April 4, 2015

Board Meeting Minutes 04 - 04

April 4th, 2015, Saturday, 10:00 am
East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center
EPIC web address:  www.eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

“Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it.”
                                                                                          –ephemer, inc

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Ali Micalin,
Carol Pass, Earl Simms
Present board members: Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz,
Absent board members: Jean Howard, Ali Micalin, Earl Simms
Members: Brad Pass, Andrew Fahlstrom, Patty Zanski

10:00   Introduction:
·       Approval of April Agenda  
·       Approval of March 7th Board Minutes, with corrections to discussion on Bylaws.

MOTION: Meeting as a committee of the whole.

10:10   Approve EPIC Garden Motions

BP presented the 2015 budget for the garden, which lists EPIC as providing $450 toward the garden budget. LL served as the ad-hoc EPIC board representative and approved the budget provided by the garden steering committee.

10:15   Business Report-  
1) We managed to get the Park Board to approve the Swimming pool. This is a great achievement of the EPIC Board and Mpls. Swims. This will include Plan B including the warm water teaching pool.
2) We did not get the $10,000 Headwaters Grant for the environment project.
3) We are progressing the grievance with Michael Green. Michael has agreed to extend the timeline, giving EPIC time for responding until EPIC’s May general membership meeting.
4) We had two meetings (including presentation on March 28th) with Dean Dovolis to work on the Land Use Plan for the Roof Depot site.
            LL. We need to be proactive and invite the ethnic communities to the April membership meeting for this presentation. We need to provide more time for this presentation so that there can be translation provided.
            AF. What exactly are the deliverables from DD.
            MG. The minutes from March indicate that the current process of community engagement is to identify the deliverables.

Quorum has been achieved: 10:50 am.
MOTION: Accept the agenda and minutes as approved. (LL, RC) Approved.

5) 25th Street blockade. We received correspondence from Aisha G. saying the city wanted to open 25th St. for various reasons. After some community feedback, the city no longer wants to re-open this street. EPIC has allocated up to $1,500 for beautification, however, this will not cover the cost of a berm. JB attended the 16th Ave block club meeting and wants to lead an effort to bring together the community to create a proposal.

6) An update on NCR’s requests regarding four recommendations. The secretary has drafted a response to the four recommendations, the timeline, and the executive committee needs to review and finalize. The deadline was missed because the board didn’t have a meeting before the deadline.

10:20   Housing Projects-

·       MOTION for Questions for New Construction.
CP distributed plans for the new construction for a single family home at 2424 16th Ave S by PRG, Inc. There are some questions from PRG that need answers in order to complete the contracts.

1. Grant or loan?
2. Rental or Homeowner
3. Income limits?

MOTION: EPIC will add to our motion to set aside $120,000 to build 8 new houses on 8 empty lots and seek contracts with PRG and GHMC, to include the requirements from EPIC’s NRP Phase II Plan, Home Construction Strategy, which are; (1) this is a grant, (2) properties are to be home-ownership. In addition, EPIC will require an income cap for purchase, of $96,845. (CP, JB, Approved unanimously.)

·       Program Guidelines and Scope of Service for Loan Program

We need the scope of services to include a fee schedule. EPIC may need to request authorization from the City of Minneapolis to use program income to fund loan origination fees.

·       Greenway Heights building

Community feedback regarding the exterior of the building: It is ugly and appears to be incomplete; people can’t believe this is the final exterior; it doesn’t match the neighborhood; it looks like Halloween; the exterior does not look like the drawings that were approved by the neighborhood.

Write a letter to Kathy W at PRG, protesting the exterior treatment. It is not what the neighborhood asked for, wanted, or funded. Ask who made this decision, and ask PRG to work with EPIC to find resources to improve/remedy the exterior appearance of the building.

CP will contact traffic control about the parking problems that have arisen adjacent to the building.

10:45   Petition Vote for Water Yard-       

MOTION: EPIC agrees that this petition prepared by the Longfellow Block group supports the goals of EPIC and is offered by EPIC members. It also conforms to the commitments stated in the Motion that came from the EPIC Community Meeting of March 12th, 2015, therefore the board endorses the petition and will print as needed. (MG, RC, Approved unanimously.)

10:55   2900 block of 16th Ave. S.
-       Need speed bumps to slow speeding cars. Determine how this can happen.
-       2927 16th Ave. major prostitution and drug sales. Police response slow or not at all.
-       Parking issues

MOTION: Research funding for Speed bumps, pressure police for focused patrol, do our own patrol and calling.

11:10   Bike Lane Issue: Congestion at the two blocks coming off  Hwy 55 on 26th and 28th Sts. 
It was a consensus that changing the traffic to 'one-way' on 28th St. would compel the asphalt plant and foundry trucks to come through the neighborhood, either down Longfellow or Cedar. This was completely unacceptable.to the Board and neighbors present.

11:28   The Disposition of the Roof Depot site, Removal of Asphalt Plant and Foundry and Environmental justice Issue (Discussion) What now? There is a meeting of stakeholders in the neighborhood scheduled right after the EPIC Board meeting. This will involve a response to this question.

11:40  Annual Meeting-Plan
            Recruit Board Members – Board nomination forms were passed out and discussed. It was announced that the forms are on the website.
            MOTION Contract for Shirley Heyer to Coordinate the Event- $300. passed by consensus. 

11:55   Self Evaluation- the self evaluation forms were not available. Note: It was announced that Cesar Prado was sent a letter stating that his prolonged absence without contacting to the board caused him to lose his position on the EPIC board. Note Cesar Prado has had to leave the board due to absences

12:00   Adjourn