January 7, 2017, 10:00 am -12:00
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave
EPIC web
address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536
18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418
Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega (resigned effective January 2017), Carol
Board Members Present: Rosie
Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior,
Linda Leonard, Carol Pass.
Board Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo,(A) Margarita Ortega (Resigned).
EPIC Members: Michael Green,
Brad Pass
10:00 Introductions:
· Greetings and Introductions.
· Approval of Agenda: Approved by consensus
· Minutes from December, 2017: MG, CP, approved
10:30 Announcements:
Laura is still owner
of her home in East Phillips, and is not required to resign.
Margarita has resigned;
she accepted a position with Alondra Cano’s office.
Letter from NCEC stated that NCEC passed a motion
“not to offer a decision” on the grievance brought forth by Mr. Green against
the East Phillips improvement Coalition. The result of the motion passing
upholds the findings of NCR per letter from David Rubedor (Jan. 2016). EPIC
will respond to the decision noting that NCEC failed in its response by
upholding an NCR letter from January 2016, leaving the impression that EPIC has
not completed or responded to the requirements of the letter from David
Rubedor. In fact, the review of EPIC called for in Mr. Rubedor’s letter was
completed and EPIC satisfied the requirements of the grievances, according to
NCR staff Michelle Chavez. EPIC will request a copy of that report be forwarded
to NCEC.
11:00 Cedar Field Redesign – Final Meeting
Park Board posted the drawings for comment at EPPCCC. Rosie distributed Spanish language notices of the meeting. However, it is uncertainly how many residents actually attended.
The Park Board is working on the design and the next meeting will be held in January at Little Earth Gymnasium on the same night as some other important meetings. EPIC requested that the meeting be rescheduled.
Discussed: parking for the meeting, location for the meeting (NELC was suggested). Issues such as potential staffing, traffic accommodations, design enhancements, make this an important meeting for all residents who wish to use the park. Communication and notice of the meeting is vitally important. The recent StarTribune article doesn’t really help either.
LL will continue to communicate with Park Board, Little Earth, and Christine MacDonald (NCR) hoping to find a more accessible venue on an alternate date.
11:20 Update Roof Depot Grant
A grant was discovered by Greg Goeke and a proposal was submitted for a major solar installation project that helps a low-income, diverse neighborhood. The city of Minneapolis submitted the proposal for an initial $40,000 planning grant.
11:30 Michael Green Grievances
Michael requested 5 minutes on the general membership meeting to tell his side of the grievances that he filed against EPIC.
None of
this would have gotten downtown if EPIC had followed its own bylaws.
finding doesn’t make sense because an arbitration process should have a result,
rather than “no opinion”.
The system
has now said that we don’t need transparency, we won’t hold neighborhoods to
their own bylaws.
CP: It is not true that none of the grievances would have gone downtown if we had followed our Bylaws. All of Michael’s grievances would have ended up at NCR because he has consistently refused to accept any of EPIC’s solutions. In addition, we have evidence from the griever’s email himself where he stated that he will continue to file grievances against EPIC “forever”.
RC: Feels Michael is obsessed with filing grievances; and asks why does he keep doing this? She stated that “this makes me feel stressed and depressed, and not wanting to be part of EPIC”. She takes time off work to serve with EPIC, why doesn’t Michael try to help instead?
MGonsior: Doesn’t advance EPIC’s business. Michael’s points would properly be addressed to NCR and/or NCEC.
Michael: EPIC’s resolution of Michael’s first grievance was not accepted because it was missing an attachment. He denies that he is “obsessed and on a mission” to ruin EPIC.
Recess was called for 5 minutes: 11:40
Reconvened: 11:45
EPIC will not permit the agenda item as it would not be productive to EPIC’s business. Stating grievances is not to be done at the community meeting. This belongs in the executive committee and comes to the community in a report.
10:45 Bylaw Work on Grievance Procedure
Distributed “amended” grievance bylaws per last month’s meeting. After discussion it was decided to continue as a study group to formulate an appropriate grievance bylaw.
12:05 Close Meeting for Legal Purposes
The closed session was taped.
12:45 Self-evaluation, board loyalty: Need to distribute self-evaluation forms again. Ask board members to review their commitment to the board contract.
GMM Agenda
Margarita’s resignation
New Board Members
12:50 Adjourn