May 4, 2013

Board Meeting Minutes 05 - 04

May 4th, 2013, Saturday, 10:00 am

East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers,
but most of all the world needs dreamers who do.”

Present board members:  Linda Leonard, Mary Gonsior, Carol Pass, Rosie Cruz, Sherdl Kordian, Earl Simms, Ali Macalin, Aisha Gomez,
Not present board members: Jenny Bjorgo,
Members: Brad Pass, Michael Green
Guests: Latona White, Shirley Heyer

10:20             Introduction:
·      Approval of Agenda – (CP, RC, approved)
·      Approval of Minutes from 4/6/2013 EPIC Board Meeting (RC, AG, approved).

10:25    Announcements: 
·      EPIC Membership Meeting: Thursday, May 9th, day, 6:30 pm, the East Phillips Park Center
·      DFL Ward Convention, Saturday, May 11th, 10:00 am
·      Last Day for NUSA conference, May 10th, Conference on May 22nd, Wed. to May 25th Sat. the cost is $200.00 –Sponsorships, does anyone want to sign up if EPIC pays?
·      EPIC needs to choose an Elector for District 7 Representative on NCEC Board. (Deadline for candidate applications: May 10; Electors deadline (notify NCR) is June 12; elections are June 13.
·      Housing Programs Progress Report: 8 Applications have been turned in.

10:35             Greenway Heights Apartments: Motion for funding to help with $35,000 for the Balconies passed. What next?

Try to reconvene the Bloomington Business Association? This would require bringing back together the group of organizations that are part of a designated “development district”: Midtown and East Phillips, Powderhorn and Bloomington/Lake/Cedar business core.

10: 40            Board Selection of Executive Committee for EPIC Board of Directors: Discussion led by Linda.

·      Responsibilities and Duties of Chair functioning as volunteer Executive Director.
            -Skills and experience needed.
·      Responsibilities and Duties of Vice Chair.
            - Skills and experience needed.
·      Responsibilities and Duties of Treasurer.
            - Skills and experience needed.
·      Responsibilities and Duties of Secretary.
            - Skills and experience needed.
·      Responsibilities and Duties of Board Directors

11:05            Choose our Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary

MOTION: Election of officers: (AG, RC, passed.)

Chair: Carol Pass
Vice Chair/Treasurer: Mary Gonsior
Secretary: Linda Leonard

11:15             Motion to give Shirley a bonus for food planning.

MOTION: Increase Shirley’s fee for food planning (over 40 hours) to $300 (from $250). Passed.

11:20  Adjourn