July 20, 2022

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes 7-14


EPIC Community Meeting Draft Minutes

July 14, 2022, 6:30 – 7:30

Little Earth Farm

EPIC web address: eastphillips.org

Email: sarah@eastphillips.org

Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (612) 354-6802

Board Roster: Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Schuyler Sellars, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat, LR Young

Board Members Present: Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat, Steve Sandberg, Cassandra Holmes

Board Members Not Present: Mary Gonsior (E), David Ingold (E), Schuyler Sellars (E), LR Young (E), Shontal Lajeunesse

Members: Scottie Hall, CUP, Gibby, Lily Bergeron, Devika Ghai, Lex Horan, Rose, Chiffon, Spencer, Joel Ruby, Rob Henrickson, Remy Corso

Guests: Sam Taitel, Lauren Callis, Temi Agbaje, Tori Agbaje


No quorum, meeting as a committee of the whole.

6:00     Food, music, art and sign up for healing services

6:30     Approve Agenda

            Approve Minutes from last month

Welcome and introduce Sam Taitel from Nonviolent Peaceforce

6:30     Community Conversation


o What are the different types of violence that you see in your neighborhood?

o When do you feel unsafe?

o How is safety through the lens of nonviolence different than what we are used to?

o In your boldest imagination, what does an ideal community look like? This could be pulling from your own experiences, or a completely new idea.

o When do you feel safe?

o What is something that makes your community feel stable and comfortable?

o What are three of your personal core values?

o How do you live out or embody those values in your daily decisions and            actions?

o What does it mean to embody safety as a core value? How does safety as a core value impact your daily decisions and actions?

o What’s one thing that you’ve gotten out of today’s conversation that really            resonated with you?

o What’s one thing that came out of today’s conversation that you find difficult or concerning?

o What do you need for support moving into the future?



o ¿Qué tipos de violencia observa usted en su vecindario?

o ¿En qué situaciones se siente usted en peligro?

o ¿En qué se diferencia la seguridad desde el punto de vista de la no violencia de aquello a lo que las personas están acostumbradas?

o Si pudiera usar su imaginación sin límites, ¿cómo cree que sería una comunidad ideal? Esto puede ser a partir de sus propias experiencias, o puede ser una idea completamente nueva.

o ¿En qué situaciones se siente usted a salvo?

o ¿Qué hace que su comunidad se sienta estable y a gusto?

o ¿Cuáles son tres de sus valores personales fundamentales?

o ¿De qué manera practica o incorpora esos valores en sus decisiones y acciones diarias? o ¿Qué significa incorporar la seguridad como valor fundamental? ¿Cómo influye la seguridad como valor fundamental en sus decisiones y acciones diarias?

o ¿Qué aprendió de la conversación de hoy y con qué se identificó más?

o ¿Hay algo que se mencionó en la conversación de hoy que le parezca difícil o preocupante?

o ¿Qué tipo de apoyo necesita para el futuro?



o Waa maxay noocyada kala duwan ee rabshadaha ah ee aad ku aragto xaafaddaada?

o Goorma ayaad dareentaa in aadan haysan badqabid?

o Sidee bay badqabiddu kula tahay marka aysan jirin wax rabshado ah oo ka duwan kuwii aad u baratay?

o Haddii aad iska male-awaasho, sidee bay u ekaan kartaa bulshada nabdoon? Waxaa ka mid noqon kara waayo-aragnimo ku soo martay, ama fikrad cusub.

o Goorma ayaad dareentaa badqabid?

o Waa maxay waxa bulshada u keeni kara xasillooni iyo dhib la'aan?

o Waa maxay saddex wax oo kuu ah qiyam shakhsiyeed oo muhiim ah?

o Sidee baad qiyamkaaga ugu muujisaa ama ugu adeegsataa go'aankaaga iyo ficilkaaga maalin kasta?

o Maxay ka dhigan tahay marka badqabidda lagu saleeyo qiyamkaaga muhiimka ah? Sidee bay badqabidda oo ah qiyam muhiim ah u saameysaa go'aankaaga iyo ficilkaaga?

o Waa maxay hal wax oo aad ka dhex heshay wada-sheekeysigii maanta oo aad run ahaantii dareentay?

o Waa maxay hal wax oo kaaga soo baxay wada-sheekeysigii maanta oo kula noqday wax adag ama walaac ah?

o Mustaqbalka waa maxay waxa taageerada ah ee aad u baahan karto?


7:15     Community announcements

      Welcome to new EPIC staff!

      Hindolo Pokawa - Program Manager

      Hayat Guled - Outreach Worker and Project Manager

      CUP Uani - Garden Coordinator

      Emrys Stramer - Garden Coordinator

      How to become a member

      Mark on the sign in sheet that you would like to be an EPIC member

      All members are allowed to vote on EPIC decisions and motions

      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, August 6th from10am-11am TBD and online (link to join is at eastphillips.org)

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, August 11 from 6:30-7:30 TBD

o   The topic will be: Midtown Greenway sharing about Phillips Traffic Safety Improvement Project

o   Note September 8 community meeting will have healing services, art, music and food as well - location TBD

      EPIC has a housing program! 0% interest! Fix up your home or buy a new home in East Phillips – Check your email for the brochure or go to: mncee.org/east-phillips: Programs for East Phillips Residents | Center for Energy and Environment (mncee.org)

      If you smell a foul odor around Smith foundry or Bituminous Roadways call 311 to report

o   Write down your incident number

      Microgrant program

o   Get paid to organize and lead community clean ups - Cleaning Captain

o   Do you have an area on your property that keeps getting tagged (graffitti)? Or are you a public artist? - have an artist create a public art project to help prevent further tagging or help install public art projects

o   Do you want to organize skill shares for your neighbors - de escalation skills, how to build a bench etc. - EPIC will reimburse you for expenses and pay guest speakers

o   Would you like free alley lighting on your garage or home to disincentivize crime? EPIC will pay for all expenses - electrician and all

o   Do you want funds towards a block party? - Get reimbursed for paper products, kids activities etc.

