04-13-2017, 6:30 – 8:50
Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave
EPIC web
address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536
18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418
Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass.
Board Members Present: Rosie
Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary
Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass.
Board Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo.
Members: Jolene Jones,
Julie Ellis, Linda Vermillion, Brad Pass, Steve Sandberg, Tom Harris, Susan Harris,
Westin Martin, Alfonso Cruz, Alima Abdi
Guests: Tammy Williams, Bret
Nyman, Julie Graves, Mahamed Cali
6:30 Social Time/ Greetings and Introductions
6:45 Approval of Proposed April 13th Agenda: MG, BP, approved.Approval of General MembershipLD, MG, Approved as amended (correction to spelling, Marian Gavin).
6:55 Announcements:
o EPIC Annual Meeting- Saturday, April 22 – 9:30 AM at the Community Center- We are seeking additional board members. Members of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition seeking election to the Board of Directors, whether nominated by themselves or another person. You can find Applications online at EPIC website: www.eastphillips-epic.com. Click on “About EPIC”. See the application forms -middle of page. Turn in completed application forms to any EPIC board member.
o Next EPIC Board Meeting will be May 6th, 2017, Saturday at the Park 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.
o Next EPIC Community meeting will be May 11th, 2017, Thursday at the Park 6:30 to 8:45 pm.
o Third Garden Meeting of the Year. Gardening will be starting a month earlier this year. Next meeting is Saturday, May 13th. 9:00 am at the Community Center. Come if you want to garden. Some open plots; there are 33 plots total.
o Little Earth Mother’s Day PowWow onMay 13 (Saturday) from 1-9 pm.
o Summer Festival, Sunday, June 25, 2017. Planning meeting on Tuesday, April 25th, at the Park, at 11:30 am. Lunch is served.
7:10 Introducing
New Crime Prevention Specialist, Brett Nyman.
Brett has been serving in this position for 2
months, replacing Don Greeley. Eager to work with everyone in the community and
help make a positive impact. Can inform neighborhood about activities, trends,
data, and can work with neighborhood to problem solve.
Works out of the 3rd Precinct serving
Ventura Village and 3 Phillips neighborhoods. Brett is not a police officer,
and his role is relationship building, information gathering. His email is brett.nyman@minneapolismn.gov.
Discussion of problem areas included 17th
and Lake St. Prostitution, the bus stop, drug dealing. Can police move the
camera from 16th Ave to 17th Ave. Is this camera
effective? Does it help improve the situation? Do cameras even work? Do they
take images at night? Are they too old? Residents are experiencing long waits
for response to phone calls to 911. What is the precinct’s plan to monitor and
break up prostitution occurring overnight under the bridges on 29th
street? EPIC wants to work together to address a couple of specific issues and
see a positive impact on drug houses, negligent landlords, etc. The 2800 block
of 16th Ave has seen drug dealing, graffiti, people trying to force
their way into homes, cars racing down the street, and more. Police response to
calls takes 1-2 hours.
3rd Precinct is getting some more police
officers this summer. Resources do get distributed based on incidents so
continue to call in crimes. Give lots of details and describe the criminal
offense. Ask for an incident number. Give the address where the crime is
happening (not your address, if not at your home.) Precinct is in the process
of building a “fusion center” ramping up their camera operations.
Our neighborhood has some issues unique to
Minneapolis. Many people don’t speak English and many children are making 911
calls. Some of laws have been relaxed (loitering for example) have contributed
to less relief and more safety for the community. We want to partner with the
police to communicate vital information about the police and their work to our
entire diverse, multi-lingual community.
Just as EPIC was about to provide a camera to the Police, we
were told Police couldn’t manage the camera. We’d like to know if that
situation has changed.
Block leader training is coming up (flyer
distributed).April 20th and May 10th.
7:30 Board Training for prospective
EPIC board members: Mary Gonsior
See Handout and Q&A.
7:50 EPIC partnership East
Phillips Youth - Waite House All Summer Day Camp-Julie Graves- Final Vote.
Julie has been surveying the neighborhood and has learned that there are
a number of programs that will NOT be providing services this summer. She is
already receiving calls from outside the neighborhood looking for services.
Waite House can only serve 80 kids, and the majority of these live in East
Phillips, Midtown and Ventura Village. This summer program is more needed than
ever. See Handout for details on benefits. Julie’s team is willing to make
house calls to find kids who are at loose ends this summer. This will be a
robust, fun and safe program this summer.
Board Recommended Motion:
$5,000 memorandum of understanding Spring and Summer, 2017
March MOTION: Support youth programming for East Phillips kids with Waite House Summer Youth Program. LL, LD, Approved.
April MOTION: EPIC WILL support youth programming for at least 30 East Phillips kids by providing $5,000 to support the 2nd Annual Waite House Summer Youth Program Partnership . MG, LD, Approved.
8:05 EPIC partnership with
MPRB drop-in youth summer program, Tammy Williams.
There are about 65 kids who are here at the Park daily, through the summer. These children are not involved in the many existing Park, Waite House, Banyon, or other programs. EPIC asked the Park Board to consider how EPIC could help provide meaningful activities for these children this summer. Prop;osal page 2 was amended to read “at least 30 East Phillips” participants, and the budget was increased to $3,290. See proposal for more information.
Board Recommended Motion: EPIC will fund Tammy Williams’ program East Phillips Youth Extraordinary Summer Partnership Proposal through the Park Board –for Summer 2017, $3,290 for program expenses for drop-in participants, with at least 30 East Phillips youth, with programs running from early June to August. LL, JB, Approved.
Final MOTION: EPIC will support the partnership with Tammy Williams’ program East Phillips Youth Extraordinary Summer Partnership Proposal through the Park Board –for Summer 2017, $3,290 for program expenses for drop-in participants, with at least 30 East Phillips youth, with programs running from early June to August. MG, BP, Approved.
8:25 Annual Meeting Planning and recruitment of
Board Members: We need volunteers to help. Also EPIC needs New Board Members. Nominations for the Board:
of East Phillips seeking election to the Board of Directors, whether nominated
by themselves or another person, find Applications
on line at EPIC website: www.eastphillips-epic.com.
Click on “About EPIC”; see middle of the page for Application forms. Turn in
completed application forms to any EPIC board member soon. Individuals seeking to serve on the board must be
eligible for EPIC membership and must have attended at least one general
membership meeting during the year previous to the annual meeting.
Nominations can come from the floor, but application
forms are also available online.
EPIC Received applications to serve on the board from:
Thomas Harris, 16th Ave. S.
Julie Ellis, 18th Ave. S.
Cassandra Holmes, E. M. Stately
Linda Vermillion, Omega
Planning meeting for food: Contact Brad Pass
Pancake breakfast (Brad has appropriate licenses.)
Solicit donations for food, decorations, etc.
Mary will serve at the welcome table.
Setup on Friday at 7 pm, Michael Green will provide
plates, napkins and utensils, Tom will provide tablecloths.
prizes. Mark Welna, Little Earth, others?
2nd and FINAL VOTE
Board Recommended Motion: EPIC approved the SAC Kaly Radio LP 101.7 proposal
to underwrite sustaining costs for the remaining months of 2017 for KALY Radio
programming for $10,000.
March MOTION: Accept the memorandum of understanding, and the board motion: JJ, MG,
April MOTION: Accept the memorandum of understanding, and the
board motion. MG, LL, Approved.
8:58 Adjourn