June 2, 2018

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 6 - 2

June 2nd, 2018, 6:30 – 8:50
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion, Abah Mohamed
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Abah Mohamed
Board Members Not Present: Rosie Cruz, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Vermillion,
Members: Brad Pass

10:00   Social Time/ Greetings and Introduction

10:10   Announcements:

  • EPIC Community Garden - plots available with “pure country dirt”.
  • General membership meeting – June 14th, Thursday at EP Park, 6:30-8:45

·       SummerFest will be June 24, 2018 - Sunday

10:30       Approval of Proposed Agenda: approved by consensus
Approval of April 12th General Membership Draft Minutes: LD, LL approved

10:30   Update on swimming- Linda Leonard - The swimming program is up and running… But it filled really fast and only a couple of kids from East Phillips took advantage of our sponsoring program. The program is funded now to $2500 and ready to go again. We may have to update our contract to include the next round of swimming lessons and get the word out more completely and in advance of the start time. We need to watch for when the next series of lessons is available and talk to neighbors right away. Also is the issue of summer passes which are expensive and could be used to get some of these kids swimming. Linda and Jean think we should sponsor summer youth swimming in general. Discussion.

MOTION: Approve up to $999 for summer swimming passes for teens (13-17), awarded according to the policy and procedure established by the director of youth programming at EPPark. LL, LD, Approved.

10:51   Proposal for EPIC Summer Youth Work

2018 All Together Now! The city will be inspecting exteriors of properties in Minneapolis, and may be doing the work, and sending YOU the bill. If you did not receive a notice, call 311 or visit www.minneapolismn.gov/inspections/. Examples of what the city is looking for:

Tall grass/weeds, Inoperable vehicles, Vegetation over the sidewalk, any garbage litter and junk

EPIC will explore possible partnerships for youth employment to facilitate neighborhood cleanup for All Together Now! EPIC will also contact Noah Schuchman, Director of Regulatory Services (Mpls.)

11:07   EPNI – Indoor Urban Farm Project progress

Next meeting on June 6th with Alondra Cano. While East Phillips meets every criteria for the city’s Green Zone resolutions, and while the EPIC Indoor Urban Farm Project meets every criteria for improving and mitigating the factors that burden Green Zone communities, the city staff continue to oppose the project. The city council will soon vote on how much, if any of the 16.42 acres will be allocated to the East Phillips project. The June 6th meeting at 5:30 pm, at EP Park, is a strategy meeting – everyone should attend.

EPNI is seeking funding to purchase the 3-acres needed for the project and build a wall to protect the existing building from the demolition area. It is difficult to raise money for a project when we don’t have the property committed yet.

11:37   Summerfest Planning - Flyers and agenda discussed. Board volunteer sign-up sheet was passed around.

11:48   Adjourn