NRP neighborhoods
were given the responsibility to watch over these funds given to us by the
state, and whereas the city has committed itself to informing the neighborhoods
of major decisions and allowing them to participate, and WHEREAS the city made
these changes with no notification to the neighborhoods, no advance notice to
the city council, and no notification to any of the parties that would be
damaged by these decisions, EPIC believes, as a neighborhood, that we are
legally, politically and morally responsible to protect these funds for their
appropriate and intended use by the neighborhoods to which they were allocated.
THEREFORE, be it resolved that EPIC join the other injured parties (other
neighborhoods) in a temporary restraining order against this city action. Note:
motion to be tweaked - by CP
(JB, ES) Passed: Resolved that EPIC will ask
our Representative and Senator to introduce a motion parallel to Vermont's
regarding proposing an amendment to the constitution for the state's
consideration which provides that corporations are not persons under the laws
of the United States or any of its jurisdictional subdivisions.
Situation and our review, Draft Participation Agreement Phase II – committee
formation continued
Survey: discussion item, Jennie and Chiffon will do this, maybe Rosie could
help. A very big job, we can all help.
Jennie can do Latino and Native groups,
Chiffon can do others. A Board voted according to our Bylaws that we will
stipend Chiffon and Jennie $500 each.. Chiffon is currently off the board, but Jennie
will incur “reasonable expenses on behalf of the corporation and its projects
and programs” for stuff only she can do.(Spanish & Native connections).
Reviewed and approved business survey
questions. They need further analysis NRP Task Force will meet on Feb. 12th and
finalize the survey for both business and residents. Take the draft Phase II PA
to Feb. Gen. Membership on the 17th. Need to be able to amend time line and
determine feasible focus groups.
survey: if folks want to go only housing…they
will demonstrate this by their votes. Housing will have all the highest
percentages. If they want other things like kids and elders programming, those
will get high percentages. It is a referendum, so we should include all those
things. CP will produce a draft we can consider from this info that we can
Dates for annual meeting
setting the date until GMM on the 17th. March looks like too soon.
Monthly meetings
We need to
see if Gary Schiff will come to our meetings if we switch to another day. Board
is in favor of moving to a date when Gary can attend.
Particiption Agreement presented.
Reviewed, time line and budget looked at. Process considered. Other N’Hood plans looked at again. CP pointed out
some good ideas to consider and include. Board wanted a meeting just for Participation Agreement
and survey.
Task force special meeting to work on Phase Two Survey, finalize Participation
Agreement and make additional plans
Task Force Meeting, Saturday, Feb. 12 at
Perkins 10:30 am. Wil notify those wanting to participate
11: 35 Adjournment