July 6, 2013

Board Meeting Minutes 07 - 06

July 6th, 2013, Saturday, 10:00 am

East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center
EPIC web address: http://www.eastphillips-epic.com/index.html
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers,
but most of all the world needs dreamers who do.”

Present board members:  Mary Gonsior, Carol Pass, Linda Leonard, Aisha Gomez, Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz,
Not present board members: Sherdl Kordian, Earl Simms, Ali Macalin,
Members: Brad Pass

Meeting as a committee of the whole (AG, LL) passed.

10:00             Introduction:
·      Approval of Agenda – approved.
·      Approval of Minutes from 6/1/2013 EPIC Board Meeting (LL, CP) approved with correction to title, (change Agenda to Minutes).

10:10    Announcements: 
·      EPIC Membership Meeting: Thursday, July 11th, 6:30 pm, the East Phillips Park Center
·      A few empty garden plots and Garden Grant
·      Plus it Forward. Affinity Credit Union has been a sponsor of East Phillips – they are seeking service projects on Saturday, Sept. 21 for community service. They are willing to do a neighborhood service project with and for East Phillips. Discuss at the GMM.

Haitian cultural event
A concert of well-known Haitian musicians are planning a concert on July 20th, beginning at 5 pm at Cristo Ray.Waite House is sponsoring $500.

MOTION: (CP, AG) EPIC will support the July 20th concert with a $500 community outreach donation with EPIC being recognized as a sponsor. EPIC will also promote through flyer at GMM and email/web posting. Passed.

10:15             NCEC Equity Project – Blueprint for Equity Handout…What should we do?? Options
·      NCR Plan
·      4 Neighborhoods’ have raise issues and stated changes and suggestions…

The most frequent is for the neighborhoods to  join together and craft this process together.
Discussion of the Core Principles for Community Engagement – Especially principles 1, 4 and 5.
This project may significantly impact our neighborhood, but we have not been involved in the design of how we are to be engaged. The process was created by NCR, not us.

Board Members’ Questions:
1. Why haven’t we been asked to participate in designing how we participate?
2. Why haven’t we been provided with information we need to be able to participate in a meaningful way?
3. How do we know how our input affects decisions? We haven’t been told what decisions this participation will even impact.

Our neighborhood is unclear about the goals, strategies and intended outcomes of the process, the use and transparency of the data collected, and public access to the data. We don’t know what the other neighborhoods have said.

Linda’s questions: How will these questions be posed? Where and how will they advertise these meetings? Will there be interpreters? Will these meetings be recorded? Will there be trained facilitators? How will we know that what is distilled from this process really reflects what people have said? Where is the transparency?

MOTION: (CP, AG) Meet as a regular board meeting and ratify the previous motions. Passed.

Board works to craft a motion.
MOTION: (CP, AG) EPIC will join with the other District 7 neighborhoods to respond to the BluePrint for Equity from NCR, and will question the outlined process and seek to honor the Core Principles of Community Engagement , in particular items 4 and 5. Our concern is that the initial design of the process was not done in consultation with the neighborhoods, and the intake of information, and ultimate goals for this process are not transparent, were not initiated by the neighborhoods, and appear to violate the Core Principles of Community Engagement. Passed.

10:45            Housing- Income cap too low?

The income guidelines are 80% of the median income. We are finding that the cap is too low, and many people are supporting extended family and as a result, we are excluding many people who need this funding, but don’t qualify. A second factor contributing to ineligibility is any late mortgage payment

MOTION: (CP, MG) EPIC recommends that we move our income cap from 80% to 100% of HUD medial income guidelines. Passed.

11:00            Crime concerns: 

Hotspots- 26th and Cedar, 29th and 16th, Lake Street-the Problem


·       Where to place a camera.  More than one?
o    We will proceed with the purchase
o    Do research to determine where the camera will go
o    Discuss at the next GMM
·       Monitoring

Other Strategies
·      Meeting with Powderhorn and Corcoran
o   Need to pay more attention to Lake St.
·      Bloom/Cedar/Lake Commercial Assn
o   Dissolved; we should get this group together for a meeting
·      Patrolling
o   Should we start some patrolling? Calling 911; collecting license plate numbers. Biggest problem seems to be around 10 pm. Increased crime including a manslaughter.
·      Closing the Salvation Army parking lot at night
o   Letter from EPIC asking him to close that parking lot (put a chain up).
o   Lock the dumpster (taking clothes out to change appearance).
o   Remove the vans.
·      Driver Vehicle Look up- letters
·      Letter to Gas Station
o   Post no loitering signs
o   Lock the dumpsters
o   Discourage “sitting” on stoops.
·      Landlord letters
o   We need to know housing
o   Look up owners on Mpls. property information web site.
·      Don Greeley, Mike Sullivan
o   Why wasn’t the van in SA parking lot taken care of?
o   Get the walkie talkies out to walk, and call 911 – all at the same time from different positions in the neighborhood.
o   Get together one day and do a “mock” trial run
o   Ask to police to do a knock and talk at 2916 and 2918 17th Avenue
o   Everyone needs a notepad – document everything. Date and time, what you see and where, addresses, and lic. Plates, etc. keep this information!
o   Request attendance at our joint meeting with Corcoran and Powderhorn; hold meeting in the conference room at Lake and Bloomington.
o   Distribute court watch clean sheets at membership meetings.
o   EPIC letter expressing invitation to discuss together the level of narcotics, assault, prostitution centered on Lake St.
o   Funding and training people in our neighborhoods for public relations; stationed at a couple of locations in the neighborhoods with vests and ID for community assistance.
o   Invite Mad Dads to partner with neighborhood youth.
o   Partner with Affinity on the service project to address crime. Block off Lake St. and have a giant block party with Powderhorn and Corcoran.

11:30 Adjourn