1, 2014, Saturday, 10:00 am
East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th
Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
The opposite of poverty
is not wealth, the opposite of poverty is justice.
Board Roster: Jenny
Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jeanne Howard, Linda Leonard, Ali Macalin,
Carol Pass, Cesar Prado, Earl Simms
Present board members: Carol
Pass, Linda Leonard, Mary Gonsior, Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz
Absent board members: Earl Simms (son's football), Cesar Praedo (Work), Ali Micalin (coaching), Jean Howard
Members: Brad Pass,
Alfonso Cruz, Will Gilman
Meet as a Committee of the Whole. LL, JB. Approved.
10:00 Introduction:
· Approval of Agenda: LL, CP. Approved.
· Approval of the October 4th EPIC Board Miutes: LL,CP (with
corrections to last pargraph on page 1 (delete). Approved.
· Upcoming
Meetings on future funding of neighborhoods
Committee Members: Cam Gordon (chair); Andrew Johnson (vice-chair);
Jacob Frey; Elizabeth Glidden;
Alondra Cano; Lisa
November 3 @ 1:30, City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 317
The NCR Department to present on budget and TIF funding
The NCR Department to present on budget and TIF funding
2) NCR Meeting
for Neighborhood Organizations?
November 5 (Time and place not know)
NCR Department to present to neighborhood organizations on Budget and TIF
3) Health,
Environment and Community Engagement Committee
Becky Timm, Ex. Director, 612-722-4817, 821 E. 35th St
Becky Timm, Ex. Director, 612-722-4817, 821 E. 35th St
November 17 @ 1:30
The NCR Department to present on NRP and CPP
The NCR Department to present on NRP and CPP
4) Budget
Hearings (Carol to add details.)
Nov. 10th Board Meeting with Lissa Jones
10:25 Future
funding for neighborhoods: Increase in the funding pool. How should the city
divide it up? There will be budget hearings on Nov.
18 and Dec. 10
The city’s general fund is decreasing
and the tax increment financing (TIF) is increasing. The TIF used to fund NRP
and it still funds some of it, but it is now funding CPP. The TIF is to be
split 50-50 paying off the Target Center debt, and Neighborhood Revitalization Purposes. "Purposes" is undefined and controversial.
CP: the question is, is this TIF
funding a “city” program or a “state” program. The city has been eating away at
these funds ever since 2011, and it seems they are expanding the view that the
city (NCR) gets a large chunk and the neighborhoods get almost nothing.
10:40 Garden Diversion Project Goals
the berm idea presented at the October EPIC Community Meeting.
MOTION:Committee to implement the Garden Diversion project in the
CPP/NPP Crime and Safety Budget (2014). (CP, LL) Approved.
Beautified Barrier
CPP/NPP Crime and Safety Budget (2014). (CP, LL) Approved.
Beautified Barrier
Planning committee: Mary, Doug, Carol, Brad
· Approved EPIC design to submit to the traffic department.
· Ask Naomi to sit on the committee to represent The Banyan.
· Find a representative from adjoining blocks.
· Linda will take pictures of examples.
· See if Public works is okay with this.
· Traffic dept. needs a form completed and a plan. (Doug).
Postponed, as MG had no time in October
to get the committee off the ground.
10:45 Updates:
Crosswalks, Phoning 311 and 911,
There have been too many children
injured by vehicles. EPIC will partner with other neighborhoods and apply for a
competitive grant to paint crosswalks.
311 has told CP they will change their
menu so that translation services will be first. Houston is an example.
Linda reported that there are 6-7
minutes of announcements before any options are presented.
CP, this is an equity issue…it affects
who gets to talk to the city; people are excluded by language.
911 is more complicated. We will press
10:55 Transfer
of Housing Loan Program from CEE to GMHC, Pool Money, Contracts for NPP and CPP,
There are three steps for spending our
CPP funds:
our funds for admin, programs, and/or projects (community engagement).
the plan/project.
Quorum achieved 11:05 am. Rosie Cruz
Ratify the motions of the committee of the whole. (CP, LL) Approved.
Ambassador Project Update: Vests are back, Packets? Start up walkers?
Will Gilman reported: Haven’t really
gotten started, but we basically have everything we need. Need to develop some
procedures such as monitoring who is part of the group, how to distribute
vests, etc.
11:30 Computer Literacy classes: Starting
Date? Stipends for class
completion. People already recruited.
Free “Financial Literacy” classes to
start in November, 5:30 – 6:30 pm (Nov. 10, 17, 24, and Dec. 1.) A four-week
program. The first class will be taught in English. If there is interest in
other languages, and a banker is available, other languages could be presented.
Contact Linda regarding this November class.
The Computer Literacy class provides a
certificate of completion that is helpful for employment.
CP distributed a flyer introducing the
new classes with Meghan Muffett (Computer Literacy) and Shoua Lee (Financial
Literacy). Based on responses a schedule of one or two classes per week will be
CP) For anyone who completes either one of these Literacy programs, EPIC will
present a $10 Target gift card for completion of 4 or 6 classes. Maximum
$400.00. Approved.
11:05 Office
Finance – Design and furnishings
CPP budget was passed out and discussed. Changes to outfit
our office. We aren’t paying any rent yet. Cheaper than most neighborhood
offices. Board worked with Mary to estimate use of 2014 funds.
Move $2K from 2014 Other Services, $3K from 2014 Outreach Partnerships, $3K
from 2014 Community Events, $2K from 2014 Development to 2014 Occupancy for
putting the office together. These funds will cover the cost of updating/changing
wiring, electrical, office equipment including computers, fax, etc. Approved by consensus.
11:25 Roof
Depot Site – Tour – Results
JB) Further research, invite Steve Kotke to next EPIC meeting, have another
tour, check out Fridley site and our own site. Approved by consensus.
Land use plan???
12:05 NCR
Meeting of Nov. 10th, Our
concerns as the EPIC Board?? Changing rules. Changing Reports?
The use of our time? The point? Is there clarity about that?
12:05 Adjourn