December 5, 2015

Board Meeting Minutes 12 - 05

December 5th, 2015, 10 :00 am

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Shawna Dillon, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass
Board Members Present: Jenny Bjorgo (T), Rosie Cruz (T), Laura Dale, Shawna Dillon, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass
Board Members Not Present:  
EPIC Members:
Guests: Brad Pass, Michael Green

10:10   Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions
·       Approval of Agenda: by consensus as amended.
Approval of Minutes: by consensus, with correction to address for future EPIC office space..
Receive grievances from Michael Green.

10:20   Announcements:

  • EPIC Board meeting, January 9th, East Phillips Park, Saturday, 10:00 am
  • EPIC Membership Meeting, January 14th, East Phillips Park, Thursday 6:30 pm,.
  • Meeting about  the Roof Depot site with Karen Clark, Dec. 9th Wednesday 7:00 – 8:300, at East Phillips Park
10:25   EPIC Infill Campaign Housing Program – Complete the effort to fill all vacant lots with new construction
  • The continuation of the Village in Phillips Project       
  • 2435 16th and 2441 16th Ave. Habitat for Humanity added to PRG, 2424 and 2422 16th Ave.
  • Lot split and add each part to the other lot, House closer to sidewalk and garage closer to alley.
  • Request letter approving purchase by Habitat on these three properties to build two new homes (4- and 5-bedrooms).
  • Goal is to purchase by March and build in 2016. Will be affordable housing, preference to current residents; competitive process as there are a lot of families in need and a lot of interest in purchasing in this area.
  • Contact Mike or Chad if interested.
  • Asked habitat to send us the “criteria” for qualifying so we can distribute to membership.
  • Families selected must put in 300-500 hours “sweat equity”.
  • First time home buyer program; must attend 10 classes.
  • Will take about 6 months to get the house done.
MOTION: EPIC will write a letter of support for Habitat for Humanity to purchase the lots from CPED and split them as advised by Habitat for Humanity “proposed site plan – lot split of Lot 42.” (LL, MO; Approved.)

Requested that Habitat for Humanity come back to the community for feedback on the exterior color.
Habitat agrees to maximize exterior lawn space.

11:00  Receive 2 Greivances from Michael Green dated Dec. 5, 2015.
Bike Lanes

11:00         10 minute break.

11:10   EPIC Finances - Report on meeting with Ethan Flatten, EPIC’S Profit/Loss Sheet

·         EPIC balance sheet and profit/loss report distributed.
o    Mary and Carol reviewed all expenditures
o    Carol brought receipts to Accountant and received financial reports.
·         Invoice received from Little Earth of United Tribes for 25% of the CIF grant amount.
·         Receipts to be submitted electronically, and check will be issued.
·         Monthly reports to follow with submission of additional receipts.
·         Invite Heidi to meetings quarterly to report on program.
·         Tumbler Web Page is public; include a link on EPIC web page.

11:00         Bylaw Changes- Consider Bylaw Changes especially Article VI, Section 10 – Consider Board Members’ obligations and responsibilities.

MOTION: Approve the changes to Article IX, Section 1 Grievance Procedure, as discussed by the board. (LL, JB; approved.)
EPIC will update the website to let the community know that the board has been working on the bylaws, as well as inform the community at the next GMM.
Michael volunteered to move the proposed changes into an excel sheet. Margarita agreed to enter the “rationalizations” and Carol will proof it.

LL will research and present options for presenting to the community for the January board meeting. Consider initial presentation to GMM in January.

11:20         EPIC Office – Floor plan, Mr. Welna’s generosity

After investing time and money improving the space that EPIC leased from Mr. Welna, the city informed us that we can’t use the space as an office due to the lack of a handicapped accessible restroom. So we are currently not paying rent and working on a plan to expand the space to include both the restroom and a conference room.

Before any agreement for leasing an improved space can be considered or negotiated, EPIC needs to first obtain approval from the City of Minneapolis for the project.

EPIC has funds from previous NRP programs that has been returned to EPIC and needs to be repurposed. Other funding avenues need to be explored. 

11:30         Roof Depot Site …Update (tabled)

11:40    Crime and safety-Progress on implementing NPP - Large Camera siting, Two Cameras?      
        Crime and Safety meeting time ??.
 Speed bumps.
Recommended by community:
The city evaluated both streets to determine whether they qualify for installation of bumps (reports presented) and both streets qualified. Each hump costs $7,500 each.

Challenges: bumps help “one person/block” only.
Challenges: EPIC has to pay for this ourselves 

Proposal: Based on how this is paid for in other neighborhoods,

MOTION: EPIC would begin two funds; 18th Av S – 25th St E to 24th St E (2 speed bump) and 16th Av S – Lake St E to 29th St E (2 speed bumps), and will solicit funds from the affected community members (individiuals and organizations) as well as seek public funding for a small portion of each project. (MO, JB;

MOTION: EPIC will set up a restricted account in QuickBooks. (LL, RC; Approved.)

11:50    Agenda for Community Meeting and Next Board meeting

December General Membership Meeting
Change to January Board meeting, move to January 9th.
Change to Community meeting, move to January 14th.
Bylaw changes.
Speed bumps
Habitat for Humanity Housing
Roof Depot
Letter to neighborhoods to assist with in-fill housing

Lanes on 26th St.
City approval of floorplans for Welna/EPIC office
Financial Report
CIF Report
Progress on determining Location of Crime Cameras
Crime and Safety meeting

January Board Meeting
Annual Meeting
CIF Program
Finance Report
Roof Depot
EPIC Office

Parking issues
Board Training
La Buena Restaurant (license to serve still in effect?)

12:15   Adjournment