August 5, 2017

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 08 - 05

August 5th, 2017, 10:00 am -12:00
EPIC Office, 2433 Bloomington Avenue S. 
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion.
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Rosie Cruz
Board Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Linda Vermillion,
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Michael Green
Guests: Shirley Heyer

10:00   Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions.
·       Approval of Agenda: Approved by concensus.
·       Approval of Minutes from July 8th, 2017: MG, LD, Approved.

10:25   Announcements:
  • EPIC Community Meeting, August 10th, Thursday, at East Phillips Park, 6:30 to 8:45
  • Meeting about the Barrier: Open Arms meeting, August 8th, 6:00 PM with CM Alondra Cano & neighbors
  • Phillips Clean Sweep, Saturday, October 14th starting at 9:00 AM with a free Breakfast at the Welna Hardware parking lot, then Clean the ‘Hood, followed by Free lunch and entertainment at Stewart Park.
  • EPIC’s East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden Fall Harvest Party on Saturday, October 21st starting at 4:30 PM at the Garden. Party continues until the fire goes out.

10:20   Barrier on 25th St. (Addition to agenda)

Discussed whether EPIC Board should pass a motion with a position on what to do about the barrier.c

Proposed MOTION: For the purpose of traffic, crime control, and safety for cyclists and pedestrians, the city will install a round-a bout at 25th St. and 17th Ave. S, as a pre-cursor to removing the barricade at Bloomington/16th Ave. S. on 25th St. LL, LD, 1 for, 4 opposed, 1 abstain.

Unfriendly amendment: remove barricades before the round-about is built (CP).
Alternate motion: remove barricades and make the streets one-way as a pre-cursor to the roundabout.
Alternate motion: permit parking only

MOTION: For the purpose of traffic, crime control, and safety for cyclists and pedestrians, the city will install a ONE-WAY traveling WEST on 25th St. between Bloomington Ave. S. and 16th Ave. S, and provide free “permit parking” to residents as a pre-cursor to removing the barricade at Bloomington/16th Ave. S. on 25th St. and installing a round-a bout at 25th St. and 17th Ave. S. CH, MG, Passed unanimously.

10:44   Grievance submitted by Michael Green

10:45     Discussion of the EPIC Storage Space: Thoughts??

The space looks wonderful!! The maps and charts of EPIC’s history are great, and the facility has been updated well.

MOTION: EPIC will put in a Security System up to $999 per year. LL, LD, Approved.
MOTION: EPIC will research the best deal and put in high speed internet, up to $999 per year. MG, LD, Approved.

11:05    Housing Policy Change-

Greater Metro Housing Corporation ended their home loan program so EPIC needs to find a replacement to manage our home improvement loan program.

11:10    Roof Depot/Public Works Site - Progress so far

There have been three meetings of the group who is forming East Phillips Neighborhood Institute, minutes from July 27, 2017 are available.

·       Tentative Structure of East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI)
o   Initial organizations are outlined in the proposal and some are mentioned in the grant from the legislature.
o   A Collaborative of organizations
§  Representative of neighborhood groups historically active in the project.
§  Representative of ethnic groups in East Phillips
§  Organizations with needed expertise
o   EPNI will determine if, when and how they might expand the Collaborative.
·       Financial Distribution
o   Will the state provide advance funds?
o   What requirements will EPIC have to distribute payments?
·       EPIC’s Responsibilities with Fiscal Agency??
o   Oversee financial reporting
o   Hire accountant
o   Oversee a proposal process?
·       Concerns?
o   EPIC should establish written policies/procedures for serving as a fiscal agent
o   Contact NACDI for advice, possible guidelines, documents that they use
o   Will additional nonprofits be added to EPNI?
o   Will EPNI develop “operating documents”?

11:20    Staffing for EPIC and Grant –Not discussed

12:00   Adjourn