4th 2014, Saturday, 10:00 am
Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center
EPIC web address: http://www.eastphillips-epic.com/index.html
Office: 2536 18th
Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
“The world needs
dreamers and the world needs doers,
but most of all
the world needs dreamers who do.”
Present board
members: Carol
Pass, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Earl
Simms, Sherdl Kordian, Rosie Cruz
Absent board
members: Aisha Gomez, Ali Macalin, Jenny Bjorgo
Members: Brad Pass
Guests: Jana
Meet as a committee of the whole.
10:00 Introduction:
of Agenda –
was no December Board Meeting
minutes from November Board Meeting.
10:10 Announcements:
Discussion re: Board Members
Aisha Gomez has accepted
a position with Alondra Cano and is considering resigning from the board.
We need to replace
Aisha. A discussion proceeded concerning emails and threats of grievances
coming from outside the neighborhood.
Motion: Approve previous motions.
EPIC’s response to threats of Grievance
filings and negative emails –
any board members arrived, Kevin and Hannah Lieder presented five grievances to
Brad Pass who was setting up refreshments in the meeting room. The time was
9:55 am. They left before the meeting started and did not submit them to the Board or 4Board Chair.
10:20 pm, James Cook and Peggy Clark entered boisterously into the board
meeting, and without waiting to be recognized, began distributing papers.
Without introducing themselves, James began speaking, asking if Peggy Clark was
here. Peggy Clark turned to James and said, “I am Peggy Clark.” Then James
asked for Carol Pass. Before coming in, James handed his personal recording
device to an underage park board employee and instructed him to record what was
about to happen. James went on to speak loudly at the board and members
present. Earl Simms intervened and James responded, “Hey Brother, I have
nothing against you, this is against Carol Pass and Bob Albee.”
grievance forms from Hannah and Kevin Lieder handed to Brad Pass before the
grievance forms from Peggy Clark (non-member)
grievance form from James Cook (non-member)
young man holding James Cook’s cell phone camera was very upset by what he had
been compelled to participate in. He had not been informed about what he was
told to do and had friends among the group.
Cook and Peggy Clark continued to disrupt the meeting. The Vice Chair who was
chairing the meeting ordered the meeting closed and told all non-members to
leave. Brad Pass, Jana Metge, James Cook and Peggy Clark abruptly left and the
board had a discussion about what had happened as well as previously a received
demand for information regarding EPIC’s association with Bob Albee.
rest of the meeting’s discussion and motions has been removed from the copy and
is considered non-public confidential information.
12:10 PM Adjourn