September 10, 2016

Board Meeting Minutes 09 - 10

September 10th, 10:00 am -12:00
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Kristin Hanks , Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass.
Board Members Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass, Rosie Cruz.
Board Members Not Present: Kristin Hanks
EPIC Members:
Guests: Michelle Chavez, Shirley Heyer, Mahamed Cali

10:00   Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions.
·       Approval of Agenda: JB, MO approved as amended.
·       Approval of Minutes from August 6th, 2016: MG, LD approved.

10:10   Announcements:
  • Next EPIC Membership Meeting, September 15th, East Phillips Park, Thursday 6:30 pm.
  • Next EPIC Board meeting, October 1st, East Phillips Park, Saturday, 10:00 am.
  • Clean Sweep- October 8th…Get ready!
  • EPIC Garden Harvest Party- October 15th, Great for kids, pumpkin carving contest, treats, eats
  • Open House, PRG; new house build on 2500 block of 14th Avenue. Next Saturday.

10:15     Michelle Chavez- City Survey and any other issues. Future funding?

Neighborhood Board Diversity Survey. There are 70 neighborhoods and staff were asked to come out and do the surveys in person (not sufficient response last year.) Asking board members to complete and return, or to complete the survey online. 900-1,000 people volunteer at the neighborhood level. The survey is related to the City’s Engagement goals.

Requests for future funding is due again in mid-November for the next three years (2017-2019) for the Community Participation Program. EPIC did not receive the mailing, and Michelle will send another packet. The booklet contains a chart showing information $232,000 over three years. EPIC must apply for this funding, and can set aside funds for priorities (projects) aside from operational and organizing costs. There is a worksheet that explains what you can spend the funds on. Guidelines are significantly changed, as the city worked hard to engage the community to improve the guidelines. Resources explaining these changes are available online. Michelle will send hyperlinks to these resources.  

Michelle was not sure when the next CIF grants will be offered; city is still working on grants that run through 2017.

10:25   Funding for Clean Sweep:  1st weekend in October

MOTION: EPIC will provide $999.00 for funding for trucks and t-shirts. JB, MO, Approved.

10:30   KALY Radio Station Proposal – Mahamed Cali, SAC Executive Director

The Somali American Community (SAC) has been running a low power, volunteer-driven community radio station for the past 9 months. Visit the station online at You can also listen on your phone by dialing 641-552-5322.

After successfully bidding to receive an FCC license, and operating for the first year, KALY radio is seeking funding to ensure a successful 2nd year. Partnering with neighborhoods is a priority for the station, as the station seeks to become a two-way channel for information between the TC Somali Community and the Greater Minneapolis area.

SAC is asking EPIC to partner with SAC to keep this radio station on the air by providing annual underwriting funds. Even more important, SAC wants to partner with the neighborhoods to promote programming and community engagement.

MOTION: EPIC supports SAC and KALY Radio, and will write letters of endorsement and support for KALY radio station. MG, LL Approved.

MOTION: EPIC recommends to the membership that $2,500 for community outreach partnership be set aside to SAR/KALY Radio provided we can find available funds to modify our budget for outreach. LL, MG, 4 approved, 1 opposed, and 2 abstain.

12:07 Michael Green Requests
o   Speed bumps: EPIC presented all the finances, funding and status of the speed bumps (contract completed) at the August membership meeting.
o   Rent/Office: CP provided all of the finances and votes to Michael in the past, but will provide them again in electronic format and will copy the executive committee.
o   Recent email & communication: Michael had a misunderstanding of what is the EPIC website, but is actually a “location stamp” on Facebook, thinking that all sorts of inappropriate posts were “approved or endorsed” by EPIC. EPIC screened the website and found that there is no access to anyone without credentials, and that the EPIC website is secure. The “location stamp” is a GPS location stamp, and is available for public use to anyone who happens to be in the proximity of the Easts Phillips neighborhood. Recent emails from Michael Green will be shared with the board,

12:20   Resignation: Shawna Dillon

MOTION: EPIC regretfully accepts the resignation of Shawna Dillon, and we wish her well in all her future endeavors. We are thankful for her many contributions, and we would be happy for her to serve again in the future. MO, LL, approved.

12:20     Crime on 16th and 17th: Alondra’s email. Action??

CP distributed a report from Alondra communicating actions by the city to reduce the crime on 15th and Lake St.


Progress on Speed Bumps and Cameras – We are just waiting for the speed bumps to be put in. All the money for all the speed bumps has been raised; the contract is being written. Funds came from a combination of East Phillips and individual donors. Petition is done for 2500 block of 18th Ave.

·       We have an okay pending from the Park Board for the camera in Cedar Field. We will need more money for this

12:30    Adjourn