August 5th, 2017, 10:00 am -12:00
EPIC Office, 2433 Bloomington Avenue S.
EPIC web address:
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536
18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418
Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda
Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion.
Board Members Present: Laura
Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Rosie Cruz
Board Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Linda Vermillion,
EPIC Members: Brad Pass,
Michael Green
Guests: Shirley Heyer
10:00 Introductions:
· Greetings and Introductions.
· Approval of Agenda: Approved by concensus.
· Approval of Minutes from July 8th, 2017: MG, LD,
10:25 Announcements:
- EPIC Community Meeting, August 10th, Thursday, at East Phillips Park, 6:30 to 8:45
- Meeting about the Barrier: Open Arms meeting, August 8th, 6:00 PM with CM Alondra Cano & neighbors
- Phillips Clean Sweep, Saturday, October 14th starting at 9:00 AM with a free Breakfast at the Welna Hardware parking lot, then Clean the ‘Hood, followed by Free lunch and entertainment at Stewart Park.
- EPIC’s East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden Fall Harvest Party on Saturday, October 21st starting at 4:30 PM at the Garden. Party continues until the fire goes out.
10:20 Barrier on 25th St. (Addition to agenda)
Discussed whether EPIC Board should pass a motion with a position on what to do about the barrier.c
Proposed MOTION: For the purpose of traffic, crime control, and safety for cyclists and pedestrians, the city will install a round-a bout at 25th St. and 17th Ave. S, as a pre-cursor to removing the barricade at Bloomington/16th Ave. S. on 25th St. LL, LD, 1 for, 4 opposed, 1 abstain.
Unfriendly amendment: remove barricades before the round-about is built (CP).
Alternate motion: remove barricades and make the streets one-way as a pre-cursor to the roundabout.
Alternate motion: permit parking only
MOTION: For the purpose of traffic, crime control, and safety for cyclists and pedestrians, the city will install a ONE-WAY traveling WEST on 25th St. between Bloomington Ave. S. and 16th Ave. S, and provide free “permit parking” to residents as a pre-cursor to removing the barricade at Bloomington/16th Ave. S. on 25th St. and installing a round-a bout at 25th St. and 17th Ave. S. CH, MG, Passed unanimously.
10:44 Grievance submitted by Michael Green
10:45 Discussion of the EPIC Storage Space: Thoughts??
The space looks wonderful!! The maps and charts of EPIC’s history are great, and the facility has been updated well.
MOTION: EPIC will put in a Security System up to $999 per year. LL, LD, Approved.
MOTION: EPIC will research the best deal and put in high speed internet, up to $999 per year. MG, LD, Approved.
11:05 Housing Policy Change-
Greater Metro Housing Corporation ended their home loan program so EPIC needs to find a replacement to manage our home improvement loan program.
11:10 Roof Depot/Public Works Site - Progress so far
There have been three meetings of the group who is forming East Phillips Neighborhood Institute, minutes from July 27, 2017 are available.
Structure of East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI)
o Initial organizations are outlined
in the proposal and some are mentioned in the grant from the legislature.
o A Collaborative of organizations
§ Representative of neighborhood
groups historically active in the project.
§ Representative of ethnic groups in
East Phillips
§ Organizations with needed
o EPNI will determine if, when and
how they might expand the Collaborative.
o Will the state provide advance
o What requirements will EPIC have
to distribute payments?
Responsibilities with Fiscal Agency??
o Oversee financial reporting
o Hire accountant
o Oversee a proposal process?
o EPIC should establish written
policies/procedures for serving as a fiscal agent
o Contact NACDI for advice, possible
guidelines, documents that they use
o Will additional nonprofits be
added to EPNI?
o Will EPNI develop “operating
11:20 Staffing for
EPIC and Grant –Not discussed
12:00 Adjourn