July 12th, 6:30
p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
East Phillips Park Cultural &
Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: http://www.eastphillips-epic.com/index.html
2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Members: Jason Rodney,
Frances, Brad Pass, Peggy Clark, Kevin Lieder, Kim Hayden, Karen Clark
Board Members Present: Carol Pass, JoseLuis Villasenor, Steve Struthers, Mary
Board Members Not Present: Linda Leonard, Jenny Bjorgo, Earl Simms, Rosie Cruz
Shirley Heyer
as a committee of the whole.
6:45 Introductions:
and Introductions.
Approval of Agenda; as corrected. PC, BP
Approval of Minutes from EPIC 6/14/2012
General Membership Meeting,
Add Smith Foundry to the 8:00 Bituminous
Remove SH from EPIC Members list
BP, SS; minutes are approved with
6:55 Announcements:
· Midtown Phillips Annual
Festival 2012 - Saturday,
July 21, Noon to 8 pm, Stewart Park – 2700 12th Ave. S.
· Phillips
Community Parks Initiative meeting Wed. July 18th at 9:30 AM at EPPCCC
o Identify
and coordinate what is happening at area parks and
· Urban Solution to
Pollution Sunday, July 22nd 1:00 to 4:00 at EPPCCC
o Keeping the
community on bikes; special outreach to Latino community; all are welcome.
· Midtown Global
Market Cultural Music Festival – July 28th
· National Night
Out, Tuesday, August 7th;
blocks may request up to $50 for NNO events.
· Clean Sweep
T-Shirt Design Youth Contest; Give away 400 T-Shirts; $25 prize. Contact Brad.
· Criminal Justice
Partners monthly meeting: Wed. July 18, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 5:30 pm
· Phillips Community
Center, Swimming and Sailing Lessons for kids. Started on July 3. Program is
Karen Clark – Legislative Update
Karen would be happy to
send out this report by email to anyone who wants to receive it. The biggest
issue was the stadium, and KC voted against it. The funding impacts poor more
disproportionately. In the area of housing, KC and others put forth a bill to
put a moratorium on foreclosures; this never received a hearing. The
Legislature came together to create some good bonding compromises, including
the funds that came to the Phillips Pool. Disappointed that the Legislature
didn’t fix the transfer of funds from education to fill other budget gaps.
Emergency Medical Assistance that was taken away 2 sessions ago, was partially
restored in the last session.
7:10 Tamales Y Bicicletas – JoseLuis’
program taking place here at EPPCCC on Sunday, July 22.
Eduardo@tamalesybicicletas.org. Tamales are an
indigenous food that goes back centuries in Latino communities. It is a natural
conversation point that we can access to begin conversations with youth, and
connect them with their larger communities. The community is also working hard
to keep people on bikes, and so there will be a raffle of at least 12 bicycles
which were refurbished, 100 bike helmets, 200 tamales, plus more. Engaging the
Latino community and reducing our impact on the environment. CP suggested that
we might be able to provide good locks for the bikes being given away.
7:25 NNO Block Party
MOTION: EPIC will set aside up
to $1,000 for EPIC block clubs, who may apply for reimbursement (up to $100) to
fund registered NNO block parties. Funds will be dedicated on a first come
first served basis. Receipts must be submitted by 8/21/12. No minimum number of
attendees. This will need Board ratification. CP, JL; passed.
7:35 Updates-Land Use,
Development and Environmental Issues
1) Alliance Project, 2600
17th Ave. This project was opposed by the neighborhood 3 years ago, and the
neighborhood won. The project is not appropriate for the zoning, and doesn’t
meet the goals of the neighborhood for this site. EPIC’s research on the
project’s funding revealed that the $750,000 claimed to be “in hand from Met
Council” is a “mistake”. KC met with Herb Frye and proposed the Alliance work
with the neighborhood, and provided contact names.
· New
Information, Met Council
· Calls
· Karen
Clark’s Visit
· Petition
· Letter
writing to CM Schiff
2) Bituminous Roadways, Smith Foundry. The city
will do air monitoring of both of these businesses, randomly and regularly over
a long period of time to establish what level the problem exists.
People signed up for the Task Force: Steve Struthers, Annie Young, Pat Fleetham, Margaret
3) Abbott Hospital
· Seeking
a Permit change. We have heard that they may be emitting carcinogens. We need
to get Tech Support Doc.
· Cumulative Impact Requirement
· We have heard they want to weaken/repeal Karen’s law.
· Karen has discussed this with Abbott and this change is for a
backup plan based on Diesel fuel.
· There is definitely pollution, but it is uncertain what
exactly that is, and who is affected.
4) 2931 Bloomington Ave.
· Live work units planned years ago, no funds available for
this project.
· Looking for another buyer for this property.
EPIC Funding – Explanations NRP, CPP (City general Fund), Priority Plans
(NRP dollars)
People signing up for Task Force: Carol Pass, Peggy Clark, Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Pat
Fleetham, Brad Pass, Hindolo Pokavra, Earl Simms
8:45 Adjournment