September 17th, 2015, 6:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.
Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN
“The world needs
dreamers and the world needs doers,
but most of all the
world needs dreamers who do.”
Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo (E), Rosie
Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jean
Howard, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass, .
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Mary
Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda
Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass,
Board Members Not
Jenny Bjorgo (E).
EPIC Members: Shawna Dillon, Laura Dale, Simon Cecil, Luce Guillea-Givins, Brad Pass, Peter VanKoughnett, Erica Schultz, Michael Green,
Guests: Shirley Heyer (Midtown), Tammy Skinaway, Julie Hanks,
EPIC Members: Shawna Dillon, Laura Dale, Simon Cecil, Luce Guillea-Givins, Brad Pass, Peter VanKoughnett, Erica Schultz, Michael Green,
Guests: Shirley Heyer (Midtown), Tammy Skinaway, Julie Hanks,
6:35 Introductions:
· Greetings and
· Approval of Agenda: approved
by consensus.
· Approval of Minutes from
August 13th, 2015, MG, LD, approved by consensus.
6:55 Announcements:
- EPIC Membership Meeting, October 8th, Thursday 6:30 pm, East Phillips Park,
- EPIC Board meeting, East Phillips Park, Sat, 10:00 am, October 3rd
- Planning Meeting for Clean Sweep, Next Wednesday, September 23rd, Maria’s, 9:00 to 10:00 am, 8:30 am Bkst
- All City Community Garden Day, In the Garden at 2428 17th Ave. S. 10:00 am to 1:00 pm; Saturday, Sept. 19 from 10 am – 1 pm.
· Open House at the EPIC
community garden
· Combined with a work day
for gardeners
· Statewide garden day,
everyone is welcome and encouraged to visit community gardens (map available.)
- Clean Sweep, Saturday, Oct. 10th, 9:00 am at the Welna Ace Hardware Parking Lot. Free Breakfast & T-shirts
- EPIC Fall Harvest Party and Potluck at the Community Garden, Oct. 17th, Sat. 4:30 until the fire goes out.
- Ground Breaking for the Banyan-What it is
· They held their
ground-breaking on Wed. afternoon. 100 families and 150 children in their
community development non-profit. They have 150 children on their waiting list.
Construction starts in October. Visit their website (Banyon House).
- Read the Alley Articles – EPIC posts in every issue.
7:00 Progress on the Native Youth Arts
Collective Grant –
Ratify Advance of $2,000 to Little Earth to start the program.
is a contract for EPIC and Little Earth to partner in providing a program
through a $25, 000 CIF grant. Because the contract is taking so long, EPIC
wishes to advance funds to Little Earth so they can get the program going.
EPIC’s board passed a Memorandum of Understanding to endorse the advance of
$2,000 to Little Earth. This MOU requires community support through a
MOTION: EPIC will provide an
advance of $2,000 to Little Earth to begin the program for Native Youth Arts
Collective, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding. MG, JH, approved.
will sign the MOU and present to Little Earth.
Two New
Board Members chosen by the EPIC Board to be ratified by the EPIC membership.
received 3 applications at her office, and picked up one application by
request. CP received one application. The board read and discussed the
applications. The board directors voted by ballot, and the vote was almost
unanimous, and the board ultimately decided to accept the following two
candidates by acclamation, and is submitting to the community for approval.
Laura Dale: Laura’s financial
background is a highlight of her skills, and her attendance at meetings is
appreciated. A homeowner for 30 years, she is very invested in the community;
spent a lot of years on the sidelines, but started coming to EPIC meetings and
is very glad to be here. She will do her very best.
Shawna Dillon: Margarita works with
her and is very happy to recommend her. Shawna has 2 children, a boy and girl.
She was born and raised in Minneapolis, lived for awhile in Pine Ridge SD, and
moved back to Minneapolis. She has put in a lot of time volunteering in
multiple organizations in the community. Went to school for catering and likes
cooking. Currently serves on the LERA board and Community Building Team. She is
honored to be selected, and wants to work to help make positive change.
Requires 9 of 16 votes to ratify.
16 votes for Shawna
12 votes for Laura
7:15 New Home
Construction at 2424 16th Ave. to start – House Elevations,
Green asked many questions, and made a comment about making his “point” – which
he would like to be included in the minutes.
7:30 Report on
the Swimming Pool
reported that EPIC has been working along with others in the neighborhood to
bring back the swimming pool at the Phillips Community Center. Discussed the
research and work that went in to bringing this project forward, and
distributed plans that were considered during the course of community
of the site going back to the 70’s was also presented noting that the public
had paid for the building which was owned by the City. Over time, the City
turned it over to the Park Board, who leased it out to the Boys and Girls Club.
The building was not maintained during that period of time, leaving the
building with a leaking roof and water damage. The community got together again
and stopped the Park Board/City from selling the property and insisted that
investment be made to bring the building back to a state where it would benefit
the community.
will have a pool. The Minneapolis Park Board will own and manage the building,
hiring an executive director. The tenants will have a say in the ongoing
management of the property. The community is still negotiating their ongoing
involvement in management. Currently, we are lobbying for additional needs that
the community wants for the PCC: Therapy pool, swim teams, Elevators, more
classroom space, 2nd floor build-out. EPIC put in $25,000 to produce
a business plan, and $50,000 to provide the Shakopee-Sioux matching grant.
History - Midtown received a grant on behalf of the entire Phillips
Community that provided a grad student
to do a survey that really started this process. The key thing is that we have
a list of options for all of the 11 original requests that we wanted for the site
which will be posted online soon. EPIC will send out notice when important
community meetings will be held. It is important that we get people out to
these meetings.
7:50 Report on Clean
distributed…EPIC provided $999.99 and has participated in the Clean Sweep
annually for many years. This is a great community event, with free breakfast
and lunch. Get to know your neighbors, get rid of some trash, and help build
neighborhood pride.
in 2015…Little Earth will be participating by setting out a dumpster for
residents to dispose of trash for free (see flyer for details.) Clean sweep
trucks will also be stopping by.
meetings are held on Wednesay mornings at 8:30 am at Maria’s Café. Sponsors
must make decisions for supporting the event soon, so T-shirts can be printed.
Contact Brad Pass.
Put the flyer on the website/send announcement with attachment.
8:00 Bike Lanes discussion
City asked residents to count the number of people using the bike lanes. Michael Green reported that he has seen no
bikes. LL reported seeing bikes on 26th. MG reported seeing bikes
during commuting hours on 26th St. Others reported being out there
and/or seeing folks out there.
intersection and further east, people are observing accidents and problems.
Traffic during rush hour backs up 3 blocks from Bloomington to Cedar on 28th
St. There have been 3 accidents involving a vehicle landing on a pedestrian
board will take up at our next meeting to invite the City to come and listen to
traffic and safety concerns. If you are aware of specific concerns, please
write them in an email to CP or Secretary.
MOTION: Post invitation on
EPIC website and in emails to EPIC list to make comments on the bike lanes
including information about specific points on the lanes. PV, MG. Approved.
8:50 Adjournment.
JH, MG Approved.