June 1, 2019

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 06-01

June 1st, 2019, 10am – 12pm
EPIC Board Meeting
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Abah Mohamed, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago
Board Members Not Present: Rosie Cruz (E), Cassandra Holmes (E), Carol Pass (E), Shontal Lajeunesse (U)
Members: Devika Ghai, Brad Pass
Quorum achieved at 10:20am
Agenda approved at 10:21am
First Time Home Buyer and Rehab Loan Programs; CEE agreement.
EPIC has $150 k + that must be used for housing. The first time home buyer and rehab loan programs have been reinstated through the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) and [Carol Pass] is thinking it would be wise to follow Midtown Phillips lead in reinstating these two [former EPIC] programs. Timing is critical because the city will take our money if we don't get this funding contracted. All the other neighborhoods are locking their money in this same way. 
The cost for the Loan programs are, a One time initial contract set-up fee of  $1,500,  a $2,500 annual fee and a 10% origination fee for each loan that we sign. We are anticipating providing a 0% interest loan, which is what Midtown did. This is a deferred loan program which would not be due for repayment until the sale of the property. In a phone conversation with Jim Hasnik, we were promised a written outline which we should have at Saturday's board meeting. The agreement should be voted on by the  board Saturday and perhaps the general membership meeting on the second Thursday. (This second vote may not be necessary because it has already been voted on and there is no other use for which this money can be put.)
·       City is holding the money, CEE will process the applications and make sure all of the paperwork is processed. Once sale of home is made, money goes back in the fund.
·       EPIC already paid the one-time fee – question whether we need to pay the one time fee again because the program went defunct
·       Is this the only way to use the $150,000?
o   Research whether we can use for renters
o   Impression is that the money is to maintain housing in the neighborhood
o   Is it possible to make available to landlords to maintain property?
MOTION: EPIC will seek a contract with CEE for $150,000 + for housing funds for a first-time homebuyer and rehab loan program consistent with EPIC’s former program with CEE and will explore the possibility of whether these dollars can be used for rental apartment rehab. MG, SS, approved.
Violence Prevention Grant Proposal
A grant proposal was written by Devika Ghai on behalf of EPIC seeking $25,000 from Minneapolis Office of Violence Prevention. [Mary Gonsior] distributed the proposal to the executive committee for review, however with only two days before the proposal needed to be submitted there was very little time to offer feedback. After receiving feedback from Sarah Santiago, Mary submitted the proposal online.
Unfortunately, Carol and Cassie were not able to review the document before it was submitted, and both had some recommended changes they would propose in the event the funds are offered to EPIC. Cassie has provided her feedback in writing for discussion by the full board.
·       Tool for future EPIC programming
·       Cassie and Carol had some concerns
·       Proposal is submitted
o   If funding is approved – we may need to submit revised proposal and ask if they are willing to approve revised approval – if not try again next time funding is open
§  Proposed changes:
·       Funding may not be enough – move funds from youth or other pockets to this program if necessary. If grant is approved will make motions for the funding at that time
·       By listing Devika as contact person makes proposal stronger with a specific person – we need to vet Devika because we didn’t have time to go through typical process for approving proposal. Wants someone else to take lead if possible
·       Board agrees that Devika is able to be the project lead – we are open to having someone else take the lead on project. If Devika is lead will contact references and vet, same with any other candidates.
·       Would like a key on page 2 for map
·       Page 3 – “largest urban native” correction
·       Page 4 – “We want to convey…”-what is EPIC’s strategic plan? Use this to form a strategic plan – board agrees
·       Concern about the negative aspects of EPIC – change to language that we have achieved a lot and can do more
·       “Haven’t conducted survey in over 10 years correction” – have conducted survey last year – Sarah is contact for this
·       Page 5 - Add pollution to top “broader issues…”
·       “share data publicly” – Little Earth has rules about sharing data – permissions may be required
·       Shontal – spelled wrong
·       Page 6 – project lead – will revisit in July
·       “highly problematic vacant lot” got references mixed up
·       Love idea of exit interviews with youth
·       “under 18 change” – look at bylaws – Little Earth has youth board member voted on by peers
·       “Same tired strategies” – state more positively
·       Art murals – do they have East Phillips community connection? - invite artists and have lunch with us– not $ out of budget
·       Incentives for gift card – disconnect between budget and how much gift card incentive will cost
o   May need to come up with supplement for more funds
·       Budget – project lead says “supervising of youth team” – that is responsibility of mentor
o   200 hours doesn’t seem like enough time
§  Devika says budget was reason for fewer hours
§  Ask project lead candidate to plan out how 200 hours will be spent
o   More money needed for incentives
·       Budget narrative – rephrase that $5000 for project lead etc.
Devika will make revisions and submit CV and references to EPIC
MOTION: EPIC will approve the 2019 Violence Prevention Fund proposal with revision and submit to general membership at the June general membership meeting. LD, AM, approved.
Board is greatly appreciative of Devika for this proposal.
City staff re: the proposed new development on 17th Ave.
[Devika and partner] strongly feel the new development should be entirely or mostly affordable housing, not just one or two affordable units in an otherwise luxury apartment building. As a result of our conversations, Clay Dutra, as well as CPED and city staff are going to make a public presentation to the community about the timeline and process for the development, highlighting any and all opportunities for public participation. 
I [Devika] wanted to ask what you all think of the idea of having this community conversation be part of the upcoming EPIC meeting? Lex and I will help do outreach to turn people out to the meeting, esp from 17th & 16th Aves, which will be the most affected. Let me know if you're up for that. If not, no problem, we will organize a separate meeting that Tuesday. Please let us know what you think. If you have any questions plz feel free to call me - 650 644 6142. 
·       EPIC’s townhomes are mixed income – Mary mentions the reasons behind this
·       If city going to approve market rate apartments then not following their values
·       Devika and Steve co-lead this part of the general membership meeting
·       The city hasn’t done anything about the project
·       Their block hasn’t heard anything about the project
·       Parking concerns, affordability and notification/engagement concerns
·       Will be on June general membership meeting
Park board employee, Tammy Williams, has been planning Summerfest but issue with reimbursing her
·       Tammy got in trouble because getting paid by park board and received stipend as well
·       Would like to reimburse Tammy for time
·       Ask her for proposal – under $1,000
o   Compensation for Tammy Williams
·       Put together proposal for staff development/retreat?
·       Gift cards – distribute in fair way
Stage and tent are free, not paying performers, Brad will pay for Pinatas and candy, Park Board pays for bouncy houses. Food trucks want to be guaranteed amount they will earn and otherwise reimbursed.
MOTION: EPIC will set aside up to $999 from community engagement to cover Summerfest expenses. StS, LD, approved
Other NRP Fund balances
Another financial issue is the fact that we have little bits of money in numerous categories that should be consolidated under one contract called Community Engagement or Community Outreach. In the last couple of months the Board locked down contracts for increasing our admin & youth programming. All the rest needs to be consolidated and contracted ASAP.
MOTION: EPIC will consolidate remaining small NRP phase II fund balances into one contract called Community Engagement or Community Outreach. AM,LD, approved.
Community meeting for Roof Depot
Hoping to call a meeting
·       Wednesdays are the best, Mondays second best for the park
·       We need to get a lot of people out to plan what to do when trucks appear to tear down building
o   Want to give people jobs of what they can do
·       Goals: to prevent pollution; second goal is to achieve all of the goals of the Urban Farm project - need to keep it in the community
Sarah has agreed to update the contact e-mail lists from EPIC meetings; send out e-mail reminder of the upcoming meeting including asking for proposals for agendas; and contact Gabe or Amy to upload meeting minutes online.