October 14, 2019

EPIC Board Meeting 10-5

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes
October 5th 2019, 10am – 12pm
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago, Rosie Cruz, Abah Mohamed
Board Members Not Present: Shontal Lajeunesse (E), Carol Pass (E)
Members: Brad Pass, Frank M. Afflitto
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Stacy Sorenson, Rachel Cross Bailey

10:11   Agenda Approval, LD, StS, Approved
September Minutes Approval, LD, StS, Approved
10:05   Announcements
·      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, October 10th at 6:30 here at East Phillips Park
·      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, November 2nd at 10am at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
o   Board Meetings are open to the public
·      Next executive committee meeting will be the last Thursday of the month from 7-8 from now on, but October it would be Halloween – should we change it for that month?
o   Open to public
o   Add it to schedule that is published on web and in the Alley
·      Clean Sweep - October 12th
o   9-10am sign in and free breakfast, get your free t-shirt and cleaning supplies
§  At either Welna (2438 Bloomington Ave S or Lutheran Social Services (enter on 24th street-2400 Park Ave S)
o   9am-noon CLEAN SWEEP!
o   Noon to 1:30 free lunch, entertainment and family fun at Stewart Park – 2700 12th Ave S
·      Harvest Garden Party Saturday, October 19th at 4:30. 2428 17th Ave S
o   Brad is no longer able to lead this
o   Cassie and Steve can help out with this, along with Frank
·      Men Against Rape Culture and Breaking Free will be holding a 3rd BBQ on
October 12th at 3pm, at 25th and Bloomington
o   for homeless Native youth and adults.   
o   A couple other service providers, such as needle exchange, no cops, will also be present. 
o   Meat, steak and chicken, will be paid for ahead of time
o   People doing drugs and homeless people in this area have left recently, but concerned that an event like this will bring people back
o   Tabled discussion for community meeting
10:23   Stacy Sorenson – onboard for the new housing contract
·      This money must be used on housing:
·      Home buyer assistance
o   Owner occupants
·      Emergency deferred strategy
o   Owner occupants
·      Deferred Rehab Loans
o   Owner occupied or absentee owned
o   Income limit
·      All are 10 year programs – if stay in home 10 years, loan is forgiven
·      All are 1-4 unit properties
·      Consider income limits on all three programs
o   Upper income level – i.e. 100% of area median income
o   Stacy will let us know what our past guidelines were for income
·      Takes a month for the city to get it together before community can apply for a deferred loan
·      Executive committee will come up with proposal and board meeting will make motion
·      Can also amend contract down the line if it’s not working for the community
·      Stacy will let us know if there are renter assistance programs
10:56   Carol’s resignation
·       Carol has not resigned, if she does resign, she will write a letter
·       Need to start thinking about board members
o   Continue to put in Alley what EPIC needs volunteers
·       15th of every month is deadline for Alley, what we want in the issue
o   Mary will put the half page together this month
o   Mary will get info what we owe to the Alley, how to pay etc.
11:08   CPP Application
·      Carol had conversation with Bob Cooper, CPP contract has been signed, not much left to do with that
·      Accusation from CPP that we aren’t getting money out to community, Carol argues that we are saving our funds intentionally
·      Ask CPP for the documentation that proves we are out of compliance and what authority do they have to take away our money in email to NCR about meeting time
11:29   NCR
·       Options for money:
o   Would we be able to pay website person with this money if organization in East Phillips? Or paying someone to put Alley half page together ($100 per month)?
o   Organizations from CPP application: Native Youth Arts Collective; Southside Learning Center; Somali Radio station; Hispanic Baseball League; Clyde Turner programs; EPNI; Latino and Somali soccer?
o   Mike Goze (owns property) navigation site 2
o   Sports youth team at LERA (Little Earth Red Bears baseball and basketball)
o   NACDI – Native American organization doing voting and census for all of East Phillips
