May 6, 2022

EPIC Community Meeting 5-12

EPIC Community Meeting Draft AgendaOriginal_EPIC_Image

May 12, 2022, 6:30 – 7:30

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (612) 354-6802

Board Roster: Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Schuyler Sellars, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat, LR Young

Board Members Present:

Board Members Not Present:



6:30     Welcome

      Vision and Mission


      Agenda Approval,

Minutes Approval,

      Group Agreements

      Respect each other; aim for kindness

      Respect each other's time; aim for brevity

      Respect the agenda; aim for unity

      Own your words, actions, and reactions; aim for peace

      How to become a member

      Chat Sarah or email with your email address and physical address (to verify you live in East Phillips) OR use the sign up sheet for those joining in person

      All members are allowed to vote on EPIC decisions and motions


o   Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, June 4 from10am-11am at the EPIC office and online (link to join is at

        Board Meetings are open to the public

o   Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, June 9 from 6:30-7:30 at Cedar Field Park (rain location is East Phillips Community Center) or view online (link to join is at

        The topic will be: Michelle Howard from Solid Waste and Recycling  about disposal options and costs for illegally dumped materials, as well as graffiti and litter

o   EPIC is still looking for a Somali speaking Outreach Worker - 4 hours per week, $21/hour. Learn more and apply: Outreach Worker Job Description (

o   View the Quarterly Financial Report (or online at

o   EPIC has a housing program! 0% interest! Fix up your home or buy a new home in East Phillips – Check your email for the brochure or go to:

o   If you smell a foul odor around Smith foundry or Bituminous Roadways call 311 to report

        Write down your incident number

o   May 22nd - Community event about the Roof Depot Site at East Phillips Park

o   June 11 - Ward 9 Safety and Wellness Resource Fair

        Goal: highlight the work that community is doing to keep us all safe and healthy

o   June 25 - East Phillips Carnival at Cedar Field Park (rain plan is East Phillips Park) - join us for games, food, music, tug of war contests, fashion show, Environmental Justice Science Fair 12-4pm

o   The EPIC board approved the use of $6,000 of NRP Phase II funds towards fencing at the NELC playground to contribute to the safety of the children at the center as well as the surrounding neighbors, moving $5500 from the employment readiness program to the assure safety in public spaces, MG, StS, Approved

        Requires 21 day notice to community, will reaffirm vote via email after 21 day period, please contact if you have any concerns about this

6:40     Updates: Report on Safety Survey from a couple months ago

1)     Safety survey results

a)     Presentation (will also add to EPIC website)

b)     Proposal based on feedback:

                                              i)          Create safety group

(1)   Use input from survey to help form group agreements, set the tone for what the values are, how the meetings are run and who to involve

                                            ii)          Publish safety information in EPIC e-news

                                           iii)          Invite CPS on either quarterly basis OR as needed basis

(1)   When invited use input from survey as a grounding and expectation for CPS and for community - what residents would like to see from a space talking about safety


6:45     Feature Presentation//Community Discussion topic: Use of EEF funds


1)     Community Gathering infrastructure - NACDI partnership proposal

      This is in our Equitable Engagement plan

      Other funding for this: $25,000 from Midtown Community Works and $5,000 from the Minneapolis Foundation

MOTION: The board approves the use of $35,000 towards the NACDI/4 Sisters Community Gathering Infrastructure Project, NWS, StS, Approved

**This requires 21 day notice and feedback from at least 25 residents - the majority will need to be in favor


2)     Microgrant Program: Proposal for the EPIC Microgrant Program

MOTION: The EPIC Board and community approves of the use of $30,000 of Equitable Engagement Funds towards the Microgrant Program as outlined in the proposal

**This requires 21 day notice and feedback from at least 25 residents - the majority will need to be in favor


3)     Undesignated EEF Funds: Proposal for use of undesignated Equitable Engagement funds

MOTION: The EPIC board and community approves of the use of up to $105,000 of Equitable Engagement funds to be used for the slate of projects and programs outlined in the proposal

**This requires 21 day notice and feedback from at least 25 residents - the majority will need to be in favor


7:30     Adjourn