July 7, 2018

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 07 - 07 - 18

July 7th, 2018, 10:00 am -12:00
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion
Board Members Present: Laura Dale,  Rosie Cruz, Linda Leonard
Board Members Not Present: Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes (Excused), Mary Gonsior(Excused), Carol Pass (Excused), Linda Vermillion, Abah Mohamed,
Guests: Alfonso Cruz, Michael Green

The EPIC Board met informally at the normal place and time 10 am to noon.  There was no quorum and the meeting was not officially called to order or adjourned. Neither did we meet as a “committee of the whole”. Instead there were various topics raised and questions posed and agenda items named for the next monthly membership meeting.

June 24 Festival
Brad Pass can give a report at the membership meeting. Linda enjoyed playing McGruff. Both she and Rosie reported dismay that the music in the field where kids were learning dance moves was inappropriate for a family event. The lyrics were vulgar and explicit in some cases. Neither one allowed  children in their family to participate or to stay in the area. We need to have a policy about any group in attendance signing an agreement to avoid music that is overtly or covertly sexually explicit, vulgar, or obscene.
We wondered aloud at the food offerings and if anyone made a profit. There was a question about why  an ice cream vendor was denied but snow cones were allowed.
Apparently some artists did not attend as scheduled and at one point there was competing music from the Aztec Dances and the performers on stage.
On the positive side there was space to cool off indoors and ample activities for everyone. Kelly’s sign making event produced great signs. People seemed happy and enjoying themselves. The horses were a hit. The firetruck was fun although not visible from the other side of the building.
We owe a big thanks to all who worked together for a great afternoon.

We need to gather information from other participants about aspects of the day to continue to promote and ways to improve.

National night out August 7

The membership can discuss what funds might be available to reimburse blocks for nonfood/nonentertainment items. We may need a treasure’s report to know which line items might be used.
Blocks can approach the Banyan organization for financial support and should find out if they need to participate in the Light House program to qualify.
Luther Krueger is the one to email or call to set up your block party. Rosie had an email from him that indicated her application information that can just be repeated automatically.
Luther Krueger said its public information about where events are held but they do not have to be posted. There have been significant problems with outsiders crashing block parties especially for food. His suggestion is that invitation flyers be printed and include wording to the effect that the event is for residents of the block and that the flyer is a person’s “ticket” for food items.

Neighborhood surveys
National Night out would be a good time to distribute and collect simple surveys about neighborhood priorities, concerns, questions, comments, etc. Michael said we might want to use a block club leader list to send out copies for that evening.
Survey topics might include people’s awareness of EPIC and its purpose, meeting times, etc.; thoughts about traffic problems; information about the urban ag and housing proposal for the “ROOF DEPOT” site; topics people might like to see as program presentations at membership meetings; etc.

This event might be a good time for people to also announce election primaries and assist in voter registration.

Before we pay anything to Kali radio the members want to see records of public service announcements on behalf of EPIC, access to interview broadcast records, etc. to submit along with our agreed contract arrangement to the city for funds to pay our pledge.  Linda sent a text asking for documentation to Shirley Heyer who is a consultant to the radio station management . We didn’t have Mr. Cali’s contact information handy. People wondered if he covered the June 24 event or broadcast any of it.
The Board members present would like to see a list of the motions we have passed that require funding which is not yet dispersed for  various projects and activities.
There was concern about the amount of time needed to deal with expenditures and a question about whether or not contract “boiler plate” forms could be used in order to make it easier to write, process, and procure the funds.

Rosie talked about newcomers to the neighborhood and the need to invite people and youth to attend monthly meetings. Linda tried to emphasize that we would need some kind of “Program” schedule to be a “draw” so people would want to come. We don’t have a program committee and could perhaps find out in our survey what people might be interested in.  Maybe if we want younger families we could have a series on local schools that are Mpls public; private schools; charter schools…...perhaps some informative information about education/training opportunities at AIOIC and Summit? Perhaps some cultural presentations from various ethnic groups about traditions and holidays? Perhaps social events of various kinds? Etc.

 Brad will give a report about the project at the membership meeting. He suggested various items to survey the neighborhood about in regard to that. During the meeting we received a message that Keith Ellison would be at Little Earth and after the meeting Linda forwarded texts to Brad who took information over to present to Keith and people at Little Earth.

Staff and sustainability
There was again some talk about hiring staff or an executive director or?  Concern that the EPNI project is taking an immense amount of time and effort and that EPIC is responsible for the finances. Some brainstorming about what to do about the fact that EPIC needs to find a way to release our president from so many competing obligations that the organization has acquired.