January 11, 2018

EPIC Comunity Meeting Minutes 01 - 11

1-11-2018, 6:30 – 8:50
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster:, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion, Marc Trius
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass,
Board Members Not Present: Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Vermillion, Marc Trius
Members: Steve, Brad, Kim, Troy, Michael Green
Guests: Shirley

6:30     Social Time/ Greetings and Introductions


7:00     Approval of Proposed Agenda: Approved by consensus with addition of setting the date for the annual meeting.
Approval of December 14th General Membership Draft Minutes: Approved by consensus with correction: add Michael Green present for the meeting.

7:10     Announcements:

·       Next EPIC Board Meeting, Saturday, February 3rd, 10:00 am-noon, EPIC’s office at 2433 Bloomington Ave. S.

·       Next EPIC Community Meeting, Thursday, February 8th, 6:30 - 8:45, East Phillips Park

  • Flyer distributed: community events with Mayor Jacob Frey
  • Midtown’s January meeting will be Jan. 23rd; will be held at Plymouth Congregational Church featuring brainstorming sessions for planning the City’s 2040 plan. 6 pm dinner, 6:30-8:30 discussion and planning.

7:15   Discussion of Swimming Program


The Situation:  QUOTE from last EPIC Board meeting: “Swimming pool will open soon. Let’s build a program so that we are not pushed out of access to this new amenity in our community. Large pool will open in February, small pool will open this summer. Funding has come in from public schools and Augsburg. Scheduling for the pool has been turned over to the Park Board and these large donors are already promised large chunks of accessibility. EPIC needs to find partners and funding for an East Phillips Swim Program NOW if we don’t want to miss the boat. LL has done some research.”

Previous Board MOTION: EPIC will guarantee that East Phillips children have access to the pool for which we have already invested $75,000, therefore, EPIC will set aside a minimum of $10,000 for an East Phillips Children and Youth swim program. LL, MT. Approved.

What we need to do…How can we do this…Money and People…More research/ Grant writing

7:45     Swimming Program Financing

Last Month’s MOTION confirmed in December’s 2nd vote
MOTION: EPIC will transfer $49,999.00 + 1,971.04 = $51,970.04 to Youth Programming NRP Phase
            Phase II to be available for new and continuing programs.
The EPIC board moved at its previous meeting on January 6th, 2018, to set aside $10,000 for organizing and beginning a swimming program. Discussion with Waite House since then convinced us that this amount of money would not be enough and would constrict our effort. We decided that, if we had a quorum of the board here tonight, we could expand this motion and consider it endorsed by the board as well. In any case by our bylaws this motion would require a second vote in February, securing the board vote and double vote and extra month review our bylaws require.

Tonight’s motions:

MOTION: EPIC will allocate $20,000 of the new youth programming money of  $51,970.04 toward beginning a swimming program for Phillips youth at the new pool. MG, RC, approved. This motion requires a 2nd vote next month.

MOTION: EPIC will request administration of this program by Pillsbury United Communities through Waite House, if they are willing and this can be worked out. MG, LD, approved.

7:42     Annual Meeting Date will be Saturday, April 28th, 2018.

7:45     SummerFest; tentatively scheduled for June 24th, 2018.

7:50     Other spring, summer Programs or initiatives – Ideas??

  • RC and CH have been discussing how to encourage more kids to get involved with the baseball league.
    • Also discussing how to minimize costs, working with the programing partnerships to find solutions
  • Crime and safety issues when spring arrives
  • 25th St. barrier and traffic calming issues
  • Problems around the Salvation Army parking lot
  • Problems around trash receptacles at gas station on Lake St
  • Invite the Mayor to attend our neighborhood meeting

8:10     Adjourn