September 1, 2012

Board Meeting Minutes 09-01

September 1st, 2012, Saturday, 10:00 am
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center
2307 17th Avenue S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Present (board): Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Jennie Bjorgo, Earl Simms, Chiffon Williams, Rosie Cruz, Carol Pass
Members: Brad Pass

10:00             Introduction:
·     Approval of Agenda
·     Approval of Minutes from 8/4/12 EPIC Board Meeting

10:10    Announcements/Reports: 
·      EPIC Membership Meeting:  Thursday, Sept. 13th, 6:30 PM, the East Phillips Park Center,
·      EPIC only funded 5 NNO parties. But East Phillips had 15 of the 30 parties in all of Phillips.
·      Hi-Lake Apartments: Comments due by noon on Monday, September 10, 2012. Send to:
Matthew Hendricks, Development Finance Analyst
Minneapolis Finance & Property Services Department
105 5th Avenue South, Suite 200
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401
(612) 673-5236
·      PUBLIC HEARING -1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 in Room 317 City Hall.  The City Council is expected to consider the Plans at its meeting on Friday, September 21, 2012.

10:15    Update on Housing Program Contract-  The Contract for the  Program is at City Hall. We can begin work on a marketing plan next week. We will create a Brochure listing the programs and start disseminating them as soon as CEE has the requisite paper work available.

Note Need to know how the $17,000 is moved into this process. August motion: Board/Community Motion: Whereas these funds are already in an appropriate Phase I strategy, EPIC will use this money (from the old CEE contract) to provide Admin dollars for the new CEE contract. (CP, LL; Passed)

Task Force (Need a few members):  Doug Wise will meet with us in the form of a task force next week to work on a marketing plan. Time to be arranged.

10:30            Update on the Pool – Money for the preliminary concept drawings and schematics is complete. Money came in from EPIC, Ventura Village and Minnesota Swimming. Dean Dovolis will be the architect.

Proposal from USAquatics, Contract signed.
Design Team Membership for EPIC is an opportunity.

Proposal from USAquatics, Contract signed.
Design Team Membership for EPIC is an opportunity.

10:40            Assistance for Somali Outreach- Youth Soccer Budget , EPIC was funding this through a CURA/NPI Grant from the U of M. We no longer have that grant.
Motion: Youth Soccer Budget- CPP - $1000 for field rental, balls, etc. Stipend for organizing/Coaching

Look at how to fund this in the future. Add pieces to this- An academic requirement.
11:00            Hi-Lake Triangle Apartments- Requested Gary Schiff to press for balconies, crime control issues and deal with Parking. Help with Notification of Hi-Lake Businesses.

11:15            Moving ahead with Phase II NRP and CPP 2:
            1)            Evaluation of 2011 almost complete, we need this and the following to receive and use                                     CPP funds, which we decided to use for Admin for NRP Phase II.
            2)            CP will create a Community Participation Program Submission to be worked from by the                                     Board and Task Force members.
            3)            Need to look at NRP Phase II Non-housing part. This is a very general plan…What should             we do?             And How? What we envisioned.
            Then, this is our motion from August:
Board Recommended/Community Adopted Motion (passed with one abstention): EPIC will budget and spend remaining CPP1, Equity Funds and CPP-2 funds as follows: passed with one abstention

1.     The CPP-1 leftover funds (about $30,000 as of June 30, 2012) should be rolled forward and budgeted/spent in 2012-2013 in accordance with the CPP-1 budget as previously determined by EPIC membership. The intention is to spend these funds according to CPP-1 requirements (e.g., participation, organizing, and administration). A new contract with NCR for 2012-2013 will encompass these items.
2.     The NRP Equity Directive Allocation funds ($29,000) should be rolled forward into EPIC’s CPP-2 Priority Participation Plan. The intention is to spend these funds on community participation, organizing, and administration).
3.     The funds available from CPP-2 funds ($123,000 for 2012-2013) should be temporarily allocated proportionately to EPIC’s NRP Phase II budget as previously determined by EPIC membership. The intention is to contract these funds according to the goals and set aside for neighborhood priority plans, including strategies of NRP Phase II and new priorities since the Phase II plan was approved, and to adopt the Community Engagement Process which was completed for NRP Phase II as part of the process for EPIC’s CPP-2 Priority Participation Plan:
a.     EPIC ‘s first focus should be on contracting/spending existing Phase II NRP funds.
b.     EPIC will engage in additional community engagement to monitor the needs, priorities and opportunities before making specific recommendations for possible projects and contracts for CPP2, recognizing that big changes and needs occur and some will have been satisfied by EPIC’s  NRP Phase II Plan and that a new Priority Plan is due each year. Effort will be made to revisit these present recommendations present before EPIC’s 2013 annual meeting.

11:40            Concerns pending:
            Bituminous Roadways, Smith Foundry , Abbott Hospital– Task Force on Environment needs  to meet. Petition?

12:15   Adjournment