June 2, 2012

Board Meeting Minutes 06-02

June 2nd, 2012, Saturday, 10:00 am

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S
EPIC web address: http://www.eastphillips-epic.com/index.html
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Present: Carol Pass, Linda Leonard, Steve Struthers, Brad Pass Rosie Cruz, Earl Simms, Jose Luis Villas, Jennie Bjorgo   Guuest: Shirley Heyer,

10:00             Introduction:
·      Approval of Agenda (cp, mg; approved)
·      Approval of Minutes from EPIC Board Meeting, (not presented)

10:10    Announcements: 
·      EPIC Membership Meeting:  Thursday, June 14th, 6:30 PM, the East Phillips Park Center,
·      Phillips Community Parks Initiative meeting June 20th at 9:30 AM at EPPCCC
·      Urban Solution to Pollution July 22nd 1:00 to 4:00 at EPPCCC

10:20   Phase II Housing Contract with CEE- Doug Wise,
·      Housing Rehab Loans – Loan Pool - $90,000.00, Lottery??? Discussion: Contents? Marketing?
·      Foreclosure Assistance Loans – Loan Pool 

Reviewed changes from last time.
East Phillips Rehabilitation Deferred Loan Program
·      Removed any requirement for a match
·      Title changed from “deferred” to “rehabilitation deferred”
·      Loan Term: all provide for repayment on sale; no payment required on refinancing

East Phillips Homebuyer Deferred Loan Program
·      Dropped “first time homebuyer” requirement

East Phillips Emergency Deferred Loan Program
·      Added “program intent”; clarify that this is a backup, last resort loan
·      Changed minimum loan from $500 to $1,000

General Conditions and Procedures
·      CEE will not be involved in a lottery; EPIC can conduct a lottery, but the “application” would not be completed as part of the process.
·      EPIC would write a “scope of services” for these loan programs. EPIC has to really market these opportunities.

Goals for marketing the program:
1. what is the best way to get the underrepresented, underserved, who most need this, to get there?
2. how much work is the survey, going door to door? Mailer’s and email doesn’t get these people.
            a. language barriers
            b. people like lotteries (popular appeal)
            c. still have to door knock
Doug’s proposal: On our scope of work with CEE, we basically state that the neighborhood will do the marketing based on a marketing plan they develop, that reaches underserved people, and the marketing plan will address fairness, and reaching underserved groups.
Steve pointed out that we only need to reach homeowners. Jenny is willing to door-knock, translate, sign language, etc., and leave information. Luis suggested that we can go to where people go – such as church services, etc. Can we “start” the application process at these information settings – at the lottery. Linda suggested that we consider written announcements in various languages in church bulletins, mosque’s etc. Maybe select 4 sites, etc. Luis added that we could recruit volunteers through these sites also.

MOTION: MG, CP. On our scope of work with CEE, we basically state that the neighborhood will do the marketing based on a marketing plan they develop, that reaches underserved people, and the marketing plan will address fairness, and reaching underserved groups. Passed.

Shirley asked what plan EPIC has to manage complaints. EPIC will consider adding something to the marketing plan to address complaints.

Foreclosure Prevention Program, Scope of Services
There is $20,000 allocated for this program; about $2,000 is set aside for producing marketing materials (PRG) and it would be up to EPIC to distribute materials. Additional amount would be set aside for administration, hopefully less than 10%. Amount left for distributing loans would be around $16-17,000.

10:40             Board Business: Finances, Election of Officers –
Look at Bylaws, Roberts Rules

MOTION: Approval of the Form 990 which was filed by EPIC. (MG, SS) Passed.

MOTION: CP will continue as president; mg will continue as VP and Treas. And Linda is nominated for Secretary. Passed.

Steve wonders if he is actually, legally on the board. We need to check the minutes.

11:00   Soccer Field Update

Brad gave an update on the development of the soccer field. The gas company has agreed to come in and replace the gas main from one end of the park to the other, so we can put down the AstroTurf. Will start near the end of June, and will take three weeks, leaving just enough time for the Park Board to finish the AstroTurf project this summer.

11:10             The EPIC Community Garden group elected to have any EPIC board member be able to sit in for the quorum. Perhaps someone (and an alternate?) should still be designated.  We should discuss this. This change is to help avoid an inability to have a quorum if the person or people who were designated are not able to attend. See the attached.
11:20    Land Use and Environment Issues:  2600 17th Ave. Alliance Petition, Smith Foundry, Bituminous Roadways, Abbott Hospital permit change. Get Tech Support Doc.
MPCA and Abbott Hospital’s permitting process the Clark/Berglin Environmental Justice Bill
Cumulative Impact Requirement – Connected to the change in Bituminous Roadways
·      Daniel Huff was surprised to learn that there is NO air monitoring regarding the Smith Foundry, Bituminous Roadways, etc.
·      Abbot Hospital was not aware of the Clark/Berglin law.

11:30            Crime Concerns: Crime Rate  Increase,  Actions
·      Crime has increased 34% in East Philllips –    CP handed out resources for crime information
·      It is critically important thing to call 911 with specific addresses, license plate numbers and descriptions of perpetrators – even if there is no apparent response from the police.
·      Don Greeley must help with problem property letters demanding a “Management Plan”.
11:55   Adjournment