September 3rd, 2011, 10:00 am
Welna Hardware Board Room
2307 17th Ave S.
2307 17th Ave S.
web address:
2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Attendance: Mary
Gonsior, Steve Struthers, Carol Pass,
Earl Simms, Rosie Cruz, Linda Leonard, Jennie Bjorgo
Guest: Brad Pass, Shirley Heyer
· Approval of Agenda, JB/LL
of Minutes from EPIC Board Meeting
Minutes from 8/6/2011 JB/LL
10:10 Announcements
and Rundown of Activities and Accomplishments:
- EPIC Website is Updated and improved. Plan and Survey are OnLine. Awaiting Somalli & Spanish translations.
- EPIC Membership Meeting: Thursday, Sept. 8th, 6:30 at the East Phillips Park Community Center, Meeting will center on a discussion and comment period for EPIC’s Draft NRP Phase II Plan, Solutions to Crime Issues, Fall and Winter Programming for kids and adults. Also the
I view is now on this Website in the next leaf of the accordion on this page.
- EPIC Membership Meeting: Thursday, October 13th, 6:30 – 8:30 at the East Phillips Park Community Center. This will end a 45-day comment period for the NRP Phase II Plan in which it can be further tweaked to reflect neighborhood concerns. Voting on the Plan at that time will allow the neighborhood to move with work for the future.
“Bridging Phillips” Progressive Festival
Report: This was am awesome party. Different EPIC
members joied the party at different times. Each piece was lovely according to
reports. Thanks to
“Clean Sweep” Saturday, October 8th. Get ready to
help and get your old junk out of the basement and in the Alley for Pick Up!
with McKnight, Report-need,
they gave us $10,000 grant and it would be good to have more people at meetings
to speak about ongoing activities.
Power” Report: About 30 home visits and
presentation to families about energy efficiency have been completed with positive responses,
10:40 NRP Funds: Look at copy of the OnLIne
Survey, Plan Explanation and Plan
Groups …Somali …Nepalese, Spanish,
African American
Native American, Need
more help.
people to read and send in comments to Carol on
the EPIC NRP Phase II Action Plan:
Explanation and Process-
outline hand out reviewed, comments were made that it could use a key for
explanation of goals.
form of outline was based on other neighborhood NRP outlines.
were expressed that theSummary of changes in funding for EPIC NRP Phase II
action plan is receiving criticism from city officials, Some officials don’t
want the loss of funding to be so visible. Others think putting down the whole
initial allocation will make it more likely that we will receive the whole
was made that the outline only use number with the full amount of money
previously allocated rather than the new lower amount as a result of changes to
NRP funding.
was made that EPIC request to work with other NRP people downtown.
were expressed that documents should be presented in as simple of format as
that we present the funding numbers as a table instead of outline.
11:00 Housing Consultant Proposal from Doug Wise,
Additional programs, Housing Task Force
(passes) EPIC accepts the proposal to work with Doug Wise on the housing loans.
Carol alerted us that there may be
additional fees associated with loan officers that will be built into the contract with CEE.
11:20 Employment Readiness Classes, Margaret
Castaway- CP thought this person or someone like
this could bring this skill set to our neighbors . It was discussed
and issues of creating such a program were brought forward for
consideration. Who would be the hiring entity?
Who would monitor it? It was agreed to return to this after we have our
Phase II funds in hand.
11:30 Tae Kwan Do Classes for teens: This
is another program we want to have occur. Needs research. Discussion arrived at
same conclusions.
11:40 Foundry Report – Multiple other residents and organizations have also
expressed concerns that their properties are shaking as a result of Smith
Foundry. Cedar condos on 28th
and Cedar as well as Metro Hope has expressed concern. Smith Foundry has done
another vibration study and believes they have a solution which will be
implemented by October 1rst.
11:50 Crime Situation – Where are we at? Claim
is that crime is down….No one believes this. Meeting attendees feel this needs
a special meeting…
30 Adjournment