14th, 2018, 6:30 – 8:50
East Phillips Park Cultural &
Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web
address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536
18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418
Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass,
Linda Vermillion, Abah Mohamed
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Linda
Board Members Not Present: Rosie Cruz, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass
Members Present: Brad Pass, Michael
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Cassandra Meyer, Kameron Lindsey, Mohamed
6:30 Social Time/ Greetings and Introductions
6:53 Approval of Proposed Agenda: Approved with correction “next planning meeting is
Tuesday, June 19th at 11:30 am.” BP,
Approval of May
10th General Membership Draft Minutes:
Approved with Correction “attendance/members: Brad Pass”. BP, MG.
7:00 Announcements:
· SummerFest will be Sunday, June 24, 2018. The next planning meeting is Tuesday, June 19th at 11:30 am.
The next general membership
meeting will be Thursday, July 12, 2018 6:30 pm.
· Garden
Steering Committee meeting TBD – look for an announcement.
· Court Watch
DATE CHANGED to Friday, June 15th, 10:30-11 am. 2100 Bloomington
Looking for
impact statements.
· Cassandra
Meyer, lives next to EPIC and works
for city of Minneapolis (here as a neighbor) with Smith Foundry permit
application update. Once the application is updated, there will be public
information process/public input opportunities. Effort is to establish that
cumulative effect of improvements will not negatively impact he community. She
is also working with Bituminous Roadways.
· Somali celebrations.
Good place to visit on both days, Mall of America.
EID (Holy Day),
Say “Eid Mubaarak” tomorrow (Friday, June 15th.)
New mosque at 27th
and Bloomington.
Somali American
Independence Day, July 1st – Lake St. will be closed from Nicollet
to Pleasant Ave.
· Job Corps – flyer distributed and available at EPP. Info sessions
available regarding free career training for youth ages 16-24. Call
· American
Indian OIC – free career training and
certifications available.
7:35 More on Swimming passes for East Phillips Youth - Linda
The board discussed providing a
limited number of swim passes for use in rewarding youth on a weekly basis this
summer. EPIC has allocated $2,500 for swim lessons, but with only 5 children
signing up for tis summer, perhaps we could allocate a portion of this money to
purchase passes for teen workers.
MOTION: Whereas the funds set aside for summer swim lessons
have not been spent, EPIC expands the parameters for spending these funds to be
accessible for programming that has been arranged through Jeanne at EPP, and
Minneapolis Aquatics which promotes swimming safety and recreation for EPIC
residents, young or old, including up to 10 swim passes/coupons to be
distributed as prizes at EPIC’s Summerfest celebration. MG, LD, Approved.
7:55 The
Community Garden – Plots are still available with “pure country dirt". The
garden serves people who
live, work or own property in East Phillips. There are 6 plots available, include
one large plot and one small plot. You can contact Brad Pass at 612-916-8478.
8:00 Progress
on the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm project- Things you can do. (Flyer distributed)
You can Help! Please contact and express your support
of the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm Project at the former Roof Depot Site in
South Minneapolis:
· Your City Council Member and others you know;
· Our Mayor;
· Your Hennepin County Commissioner;
· Your State Representative and Senator
· Your Green Zone Representatives (request that the
Green Zone Committee include in their findings a statement of strong support
for the project.
Please send copies and results of your communication
Pass, Board Chair of EPIC
18th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Attend the Green Zone meeting on June 19th.
8:15 Help
Plan the EPIC SummerFest – Volunteer to set up! June 24th. A Day of Local Music by
your neighbors! Talent Show for kids and youth! Food, etc. Bring your ideas and
any musicians’ names you know.
This event is about the community coming together and
celebrating the park that we built together. We need volunteers to help set up
and clean up. City is donating bicycles to nonprofits and EPIC has 5 excellent
bikes to give to those who sign up to volunteer. Contact Brad Pass at
8:15 Any Summer Issues you want EPIC to deal
with…especially if you want to help!
LL will be volunteering as McGruff at Summerfest and is looking for
someone to give her a break during the festival.
8:25 Adjourn