September 12th, 2015, Saturday, 10:00 am
East Phillips Park Cultural and
Community Center
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie
Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Rita Ortega
Present board members: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie
Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Rita Ortega
Absent board members:
Members: Laura Dale, Shawna Dillon
10:15 Introductions:
· Introductions
· Approval of September 12th
Agenda: MG, JB Approved
· Approval of August Board
Minutes: No minutes available from Board Retreat.
· Community Garden Day –
Sept. 19th, 10 am – 1 pm
· Clean Sweep – October 10th,
9 am, Annual All-Neighborhood Breakfast, Clean the Neighborhood, then lunch at
Stewart Park at Noon.
· Garden Fall Harvest
Party, Saturday, October 17th, 4:30 pm, Potluck (bring food)
· East Phillips Park
Programming Partnership: Tuesday, Sept. 29, 11:30 am – 1 pm, Free lunch
10:30 Consider
and approve contract for CIF Grant funding: Discuss the Scope of Service and
of EPIC, Little Earth and CPP met and discussed the Contract for the CIF grant
and how the funding and reporting would be managed.
MOTION: Approve the Contract
for the CIF Grant with the change of the budget item, Indirect/Administration
(10%) to split between EPIC and Little Earth (5% each.) (JH,CP) Approved
10:45 Contract for CIF Grant funding
City agreed to allow EPIC to use CPP funds to provide $2,000 funds to Little
Earth so that the Youth Program can move forward.
MOTION: EPIC approves the
advance of $2,000 to Little Earth for the Native Youth Arts Collective, and
accept the MOU stating the requirements for this money. CP, JB Approved.
11:00 Annual Clean Sweep funding
MOTION: EPIC approves $999.99
for Clean Sweep trucks, t-shirts, bags, gloves and other needs. JB, MG
11:10 Election
for new board member: EPIC’s Bylaws. Consider candidates. Vote.
MOTION: Accept Troy
Benjegerdes Application. LL, JB Approved.
Notes during discussion:
application form to include EPIC’s Mission.
should purchase board training material.
MOTION: EPIC’s board
unanimously endorses Laura Dale and Shawna Dillon as board members. LL, JH
will notify Laura and Shawna and invite them to the September GMM.
11:50 Board Training Resources
MOTION: EPIC will purchase board
training materials in English and Spanish ( LL, JB Approved.
about $1,000. Linda will bring details to the GMM.
12:00 Bylaws
will schedule a special meeting to discuss Bylaw changes. MG, JB
Nothing will be passed at
this meeting. It will be a working meeting to discuss and work on changes.
Monday, September 21,
2015 at 7:15 pm at Perkins on Franklin. Discussion only.
12:04 Self Evaluation
12:05 Adjourn