July 2, 2011

Board Meeting Minutes 07-02

July 2nd,  2011, 10:00 am
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center 
2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Attendees: Linda Leonard, Mary Gonsior, Rosie Cruz, Carol Pass, Steve Struthers, Earl Simms
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Brad Pass,
Meeting as COW until arrival of another Board Member. Steve and Earl arrived

10:00    Introduction:
·         Approval of Agenda LL/CP
·         Minutes from EPIC Board Meeting Minutes  6/4 /2011

10:10    Announcements: 
·         Special Meeting with Wellington Development re: Hi Lake Apartments—Thursday, July 7th, 6;30
·         EPIC General Membership Meeting Thursday, Junly 14th, 6:30 pm at the East Phillips Park Center
·         Midtown Phillips Festival at Stuart Park,  July 23rd         
·         NRP Policy Board passed a motion to send frozen NRP dollars to Northside Neighborhoods for       Tornado relief.
·         Carol was elected to the NCEC Board, Chiffon went for EPIC.  I relied on a phone vote and who was available.
·         News: Citizens for a Loring Park Community, CLPC, is being evicted from their office for opposing the plans of the  developer who owns the building.

10:20     DISCUSSION OF HI LAKE APARTMENTS - Organizing for July 7th Meeting with Wellington
            2845 working with Phoenix development, a for profit developer is putting in that development with significant input from the neighborhood. They are putting in both balconies and underground parking.
            Neighborhood Preferences:
  • wants some 2 bedroom room units in the Triangle development.
  • Consider 10-15% 2 bedrooms units.
  • Consider some first floor parking, possibly ½ floor of commercial
  • Consider real balconies.
  • Security, will you have a security guard. We would like increased security cameras.
  • We want to know what amount of money is actually coming from private funds?
  • Concerns expressed about preventing crime, in regard to security of parking, kids coming off the light rail.
10:50   Phase II Housing Issues:
            Contacted Doug Wise to help us research and set up plan for NRP Phase II . Housing Rehab support,        grant writing with CEE, foreclosure work, etc. Waiting for response to set up meeting.
            Suggested that NRP Phase II could set aside funds for owner occupant purchases instead of current          proposal for first time homebuyers.

11:15    Work on Met. Council Facilities and Pollution Issues:
            no new info on Met Council.

11:25    Report on NRP at the Legislature:
            Bob Miller is coming up with a new bill to reassert the importance of NRP

11: 30    Adjournment