7th, 2012, Saturday, 10:00 am
Welna’s Hardware
Conference Room
EPIC web address: http://www.eastphillips-epic.com/index.html
Office: 2536 18th
Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Board Members Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Jose Luis Villasenor,
Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Earl Simms, Mary Gonsior.
Members Present: Brad Pass
10:00 Introduction:
· Approval of Agenda (cp,
jv; approved)
· Approval of Minutes from 6/2/12
EPIC Board Meeting, (jv,cp; approved)
10:10 Announcements:
· East
Phillips Park Soccer & Baseball Fields Ground Breaking, Thursday, July
12th, 4:30 to 6 pm
· EPIC Membership Meeting:
Thursday, July 12th, 6:30 PM, the East Phillips Park Center,
· Phillips
Community Parks Initiative meeting July 18th at 9:30 AM at EPPCCC
· Midtown
Summer Festival – 12 noon to 8 pm,
July 21st, Stewart Park
· Urban
Solution to Pollution July 22nd 1:00 to 4:00 at EPPCCC
· Midtown
Global Market Cultural Festival – July 28th
· National
Night Out, Tuesday, August 7th
(block clubs may apply for up to $50 for block parties.)
Money Management Stuff-
Expenses for 2011, Insurance, Contracts, Invoices, CPP Grant Request from 2011
Copy of Bank Statements. All reimbursements for 2011 are turned in.
on investment-Phase I NRP 1st Time Home Buyers Loans Program Income
MOTION: EPIC’s marketing program will include a lottery
to assign the order of applications for the EPIC Housing Rehab Deferred Loan
Program. JB, LL passed.
EPIC will create a marketing brochure (one brochure
to cover all), possibly design a poster, write advertising pieces for
newspapers, establish a timeline for the lottery, send all to CEE
(notification), establish a plan for responding to complaints (appeals
· It
was suggested we incorporate the EPIC grievance procedures.
board members (including family members) must not be involved in any aspect of
the lottery process.
board members (including family members) are NOT precluded from participating
in being selected in the lottery process.
· It
was suggested that we ask for an “administrative opinion” regarding
participation of board members (including family members) in the lottery.
10:40 Land Use,
Development and Environmental Issues:
1) Alliance Project, 2600 17th Ave., Bituminous Roadways, Smith Foundry
Information, Met Council
Clark’s Visit
Find out: Who is the Minneapolis City staff author of the
staff report on the Alliance Housing project? What funding does Alliance
actually have (from whom?)
2) Bituminous Roadways,
Smith Foundry
Hospital permit change. Get Tech Support Doc.
Cumulative Impact Requirement
MOTION: Whereas, the health risks from
Smith Foundry and Bituminous Roadways are unconscionable, EPIC will establish a
task force to coordinate a community-wide effort to remove heavy industry from
this densely populated, diverse neighborhood, namely, Bituminous Roadways and
Smith Foundry. The task force will report monthly to EPIC. JB, ES passed
2931 Bloomington Ave.
· EPIC has a plan for this site and continues to seek a
· Check with PPL (Big House for Univ. students and community
· Check with Banyon (Needs a new location/may have money.)
· Contact Somali community (maybe they can put together the
money as “an investment property”)
11:20 Phase II Housing Contract with CEE
· Marketing
– Brochures for each program or one Brochure?
· Lottery
or not…or both?
· Translations
· Need
a plan to manage complaints
Last meeting’s MOTION:
MG, CP. On our scope of work with CEE, we basically state that the neighborhood
will do the marketing based on a marketing plan they develop, that reaches
underserved people, and the marketing plan will address fairness, and reaching
underserved groups. Passed.
11:40 Task
Force on New 2012-13 Money
EPIC will use the Phase II
allocations as guidelines for our priority plan to spend our $123,000 CPP2
funds. JB, LL; Passed.
11:50 Crime
is going up in E. Phillips. CP attended a large crime meeting
where Police reported that crime was down, but that the perception of crime is
up. We believe that is not true, and we have obtained the figure of an increase
of 34% for the East Phillips
Neighborhood from the Police. We need to become active again in
patrolling and will contact police and Driver Vehicle Services to obtain access
to Driver Vehicle “look up” website. EPIC will start sending out letters again
when we perceive people selling or buying drugs from a vehicle. We will be more
proactive in identifying problem properties and sending letters to problem
landlords. We must get residents to call 9-1-1 when they see dealing, partying,
loud noises at night, threatening of people, obvious drug dealing in a house.
Not enough people are calling 9-1-1. Too many people don’t know how to call,
when to call, how to remain anonymous, what to ask for, etc.
EPIC needs to have more meetings to address crime.
People don’t know what an impact statement is, or how to fill them out. People
don’t know what a clean sheet is.
We need education for people, psychological support
for people, better response from police.
11:55 Adjournment