        Find more information and application at eastphillips.org or call Sarah (612) 354-6802

      Welcome bag - do you have a new neighbor on your block? Are you new to East Phillips?

o   Get an EPIC welcome bag from Sarah!

      EPIC has approved a strategic plan (at the end of this agenda), it is a living document and we want to hear from you where you would like to plug in

o   be sure to mark on the sign in sheet where you would like to engage!


7:20     Community Decisions


LifeStyle Recovery Community Groups proposal - view proposal attached. Tabled because due to lack of Board Member quorum


MOTION: The EPIC Board of Directors and EPIC members approve of the LifeStyle Recovery Community Groups proposal with minor changes to the budget based on city funding requirements


7:30     Adjourn



East Phillips Improvement Coalition

Strategic Plan: Draft as of Jun 4 2022

Updated 6/22/22


Some approaches to keep in mind across all goals (Values Statement):

       We emphasize neighbors implementing our own ideas over someone coming in from outside

       EPIC’s role is primarily to facilitate East Phillips neighbors and organizations to enact positive change in the neighborhood.

       We support and empower the younger generation in getting involved in leadership roles in the community

       Accessibility & transparency, eg: advertising all meetings online as well as offline (in park building and other frequented spaces)

       Culturally relevant resources

       all of this work is towards building a joyful, vibrant and holistically safe neighborhood



Our vision for East Phillips is to be a holistically healthy place where all can enjoy and celebrate it for being a diverse community that works together for the mutual thriving of all.



To work towards this vision we will engage in projects that are:


1. Building neighbor involvement and facilitating connections to resources & opportunities.



1-2 years

3-5 years

5-10 years

Increase interpretation/ translation capacity to enable non-English speaking neighbors to participate in community events and benefit from neighborhood resources.

Establish a neighborhood resource center / outdoor event space.

Develop accessible spaces of connections that overlap multiple needs including food, recreation, cultural expression, employment and social interaction (e.g. Roof Depot).

Encourage and inspire opportunity to create and display neighborhood-based art.

Hire an event organizer for outdoor summer events.

Establish effective ways to convey information and facilitate communication between community members

Compile a list of local contractors & professionals so people can hire from within the neighborhood.

Increase programming, connections, and positive relationships for neighorhood youth (may include hiring staff for youth engagement).

Increase diverse community participation in local recreation, events, action committees and interest groups



2. Addressing trauma, poverty, and violence in our neighborhood



1-2 years

3-5 years

5-10 years

Pay stipends and provide training for neighborhood safety teams to walk around and de-escalate/build safety on summer evenings

Reduce / eliminate overdose deaths (eg: Overdose Prevention Site)


Publically acknowledge present impact of historical and ongoing trauma and active collaborative work towards meaningful reparations.

Brighten our alleys.

Connect with organizations that are addressing gun violence.

Provide access to culturally relevant healing resources, community spaces and basic needs


Empower residents to reduce gun violence / develop peacemaking alternatives.

Provide culturally relevant addiction prevention and harm reduction services for substance use/addiction.



Facilitate access to economic resources for East Phillips Low-Income/Underpaid Residents to reduce the metro wealth-gap (e.g. Basic Income)


3. Establishing walkable access to quality and affordable food


1-2 years

3-5 years

5-10 years

Exchange food between gardeners

Create summer time free market and gardens

Networks of local gardens for produce/exchange and food events.

Connect neighbors for springtime seedling exchange/swap


Create business partnerships between local gardens/producers and markets/food vendors (e.g. farmer market)

Provide resources for neighbors gardening (seeds, starts, compost etc).


Increasing amount and visibility of local food growth and access.

Empower youth to build garden beds for neighbors (e.g. Little Earth youth helping their elders)





4. Creating truly affordable & healthy housing and commercial spaces


1-2 years

3-5 years

5-10 years

Support tenants in addressing issues with landlords.

Put in place strong requirements with respect to more affordable housing in new developments.

Increase access to home improvement and home purchase funds/programs

Include housing questions, renter rights, & info on EPIC housing, in outreach

Build innovative housing alternatives that are affordable below median income (e.g. tiny homes, shipping containers)

Increase in truly affordable rent, cooperative living, community ownership and locally owned businesses




Establish priorities for new construction & development including local employment



Establish community-owned housing (e.g. Roof Depot development).




5. Improving the quality of our outdoor environment towards a thriving ecosystem


1-2 years

3-5 years

5-10 years

Plant native trees on the boulevards and provide native seeds, bushes, and plants for yards and gardens that support birds and pollinators

Plant pollinator gardens (e.g. in city-owned roundabouts or lots)

Develop accessible greenspaces that connect people to land and each other

Develop ongoing system to deal with trash and litter.

Support multiple strategies to keep public spaces clean and safe for all.

Remediate high pollution sites and transition to uses that benefit the community and ecosystem (e.g. foundry, asphalt plant)

Develop more public art & murals.