o   Southeast Homes – Somali chemical awareness program
o   Bike On community initiative
o   Brass Messengers (band) – banner or youth music education
o   Men Against Rape Culture
o   St. Stephens
o   East Phillips Community garden; park – cooking classes
o   Park Board Aquatics
o   Waite House
o   Nutrition classes through the U of Mn
o   East Phillips Cultural Community Center – programs for youth
o   25th street round about
o   Raices Centro Cultural Chicano
o   Speed bumps
o   Greenway
o   Proposal to enhance the properties EPIC has funded i.e. security cameras
o   Southside Harm Reduction (syringe clean ups)
o   Signage for EPIC
·       When should we expect some money?
·       Meeting with NCR – October 9th at 6:30 at LERA
11:59   Payments
o   Office supplies for filing cabinets (files, hanging files); mailbox
o   Utilities – Brad bring check book to board meeting
§  Tony would like utilities to be split in thirds
§  Mary will set up monthly payment going forward - $55-$60 per month
§  Should EPNI pay part of this?
§  Mary has paid Tony – a little over $600 for the past year
o   Mailbox- contact Mark from Welna – Mary is doing this
§  Want a through the wall slot
§  This is okay with Mark from Welna
§  Expect to pay $300 for the box and for someone to install and a lock box
§  Will write up rules for lock box
MOTION: Designate $300 for the mailbox slot and for someone to install the slot, LD, StS, Approved
o   Finance procedures – approved vendor list; procedures explaining who is doing what?
o   Clean Sweep, harvest party – have we submitted checks?
§  Mary will sign check for clean sweep, harvest party will be later
12:10   MOTION: Extend meeting to 12:35 or earlier, MG, StS
12:21   Violence Prevention Grant
·       Devika is no longer interested
o   It was a fast turn around when the proposal was due
§  EPIC should have made it go to the board meeting first
§  EPIC did not recognize that the proposal was not with an organization and we don’t have the infrastructure to run our own programs
·       What do we want to do?
o   Would be very beneficial to the community
o   Can the grant be passed onto another organization?
o   Frank and Steve will investigate what our options are with the grant and report back to the board as soon as possible
12:38   Insurance - TABLED
·       Appoint someone to take responsibility for insurance i.e. payments etc.
12:38   Review agenda request form and funding request form - TABLED
12:38   Logistics: TABLED
·       Email transfer – has this happened, do we still want an email address that all EPIC board members have access to
·       Minutes – make sure that people are checking for certain things (i.e. if something shouldn’t be made public etc.) when you are sent a draft agenda via email because if nobody responds with edits that is the version that goes online
·       Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month
§  Any requests for October’s community meeting?
12:38   Green Zone money
·       Southside Green Zone looking for residents, community-based organizations and organizers to submit proposals for $500-$10,000 that would increase community engagement on environmental health issues in the South Side Green Zone (SSGZ).
·       Projects should align with the Council's priority areas of (1) Green Economy & Anti-Displacement; (2) Health in Energy & Housing; (3) Healthy Food Access; (4) Land Use: Air & Soil; and (5) Self-Determination and Accountability. Project focus should be on increasing engagement and capacity in the South Side Green Zone.
·       Projects must be completed by December 31st, 2019. Please feel free to propose new short term projects, or apply for needed boost funding for existing projects.
·       Deadline for proposals is THURSDAY October 10th
·       Need a southside green zone committee member to vouch for you i.e. Cassie Holmes, Karen Clark
·       Sarah will send it to the EPIC membership email list plus Frank
·       Yard signs for the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm
12:43   Bike On Program proposal
§  Permanent Bike On program
§  Need upfront money to become 501 c3
·      Asking EPIC for a $999 grant that is contingent on getting the Green Zone grant
·      Need come back to board with something in writing and will be on the agenda for November
12:54   Priority list – make sure someone is appointed where needed and number in order of priority TABLED

12:54 Adjourned