June 9th, 2011, 6:30
p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th
Ave S**
Board Members: Linda Leonard, Jennie Bjorgo, Steve Struthers, Carol Pass,
Mary Gonsior
Brad Pass,
Guests: Ruby Levine, Timothy
Denherder-Thomas. Part of the Sign-In Sheet missing.
· Greetings and Introductions
is called to order by Brad and seconded
by Carol. Meeting as a committee of the
whole. Called for a vote by Janey, voted
on. Yes.
Approval of Agenda, Brad moves that we
approve the agenda. Janey 2nd's it
. It is approved.
from EPIC General Membership Meeting 5/12/2011 Janey moves that we approved CW
2nd's it. Minutes approved.
6:40 Announcements:
- Sat, June 25, around 4pm: Transition Town Phillips BYOBBQ (2836 17th Avenue, Corrine Brunning's house) We are having a BBQ Meetup. The goal is to meet more of our neighbors, and organizers in the area.
Hayden explains transition towns, peak oil, energy decent action plan, digital
inclusion that Corrine works with.
Corrine works evenings and it is hard for her to get here. TT is focusing on fun community building BBQ's
this summer, meeting the neighbors getting to know one another. Transition to different ways of using
energy. Started in the UK.
asks about translation services.
- Sat, July 23 FOOD+BIKE LOVE event date. Foodies, bicyclists, etc, unite for fun and collaboration!
- The Twin Cities American Indian Arts Festival and Celebration happens this weekend on Franklin Avenue and Bloomington. It's free and open to everybody. Music, food, crafts:
- E-mail crime alerts:
Crime prevention resources:
Crime maps and statistics:
Weekly MPD highlights:
<http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/police/crimealert/highlights.asp>; - Midtown is having its first annual Summer Festival at Stewart Park, July 23, Sat. from 1-8 pm.
- Garden meeting this Sat. at 9 am, 17th Avenue Garden; Will assign plots on Monday. Give your contact info to Brad Pass asap.
- Acoustic Music Festival this Sat. at Loring Park
Community Energy Use Strategies: Ruby Levine will explain Cooperative Energy
Futures plan to
teach wise
energy use to immigrants and other Phillips residents. The following motion was
passed at the last EPIC meeting.
The leadership of EPIC will confer with the leadership of Timothy/"Our
Power through Community Action" about the possibility of writing a
contract with a list of specific deliverables, to be presented for approval to
the membership of EPIC in June. (CP, BP)
Motion passed.
Ruby and
Carol met to discuss possible projects to educate the EPIC neighborhood about
energy use and ways to save energy and money. The
EPIC board worked to draft a memorandum of understanding to implement this
project as the beginning of tackling energy conservation in East Phillips.
CEF is
proposing a partnership with EPIC to provide services and products to 40 rental
households in East Phillips. The proposal was presented to the membership. The
board recommended that members vote on the proposal received.
(MG, BP) Accept the proposal from CEF to provide services and products to EPIC
residents as a "pilot project." Passed with 2 opposed.(LL,TB)
7:30 First Glance of major development of High Lake
Shopping Center by Wellington Development,
Judd Fenlon presenting,
Immediate concerns: All singles
and one-bedrooms tend to bring transience and crime…especially given crime
already up at the Lake St. Station. 68 Units…looks like parking would be an
issue. Face of bldg. pretty blank. possibility of balconies?? What do
businesses think about adding more cars and parking problems?? Other
configurations for parking?? Underground??
Under the old Penny’s
store?? Needs further study. This is not our EPIC review. A final review
pending. A full neighborhood review will occur after study by neighborhood and
EPIC board.
7:50 Met Council Facilities and Pollution
Issues. Report on meeting, future action
At this website, http://www.pca.state.mn.us/qzqh484,
you will find information related to the MPCA’s Cumulative Levels and Effects
Met Council has approved two
Paint Spraying facilities, right next to Cedar Towers and Little Earth. They
also want to bring back part of the asphalt processing to the area. If you want
to read the technical document, contact Carol Pass. If there will be another
public meeting, Carol will send an email to residents.
8:15 Letter to Smith Foundry Owners:
Members reviewed a draft of a
letter to Councilmember Schiff regarding heavy industry and violations of
existing ordinances, and notifying officials of the motion passed by EPIC in
May. The first sletter will be edited to be more general in nature. A second
letter will be sent to focus on solving multiple include problems, and
ordinances; and both letters will ask CM Schiff to provide a response.
(BP, MG) Ratify the motions of the committee
of the whole: motion passed.
8:25 NRP Update: Q & A on NRP Bill in the legislature. What’s
at stake…What to do…What does this mean for us.
8:30 Adjournment: