January 12th, 201th, 2012, 6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
EPIC General Membership Meetings are the
SECOND THURSDAY of each Month at the
East Phillips Park Cultural &
Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S**
EPIC Mailing Address: 2536 18th Ave. S., Mpls., MN
EPIC Web Site: eastphillips-epic.com
Board Members – Carol Ann Pass (CP), Mary
Gonsior (MG), Chiffon Williams (CW), Steve Struthers (SS), Linda Leonard (LL),
Jenny Bjorgo (JB), Earl Simms (ES),
General Members: - Brad Pass (BP), Pat Fleetham (PF), Jama Osman (JO),
Mahamed Cali (MC)
Visitors: - Shirley Heyer
Approval of minutes (the past two months minutes need approving): Motion: Nov. Minutes –LL/CW, Passed
Motion: Dec.
8 Minutes – LL/CW Passed
Approval of Agenda: Add 2830 Cedar, Add Non Conforming / Problem Properties. Pat Fleetham, president of Greenway Terrace Condominium Association.
Agenda approved with additions: JB/ CW
Phase II Plan was passed by the City Council
on Dec. 9, 2011.
Annual Community Connections Conference.
Sat., Coming Feb. 11, 2012. St. Mary’s University Event
Center (formerly Zurah Shrine Event Center). 2540 Park Avenue. EPIC wants to make a presentation and host an
information table. Steve and Jenny will begin investigating what we might do.
Pick Up Soccer (LL). See
Travis at EPPCCC.
EPPCCC Programming Partner Meeting
(BP): The
last Tuesday of the month 11:30 am. Lunch is served.
EPIC Annual
Meeting. April, Date TBD. New Board Candidates must have attended
at least one regular EPIC General Membership Meeting before elections of board
members. See Carol
Pass for more information, or to request an application to run for the board.
Report on Power Lines:
Xcel Energy chose to place the high voltage power lines
UNDERGROUND. Shirley shared details from the Minnesota Public Utilities
Commission public hearings, along with a written report.
Add 2830 Cedar, Add Non Conforming / Problem Properties. Pat Fleetham, president of Greenway Terrace Condominium Association.
2830 Cedar Ave Conditional Use Permit (day care center):
Pat reported that
the developers of this property have not made any progress on their conditional
use permit/development of this property. Permit expires in April. Some
neighborhood people want
to see the property returned to residential use. EPIC should contact the city about this property to
determine what the issues are regarding this property.
MOTION (Ratify Board Motion): EPIC is in receipt of the letter written to EPIC by Greenway Terrace, and will write it’s own letter asking that there be no further
approvals made unless evident progress has been established and evidence of
funding prior to the expiration of the current permit. At this point, nearby neighborhood
preference is that the property be returned to residential housing if there
is no progress and permit does not get renewed. We would
object to it being torn down. In addition, EPIC will contact the owner of the
property, and Gary Schiff’s office to facilitate communication. (SS, PF). Passed.
Linda wants to
know who holds legal title, what is the status of the permit, etc. The
claim was made that no one
has contacted the owners. Carol pointed out that we initially supported
this project over a year ago. Carol will contact the owner on behalf of EPIC to see
what their current intentions are. CP would like to see EPIC contact Heidi (Aide to Gary S.) also to find out if she is tracking
on the project. Jenny is supportive of the day
care in concept and
asked if EPIC could find money to help fund the daycare. Mohammed agrees that we need to get more education about what is going on, and would favor investigating before
making a decision.
Bituminous Roadways:
MOTION (Ratify Board Motion): EPIC will send a letter citing health concerns, site
usage concerns (Minneapolis Plan, etc.), existing environmental laws, we will support the
letter written by GTCA. (SS. CP) Passed.
Contracts and Projects Updates:
1. Contract with Doug Wise
Distributed a copy of Doug’s contract. CP will meet with Doug next
week. Call CP if you want to participate.
2. Greenway Heights Apartments
$50,000 design & architectural work for Phoenix Development. Family
housing north side of the greenway.
3. Board MOTIONS from the last Board meeting without a quorum.
Phillips Health Initiative with Running Wolf, Ratify
the EPIC Board Committee of the Whole Motion of 1/7/2012
to assist Running
Wolf in their healthy living work for at least 50 East Phillips residents with
$5000. EPIC
collaborates with Recruiting/Marketing. Contract to be created and confirmed
next month. Passed LL, JB
MOTION: Extend the memorandum of agreement for Shirley’s contract. $500 per month for at
least two more months. LL, JB Passed
MOTION: Letter to Bituminous Roadways etc. from COW. LL, CP Passed
4. CPP grant
More funding was received. EPIC needs to decide
what to do with these funds.
5. Other programs
Mohamed Cali submitted a proposal for a soccer and organizing program. 80% of those served will come
from the East Phillips neighborhood. Mohamed will provide additional
information for Guri
Nabad (Peace House). We will look at the CPP Fund,
and try to raise money.
MOTION: We endorse this program in concept and will seek to support
with funding. CP, SS. Passed.
– 17th
Housing Project:
is slated for a residential neighborhood where the zoning is not appropriate, and it is coming back. We defeated this project
last year, so why it is back? We don’t know. There has been no public hearing on this. The CDC is having a meeting on Tuesday.
MOTION: Once again, we OPPOSE, the egregious betrayal of the
neighborhoods objection to the inappropriate spot zoning, in complete disregard of local sentiment, property
values, and expressed
intent of the EPIC neighborhood. LL/JB Passed.
8:52 PM