September 11, 2014

General Membership Meeting Minutes 09 - 11

September 11, 2014, 6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers,
but most of all the world needs dreamers who do.”

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Ali Micalin, Carol Pass, Cesar Prado, Earl Simms
Board Members Present: Carol Pass, Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Jenny Bjorgo, Ali Micalin, Jean Howard, Earl Simms
Board Members Not Present: Cesar Prado, 
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Laura Dale, Kyla Sisson, Will Gilman
Guests: Don Greeley,

6:40            Introductions:

6:45            Approval of Agenda (BP, MG approved.)
Approval of August 14, 2014 minutes (BP, MG approved.)

7:00            Announcements:
·      Next EPIC General Membership Meeting – October 9, 2014, 6:30 - 8:45 pm
·      Clean Sweep: Saturday, October 11, 2014. 9 am. Help clean the whole neighborhood with your neighbors. T-shirts and more. Meet at Welna Hardware at 9 am for breakfast, and at Noon for lunch at Stewart Park.
·      EPIC Community Garden Harvest Party: for Gardeners and anyone interested in joining the garden group; in the garden, October 18th at 4:00 pm., until the fire goes out.
·      Ambassador Program “safety orientation for volunteers” with Don Greeley: this Saturday, September 13, 2014. 10:30 – 11:30 am., here at the park.

7:05               Crime and Safety, Don Greeley:   911 Reports: Problem Houses, 25th St. Barricades,

911 Reports
·      There was a stabbing resulting in a homicide, at Little Earth around 9:45 pm. last night.
·      Precinct-wide and specifically East Phillips, the crime rate (focused on violent crime; no. 1 priority; property crimes are no. 2 priority) is decreasing. Violent crime has decreased from being up 25% at the beginning of the summer to being up 14% as of last week.
·      Police have applied extra resources over the past few months and have put extra directed patrols out, particularly to three focus zones which are based on the crime data received. Lake Street has been a part of these focus zones all summer. Currently running 3 overtime shifts weekly for 6 hours; 2 officers on bikes between 4 pm and midnight; assigned just to the Phillips neighborhoods; main focus is to prevent robberies.
·      Non-English crime reporting. Call dispatch and request interpretation. LL reported that dispatch does not refer to Spanish/other language dispatcher when informed that the victim does not speak English.

Off-duty Officers
·      Discussed the ins and outs of obtaining services from off-duty police officers; working with Little Earth and Midtown to coordinate information. These contracts are individualized. Little Earth contract cannot be extended into East Phillips.

Problem Properties
·      Don Greeley and others met with owner of 2900 16th and discussed calling 911. The residents are calling 911 and police are responding. Told owner he needed to fix the doors and get better locks. Owner promised to get the doors fixed.
·      26th and 17th (12 gunshots at 5 pm recently.) Witnesses did not call 911 and by the time Police heard about it, it was over. Banyan community has information about this.

25th Street Barriers
·      Doug Vanderveen spoke with EPIC at the June meeting and talked about the barricades on 25th Street, and some residents would like something more stable, beautiful, more neighborhood “friendly”. After investigation, we decided we need a point person to work with Doug.
·      Don’t worry about the fire department – they know there is a barricade, so they don’t go that route.
·      City offered garbage cans; people at EPIC meeting said “no” – they look like garbage cans.
·      The city doesn’t like them there; they would like to move the barricades.
·      EPIC has to submit a plan for approval, a permit is required, an individual must take responsibility,  and address snow plow issues. 
·      Most residents expressing opinions think we need the barrier, but it is time to make it look better.

History: Gary Shiff put up the barrier at the request of the neighbors on 16th Avenue, and Don Greeley observed the change personally. There was an immediate drop in drug dealing and prostitution. SuperAmerica was also attracting a lot of problems; they have gotten a lot better in what they are doing.

Mary G will work with Doug.

Gas Station on 18th and Lake: Please meet with Rosie after the meeting.

7:15            Crime Prevention/Public Safety Neighborhood Priority Plan

MOTION: (JB, BP) Motion passed. 12 For/4 Opposed/ 1 Abstained.

