4th, 2012, Saturday, 10:00 am
East Phillips
Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S**
web address: eastphillips-epic.com
2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Linda Leonard, Steve Struthers, Jennie Bjorgo, Carol Pass. Earl
Simms, Rosie Cruz
10:00 Introduction:
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes from EPIC Board Meeting Minutes
- no meeting in Dec.
Still need to approve Oct. and Nov. board meeting minutes.
10:10 Announcements:
EPIC Membership Meeting: Thursday, January 12, 6:30 at the East
Phillips Park Community Center,
Program at Waite House, Computer Design for
ten interested teenagers
Greenway Heights, our apartment complex on
the Greenway received a loan of $525,000 and a grant of $30,000. This is
the building we all discussed at EPIC sometime ago. You guys had some
input on the design and EPIC stopped LUPE from putting a giant building of one
bedrooms and managed to bring in affordable family housing instead.
Free computer classes at AIOIC
Final Review of East Phillips Park
10:20 Housing Rehab Support - Doug Wise
on East Phillips Park Building and the PCC- Brad Pass
Use Issues: 2830 Cedar, Smith Foundry, Bituminous Roadways, 2600 17th Ave.
Have not heard from the Day Care people.
Notes from Pat Fleetham.
Apparently several people are actively writing letters and emails to Gary S. to support neighboring
resident’s efforts to see the 2003 Minneapolis Plan and Greenway plan
for this area, implemented in this
neighborhood, that is, the removal of heavy industrial activities at these sites.
What can we do to get the city to listen? We are a coalition of people in this area that
want to get things done, these letters should come to EPIC so we can work
together on these issues. Three or four organizations working separately can be divided.
Steve proposed that EPIC re-send our motions to
Gary, and copy to the Mayor. Pushing the issue of the City Plan for this area.
Joining with
neighboring Ventura Village, Midtown, Corcoran, Powderhorn in opposing
industrial development. Ward 9 as a whole, telling Gary what we want.
Get the people together: 2850 Cedar, Steve’s block club, 28th
& Cedar building.
This Motion was changed at the General
Membership Meeting to a letter to the DayCare people. (MOTION: Whereas etc…2830 Cedar per letter from Greenway Terrace C. A. supported
by COW, pending action at the EPIC GMM.)
MOTION: Bituminous Roadways etc.
supported by COW, pending action at the EPIC GMM.
Carol has call in to Kent Peterson. A
strategy…Bituminous first. A motion isn’t needed for this.
17th Ave. Update- Carol - Letter to CD Committee – Strategy
with Herb Frye and Peter McLaughlin, Report back at EPIC GMM.
11:30 Update
on the Xcel Power Lines – Shirley Heyer
This is the last public hearing with community
input. Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 9:30 AM; Public Hearing Room,
11:40 Shirley
MOTION: Extend the memorandum of agreement for Shirley’s contract. $500 for at least two months.
11:45 Annual
Meeting Agenda
We have to
elect officers (4-5 board members’ terms have
expired.) It would be glorious to announce the housing rehab lottery, dependent on Doug’s contract.
Food (Shirley) and door prizes (Brad). Could use help getting contributions from
restaurants and local vendors; sports equipment for youth, bicycles.
11:55 Adjournment
Ideas – design a new, attractive, permanent barrier
for 25th Street.
Alliance housing – update
Annual Meeting
Hi-Lake – Liquor store problems/City inaction
Elder Housing – How to apply to reside there?
Hi-Lake Triangle apartments
Design Charette – redesigning the 25th
Street barrier (research on internet); invite Banyon