April 1st, 2017, 10:00 am -12:00
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave
EPIC web
address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536
18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418
Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass.
Board Members Present:. Jenny Bjorgo, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass.
Board Members Not Present: Rosie Cruz (E)
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Linda
Guests: Shirley Heyer
10:20 Introductions:
· Greetings and Introductions.
· Approval of Agenda with addition of Little Earth item.
JB, LD, Approved.
· Approval of Minutes from March 4th, 2017. MG, JB,
10:10 Announcements:
- Community Connections Conference. 2017 TODAY, Saturday, April 1st. This a Free Conference to us, paid for by the Neighborhood Community Relations Dept. Many of the Workshops will involve getting input from folks. It’s our board meeting day.
- Rental of the Office. Lease has been signed. Cleaning Day to be announced.
- EPIC Community Meeting, April 13th, Thursday, at East Phillips Park, 6:30 to 8:45. Anyone who wishes to serve on the board must have attended one Community Meeting in the year prior to the Annual Meeting.
- Garden Meeting of the year, April 8, 2017 – 9:00 AM at the Community Center.
- Annual Meeting April 22 – 9:30 AM at the Community Center. We are seeking additional board members; visit the website for information and application forms.
- Little Earth 19th Annual Mother’s Day PowWow, Saturday, May 13, 2017 at Cedar Field from Noon to 9 PM. Free! All are Welcome
- Summer Festival, Sunday, June 25, 2017.
10:30 Summer Drop-In Youth Program and Event Coordinating for SummerFest – Tammy Williams
There are about 65 kids who are here at the Park daily, through the summer. These children are not involved in the many existing Park, Waite House, Banyan, or other programs. EPIC asked the Park Board to consider how EPIC could help provide meaningful activities for these children this summer. Proposal page 2 was amended to read “at least 30 East Phillips” participants, and the budget was increased to $3,290.
Motion: EPIC will fund Tammy Williams’ program East Phillips Youth Extraordinary Summer Partnership Proposal through the Park Board –for Summer 2017, $3,290 for program expenses for drop-in participants, with at least 30 East Phillips youth, with programs running from early June to mid August. LL, JB, Approved.
Motion: EPIC will fund Tammy Williams’ program, Standing Solid Rock Event Coordination for EPIC Summerfest 2017 for $700. LL, LD, Approved.
10:50 Little Earth 19th
Annual Mother’s Day PowWow – Linda Vermillion
Little Earth 19th Annual Mother’s Day
PowWow, a free event for the public will be held Saturday, May 13, 2017 from
Noon to 9 PM. Requesting funding of $999 toward their $10,000 budget.
11:00 Commitment to
use EPIC Funds for Speed Bumps on 2500 Block of 18th
Children are coming out of the
park on 18th Avenue and additional speed bumps are needed. Summer is
upon us, and if this. LV reported that Little Earth will not receive funds from
their Grant project for safety projects until Fall 2017. Motion: EPIC will spend $7,500 to get additional speed bumps on the 2500 Block of 18th Avenue, and will seek reimbursement from donations. LD, LL. NO VOTE.
Discussion addressed concerns about a perception of conflict of interest, and whether EPIC should fully fund any speed bumps in light of past discussions/decisions. Does the Park Board have any liability for the safety issues related to the park’s location? Can the speed bumps be included in the redesign for the pocket park? The second to the motion was withdrawn, and the motion is tabled for further research.
11:20 Commitment to deal with the barricades, Crime committee for Lake, 2900 and Bloom and around SA.
LL presented photos of planter barricades that exist on Crosby Place and 34th Avenue. In addition, this intersection has limited parking on Crosby Place. EPIC
Motion: EPIC will pursue funding and permission to install 3 planter barriers similar to those that exist on Crosby Place and S. 34th Avenue. LL, JB. Approved.
Discussion of crime and whether EPIC should hire police officers to patrol the trouble spots in the neighborhood. Also discussed Wolf Security. 3rd Precinct has a new crime and safety officer, Brett Nyman, replacing Don Greeley. EPIC will invite him to the Community Meeting in April to introduce him, and present information on police plans for safety this summer, and to discuss funding from the city, Little Earth, and other organizations, etc.
11:40 Recruitment of new board members.
Tom Harris and wife, Susan Harris; both are interested. Potential board members must attend a Community Meeting (general membership meeting). Several residents of Little Earth have expressed interest. Flyer for both apartment buildings on 29th and Bloomington. Will announce on KALY radio.
11:50 Agree to meet
some night next week to finish work on Bylaws
Thursday, 6:45 PM at Perkins, on Franklin Ave.
Volunteers are needed to setup and cleanup, Friday
evening (7-9), serving breakfast (planning), setting up tables and chairs.
12:00 Adjourn