Some members who opposed this plan stated that the process for this NPP was not diverse enough. One diverse person defended the plan and  stated she wished us to move on and implement this plan.



Garden Diversion
Barrier on 25th Street*

Police Bike
One special bicycle

Off-duty police hours
260 hours per year**

Translation fees, printing

Block club materials
Office supplies, etc.

Stipends for bilingual outreach

Grants for residents
Lighting for homeowners

Ambassador program
Vests and materials

Extra lighting for block clubs
Added street lighting

Large camera
Location TBD

Patrol materials
Communication devices


Ambassador Program Startup: Packets, Vests, Walkie-Talkies, Volunteers, Meet-Up. Flyer distributed for Ambassador Program “safety orientation for volunteers” with Don Greeley: this Saturday, September 13, 2014. 10:30 – 11:30 am., here at the park.

Report on Steven Square Walkers.

8:00            2909 Bloomington Ave. Letter to Sherman & Associates.

Jason started managing buildings with Sherman & Associates in January. Did hear of resident complaints about safety, and addressed those issues as far as he knows. Held a meeting with residents on Aug. 27th and discussed safety issues. We are working with the residents and so here we are.

CP shared that EPIC had a meeting with residents who had some very serious issues, and since then, had not learned of a meeting that S&A held with residents, so perhaps better communication is needed. Thanked Jason for work being done. There are some issues that were not mentioned today, including the vestibule, and an open play area for children. Parents are fearful for the safety of their children. Could S&A consider some AstroTurf that doesn’t wear and tear like grass and sod. Can there be a physical barrier so children can’t run into the alley.

AM reported that a large part of the problem is the cars speeding down the alley, and a speed bump would be helpful. Sometimes cars are driving 30 mph down the alley.

JM reported that speed bumps could be a crime/safety issue as it needs neighbor’s approval. Other blocks might also be interested and EPIC might include funds in the crime/safety budget.

Jason: Would need help with speed bumps, esp. regarding snow removal. Vestibule has a dual door entrance with telephone entrance/key card/metal key; discussed moving the telephone to the outside door. This would be a large expense for S&A, inconvenience for residents to wait to be admitted. Jason reported that there is an architect team and plan for the area, including a 4 foot fence, but doesn’t span the complete length of the area. The area is not meant to be a “park” although there is a playset there. A soccer field would not be appropriate. Right now, kids are playing there, unsupervised and going in and out. The problem is a joint problem of the building and parents.

8:20            Clean sweep – Jana Metge.

Clean sweep is a four-neighborhood event and partners among leading organizations located in the four neighborhoods of Phillips. Saturday, October 11, 2014. 9 am. Help clean the whole neighborhood with your neighbors. Once a year opportunity to unload tires, household construction materials, old furniture, electronics or Lutheran Social Services, and more. Meet your neighbors, Eat and have fun, receive T-shirts and more. Meet at Welna Hardware at 9 am for breakfast, and at Noon for lunch at Stewart Park.

8:25            Fall Harvest Party.

The garden that was purchased and supported by EPIC holds an annual harvest party the third Saturday of October. Gardeners and anyone interested is welcome. in joining the garden group; in the garden, October 18th at 4:00 pm., until the fire goes out.

8:30            Bridging the Digital Divide.

CP and BP have been attending HUB meetings (every other month); one item that has come out of desire to provide computer access is updated and upgraded computers here at the park. Looking for mentors who can monitor the labs and help people learn. Would like to start programs in that direction and are looking for ideas. Some funds are available to pay youth to serve as mentors.

·      CP: EPIC might consider a “community mini-conference” to learn about bringing computer literacy to the many East Phillips residents not online.
·      LL: Ambassadors might carry this information around with them.
·      Are there others in the neighborhood who can do this? (Waite House, for example.)
o   Abdi would like to take a leadership role.
o   Will Gilman is also willing to take a leadership role.

8:30            Focus groups for the next neighborhood priority plan.

How to reach diverse groups in our neighborhood: ethnicity, language, ability, block, business, renters, homeowners, employees, seniors, youth, issues (ie., spending funds on food, entertainment), etc.
Residents are invited to indicate their interest in helping to identify and/or host focus groups in the area.

8:45            Adjourn