April 2, 2011

Board Meeting Minutes 04-02

April 2nd, 2011, 10:00 am
First EPIC Board Meeting in the New
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center 
2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Present: Carol Pass, Linda Leonard, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms, Rosie Cruz
Guests: Brad Pass, Shirley Heyer, Chiffon Williams

10:00    Introduction:
·         Approval of Agenda (approved)
·        Minutes from EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 3/5/2011 (approved)
10:10    Announcements
·         EPIC General Membership Meeting, April 14th Thursday at EPPCCC 6:30 PM
·         EPIC Annual Meeting- April 30th, 9:30 – 12:00 noon, at EPPCCC
·         Demonstration at the Capitol for Workers’ Democratic Rights to Collective Bargaining, Monday, April 4, 2011, 5 PM, meet at Cathedral Hill and march to the Capital
·         Check out the slide show of the Grand Opening of the East Phillips Park Community Center on our website, The web address is EastPhillips-EPIC

10:20     Housing and Redevelopment-  
Greenway Family Housing – Recommendation with caveats

Phoenix Development and PRG will present a concept plan on April 14th to request approval of the plan to move ahead with developing the property. The project is being called "Greenway Family Housing."

12 1-BR, 12 2-BRm 22 3-BR (46 total) units, entryways on the greenway, fenced in outdoor play area (location optional), entry for parking on 16th Avenue, visitor parking off Bloomington Avenue, landscaping.

Amenities that the neighborhood requires include functional balconies (not cosmetic only), a community room, an outdoor play space, and 3-BR units. We will accept the flat facade on the Greenway provided there are functional balconies (1st floor patios). There is tentative agreement to include an exercise room.

MOTION: Recommend endorsement of these plans and design. (MG, CP) approved.

2428 16th Avenue S.- Meetings with Town Home Group??

It appears that the City has not notified neighborhood regarding plans for this property. CP will contact the city and find out if notification is required, and submit EPIC housing requirements to the city.

10:35     Park Programming  – Brad

EPPCCC has been open for about 6 weeks, and programs are ongoing. More programs will be added, including a new program proposed by LL at 1 PM today.
There will be another partner meeting at 11:30 on April 19th (Tues). Lunch will be served. The partnership between the Partners and the Park Board is very important - the Partners will provide programming that the Park Board can't afford.

MOTION: Motion to approved previously moved actions by the Committee of the Whole. (MG, CP) approved

The Park Board laid off three individuals that worked with EPIC in making the EPPCCC a reality.

MOTION: EPIC will send a formal thank you letter and a letter of professional recommendation to carry with their next job application. (Julia Clein Rossler, Judd Rietkirk, Lonnie Nichols) (LL, MG)

10:45     Phillips Community Pool -- Update

The Park Board is working on a contract with Mpls. Swims. The agreement will be signed at the next Park Board meeting.

10:50    NRP Progress: Participation Agreement, Business  Survey, Resident Survey,  Results, Focus Groups, etc.  for Phase Two

Phase II Participation Agreement is completed. Send comments to CP no later than Friday, April 8 (the sooner the better.) CP is working on completing Phase I review, but it is a challenge. All of EPIC's property, archives were lost several years ago including our computers and files. CP has to account for all projects and money spent in the last 12 years.

The Phase II surveys have over 170 responses. The process has been very effective. Focus groups need to be scheduled, hopefully in April.

11:10    EPIC Annual Meeting – Food ?  Music? Where to meet in the new building? Who will run for office?

Food: Breakfast theme, menu tbd (zambus, tamales, breakfast rice stew, grits, donuts/rolls/frybread) . Latino orientation…Open Arms donation?? Super America donation?

MOTION:  EPIC agrees to pay Shirley Heyer $200 to order, arrange payment, print out menu, and arrange delivery by  8:30 April 30th LL, CP, passed
Music: CP
Elections: Rosie, Mary, and Linda - term expires. All will run. Chiffon new again after being gone wants to run.

11:00    NRP Legislation: COIN -

Citizens Organized for Improved Neighborhoods is a registered corporation whose mission is to defend the NRP funds and to return these funds to the neighborhoods. They also work to help all the neighborhoods come together as a group to protect and enhance their common concerns. COIN is currently working to get the SAVE NRP bill passed.

11:05     Opening of the garden listserve

The garden opens on April 9th. You have to sign up to receive a plot. EPIC needs to appoint a steering committee member and an alternate for the garden. Chiffon is appointed, and Carol will be the alternate.

11: 30    Adjournment